Fillable Printable Child Health Benefit Application Form - Alberta
Fillable Printable Child Health Benefit Application Form - Alberta

Child Health Benefit Application Form - Alberta

Does this child have health
coverage other than standard
Alberta Health Care Insurance?
Last name
Birth date (yyyy/mm/dd)
My Personal Information
My Spouse/Partner's Information (If you are divorced or separated from your spouse/partner, do not complete this section.)
Spouse/Partner's last name First name
Spouse/Partner's Social Insurance NumberSpouse/Partner's birth date (yyyy/mm/dd) Work phone number
Social Insurance Number
First name Middle initial
HRE2939Web (2006/03)
Home phone number
Work phone number/ExtensionMailing address
My Child(ren) (List all children up to age 19 who are attending Kindergarten to Grade 12.)
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Postal code
Alberta Child Health Benefit Application
The information you have provided on this application is collected under the authority of the Income and Employment Supports Act, and is in compliance with
the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information will be used solely for the purpose of determining and verifying eligibility for
benefits under the Alberta Child Health Benefit (ACHB) program, and will be matched and shared with any agency, institution, government department
(federal or provincial), or other sources for this purpose. If you have questions about the collection of this information, contact Alberta Human Resources and
Employment, ACHB program at 427-6848 or toll-free outside of Edmonton at 1-877-469-5437.
Middle initial
Complete this form in BLACK ink. Please PRINT clearly.
Your application will be sent back to you if information is missing.
Your application will be processed within 15 days if:
Birth date (yyyy/mm/dd)
Child's last name
First name
Alberta Personal Health Number
Does this child have
Indian or Inuit status?
Does this child have health
coverage other than standard
Alberta Health Care Insurance?
Birth date (yyyy/mm/dd)
Child's last name
First name
Does this child have
Indian or Inuit status?
Birth date (yyyy/mm/dd)
Child's last name
First name
Does this child have
Indian or Inuit status?
Birth date (yyyy/mm/dd)
Child's last name
First name
Does this child have
Indian or Inuit status?
If you have more than four children, please attach another sheet listing the same information for them.
Alberta Personal Health Number
Alberta Personal Health Number
Alberta Personal Health Number
Does this child have health
coverage other than standard
Alberta Health Care Insurance?
Send your completed form to:
Alberta Human Resources and Employment
Alberta Child Health Benefit
P.O. Box 2222 Station Main
Edmonton, AB T5J 5H3
- You fill in the required blanks.
- You sign and date the "My Declaration" and "Consent" sections.
Does this child have health
coverage other than standard
Alberta Health Care Insurance?
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Form continues on Page 2
If you have more than four children, double click on the paperclip.
You will need Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher in order to
complete this form online.

Policy Number/Identification Number
I understand that giving false or incomplete information, or not advising of changes in my situation may result in my children's health benefits being
suspended or terminated, or criminal charges. I could also be ordered to repay benefits I have received.
For Office Use Only
Date application received
I understand that Alberta Human Resources and Employment (AHRE) may contact any agency, institution, government department (provincial or
federal), or other sources to verify my information, to confirm whether my children qualify for this program.
I will report any changes in this information to the Alberta Child Health Benefit program.
I declare that I am a resident of Alberta and that the information on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
My Declaration
If your children have any other health coverage (other than standard Alberta Health Care Insurance) please provide:
Applicant's Last name Social Insurance Number
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Name of Policy Holder (if different from you)
Name of Insurer (i.e. Clarica, Alberta Blue Cross)
Type(s) of coverage
provided in policy
Name of Policy Holder (if different from you) Policy Number/Identification Number
Name of Insurer (i.e. Clarica, Alberta Blue Cross)
Type(s) of coverage
provided in policy
Consent for Canada Revenue Agency (Revenue Canada) to verify income
I consent to the release, by Canada Revenue Agency to Alberta Human Resources and Employment, of information from my
income tax returns and other taxpayer information about me whether supplied by me or a third party. The information will be
relevant to, and will be used solely for the purpose of determining, verifying and/or auditing my/our eligibility, and for the general
administration and enforcement of the Alberta Child Health Benefit under the Income and Employment Supports Act. This
consent is valid for the taxation year in which I sign this consent, the previous tax year, and for each taxation year that I ask for
this benefit.
My signature
Date (yyyy/mm/dd) Spouse/Partner's signature (if applicable)
Date (yyyy/mm/dd)
I understand that to be eligible for this program I must consent to Canada Revenue Agency providing tax information to AHRE.
If you have more than two other health insurers, please attach another sheet providing the same information for that coverage and
which children are covered under each plan.
Date (yyyy/mm/dd)Spouse/Partner's signature (if applicable)
Date (yyyy/mm/dd)My signature
HRE2939Web (2006/03)
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