Fillable Printable Board Resolution Sample Template
Fillable Printable Board Resolution Sample Template

Board Resolution Sample Template

Name: Name:
Title: Title:
(1) That it is in the best interests of the Company to obtain and accept the offer of a web-based trade finance
service, TradeConnex (the “Services”) from Malayan Banking Berhad, Singapore Branch ("Maybank") on such
terms and conditions as set out in Maybank's Trade Connex Application Form dated _____________ (the
“Application Form”) and the Electronic Banking Service Supplement.
Unless the context otherwise requires or unless otherwise defined, words and expressions defined in the
Application Form shall have the same meaning when used in these resolutions.
(3) That approval be and is hereby given for the Company to appoint Creators, Authorisers and Administrators
in connection with the Services as set out in the Application Form.
(4) The Service be linked to all the Company’s bank accounts (whether existing or future) with the Bank.
(i) to negotiate, sign, seal and/or deliver the Application Form and the Electronic Banking Service Supplement
(collectively, the “Documents”) and in his absolute discretion to approve any amendment, alteration or
modification to the Documents and the sealing or signing thereof or of a copy thereof be conclusive evidence
of such approval;
Board Resolution
(For a company limited by shares)
To Malayan Banking Berhad, Singapore Branch
*Extract of Directors' Resolutions in writing passed by the Board of Directors of
_________________________________(UEN number___________________) (the “Company”) on the
_______day of ________20_________ pursuant to the Company's Articles of Association.
*Extract of Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of __________________________ (UEN number
_____________________) (the “Company”) on the _______day of ________20_________
(2) That approval be and is hereby given for the Company to submit the Application Form and accept the
terms and conditions provided in the Application Form and Electronic Banking Service Supplement.
(5) That ____________________________________ *and/or ____________________________________,
whose specimen signatures appear herein, be authorised:-
(ii) to sign any notice, communications and/or instructions required or permitted to be given by or on behalf
of the Company, and any other documents to be executed under hand or seal and to be given pursuant to or
ancillary to the Documents and the Services; and
(iii) to execute such other deeds, certificates, documents or to do all other acts and things which he may in his
discretion think necessary, desirable, expedient or advisable in connection with or incidental to the
Documents or the Services, the transactions contemplated thereunder for the purpose of giving effect to the

(Authorised Signatory) (Authorised Signatory)
Name: Name:
Director Director/Company Secretary
*Please delete accordingly.
(8) That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be provided to Maybank and that the foregoing resolutions
remain in force until revoked by the Directors by way of subsequent resolutions duly passed by the Directors.
(7) That the Company irrevocably consents and authorises Maybank, its officers, employees, agents and
advisers disclosing information relating to the Company in accordance with the terms of the Standard Terms.
Board Resolution
(For a company limited by shares)
(6) That in the event that any document or instrument to be executed by the Company pursuant to or
incidental to the Application Form and/or the Service is required to be executed under the Common Seal of
the Company, authority be and is hereby given for the affixing of the Common Seal of the Company to any
such document or instrument and that the Common Seal be affixed thereto in accordance with the Company’s
Articles of Association.