Fillable Printable Sample Board Resolution - Virginia
Fillable Printable Sample Board Resolution - Virginia

Sample Board Resolution - Virginia
Board resolutions may take many forms. The following is just one example. What we look for is that the topic
came up before the full board and that the full board had the opportunity to vote on the resolution. The
resolution should make reference to the meeting and then be signed by the Chairman of the Board.
At the meeting of the Board of Directors of (employment service organization) on (date of meeting), the
following resolution was proposed and approved by the board:
WHEREAS the mission of the (employment service organization) is (describe mission);
WHEREAS (describe project or business unit) supports the mission of (employment service organization);
That the (employment service organization) Board is in full support of a grant proposal to the Virginia
Department of Rehabilitative Services for (describe project).
(President) or (Chairman)