Fillable Printable Sample Board Meeting Minutes Template
Fillable Printable Sample Board Meeting Minutes Template

Sample Board Meeting Minutes Template
Board Minutes Template
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by ________ at ____ AM/PM
Roll call
______________ called the roll.
Members Present ____________________________
Members Absent _____________________________
Visitors Present ______________________________
Closed Session Announcement and/or Report (if any)
________________________ announced a closed session under section __________
of WI. ss.19.85 for the purpose of _____________________.
Consent Agenda (The three items can be approved as a group if a motion to do so is approved
and recorded.)
• Agenda for the current meeting as circulated or amended
_____________________moved and __________seconded a motion to approve the
agenda as circulated (or as amended). Aye ___, Nay ____ or Unanimous
• Minutes - _________________ moved and __________seconded a motion to approve
the minutes as circulated (or as amended). Aye ___, Nay ____ or Unanimous
• Financials - _____________________ moved and __________seconded a motion to
approve the financials as circulated (or as amended). Aye ___, Nay ____ or Unanimous
Public Comment
(Report name, topic and point of view of each speaker)
Old Business/Action Items
• Second votes
MOTION - ________ moved and __________seconded a motion to (state the motion
exactly as made or as amended). Aye ___, Nay ____ or Unanimous
MOTION - ________ moved and __________seconded a motion to (state the motion
exactly as made or as amended). Aye ___, Nay ____ or Unanimous
• Reports – List reports, presenter and main points
• Items for continued discussion - List issues and basic points

New Business
• Presentation of information
• Discussion
• First Votes
MOTION - ________ moved and __________seconded a motion to (state the motion
exactly as made as amended). Aye ___, Nay ____ or Unanimous
MOTION - ________ moved and __________seconded a motion to (state the motion
exactly as made as amended). Aye ___, Nay ____ or Unanimous
________ moved and __________seconded a motion to adjourn at _____AM/PM. Aye ___,
Nay ____ or Unanimous
List all amendments and record all votes on the amendments.
Summaries of discussions should be brief, factual, opinion free and yet provide a topical
overview of the discussion.