Fillable Printable Check/Cash Receipt Form
Fillable Printable Check/Cash Receipt Form

Check/Cash Receipt Form
Alexa ndria P TA Counc il
Check /Cash Rec e ipt Form
Today’s Date: ____________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________________
Committee: _____________________________________________________
Activity: _____________________________________________________
Date of Activity: _____________________________________________________
Check Tot al *: ____________________
Cash Tot al *: ____________________
Deposi t Am ount: ____________________
*Attach committee records listing all
checks or cash deposits (by name and amount).
For Cash Only: Money counted by: ________________________________
Money verified by: ________________________________
Deposit received by:________________________________
Cash must be deli ver e d to the PTA Council Treasurer or another elected PTA Council
officer within 48 hours of receipt.
Checks must be delivered to the PTA Council Treasurer with in 5-7 b usi ness d ay s of
receipt. Do not “wait until you have everything together” to get checks to the Treasurer.
Treasurer’s Use Only
Date of Deposit: _____________________________________________________
Inco me Li ne Ite m: ______________________________________________________________