Fillable Printable Catering Contract
Fillable Printable Catering Contract

Catering Contract

Catering ContraCt
THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into on ______________________, by and between _________________________________
________________, hereinafter referred to as “Client”
Address, City, Zip:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone:_________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________
AND Sinatra Catering Co., LLC, 17145 Hoadley Road, Caldwell, Idaho 83607, hereinafter referred to as “Caterer”.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as fol-
Client and Caterer agree that this Catering Contract between the parties is for catering service that shall commence on ___________, at
_____am/pm and catering service shall continue until ___________, at ______am/pm. Said contract may be extended and or renewed by
contract of all parties in writing thereafter.
ServiCeS Provided
Client hereby agrees to engage the Caterer to provide Client with the following services: Cooking and serving the agreed to menu items for
the event
event detailS
a. This event will take place on _____________.
b. The event will be located at ________________________________.
c. The prices quoted in this Contract and the amount of food prepared and any other necessary preparations are made based on an
estimate of _____ people in attendance at the event. It is the anticipation of both parties that all food items prepared will be adequate
to satisfy ______ number of people.
menu to be Served:
Caterer reserves the right to make small changes to the menu if key ingredients are unable to be sourced due to reasons beyond the control
of both parties.
Consideration and Payment Terms
In exchange for the specified service, Client agrees to pay Caterer 1/2 deposit - balance due day of event. The Client will not withhold any
amount towards tax from the payment due to the Caterer
additional ServiCeS
Client agrees to pay for any and all additional services requested by the client not included in this Contract.
indePendent ContraCtor
It is agreed that Caterer shall perform the specified work as an independent contractor. The Caterer shall maintain his or her own indepen-
dent business and shall use his or her own tools and equipment.
ForCe majeure
Caterer shall not be liable for the losses resulting from non fulfillment of any terms or provisions of this Contract, if Caterer shall be
prevented or delayed from performing in whole or in part because unforeseen acts of god or by any other act or occurrence not within the
control of Caterer, which it could not prevent.
In the event of cancellation of the function by the Client: If the cancellation is within 30 days of the function, Caterer is entitled to keep
the deposit. If cancellation is within 10 days of the function, Caterer is entitled to the deposit plus liquidated damages equivalent to 20%
of the total estimated charges for the cancelled function.
inSuranCe and indemniFiCation
Caterer shall procure and maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Contract a general liability insurance policy. Client agrees
to indemnify and hold harmless Caterer for any damage, theft or loss of Caterer’s property (including without limitation, equipment,
plates, utensils and motor vehicles) occurring at the event that is caused by persons attending the event.
ruleS and regulationS
Caterer shall work in compliance with county and state health department rules and regulations with regard to hygienic preparation and
service of food.
This Contract shall not be assignable by either party without the prior written consent of the other party. Subject to the foregoing limita-
tion, this Contract shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the successors and assigns of the respective parties
entire ContraCt
This Contract constitutes the entire contract of the parties with respect to the subject matter, and supersedes any and all other agreements,
understandings, statements, or representations, either oral or in writing.
aPPliCable law
This Contract shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of Idaho.
attorney FeeS
If either party institutes suit or other action against the other to enforce this contract or seek damages with respect to default of obligations
hereunder, party ruled in favor shall be entitled to recover all costs and reasonable attorneys fees.
Executed and delivered by its duly authorized representative as of the date first written above .
Credit Card No.____________________________________________Expiration Date ___________________
Permission to use credit card, (signature)_____________________________________________Use of card between dates __________
Customer Signature________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________
Sinatra’s Catering _________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________