Fillable Printable Commercial Exhibitor Booth Rental Agreement
Fillable Printable Commercial Exhibitor Booth Rental Agreement

Commercial Exhibitor Booth Rental Agreement

Checks made payable to: Mille Lacs County Agricultural Society
Mail this agreement and all required documentation to:
Mille Lacs County Agricultural Society
PO Box 595
Princeton, MN 55371
The following rental agreement for the Mille Lacs County Fair has been agreed upon by both parties
(Mille Lacs County Agricultural Society and the renting party). Both parties are to retain a signed
copy of this agreement.
Please print legibly or type; unreadable applications will be returned.
Renting Organization: __________________________________________________
Contact Person: ________________________ Phone: ___-___-____ Cell: ___-___-____
Address: _____________________________________________________________
City State Zip
E-mail: ______________________________________________________________
Please provide an e-mail address; future rental information and correspondence will be provided via e-mail.
Type of Space: ____ Commercial Building ____ Exterior ____ Food Booth
(Check One)
This rental Agreement must be accompanied by:
Signed Hold Harmless Agreement
MN State Sales Tax Form ST-19 MN Sales Tax # ______________
Check for Rental Fee (cash not accepted)
Check for Deposit (cash not accepted) – deposit check will be returned after 6:00 pm on
Sunday of the Fair providing the renter qualifies for the deposit to be returned.
Liability Insurance naming Mille Lacs County Agricultural Society as an additional insured (if
not purchasing insurance through Mille Lacs County Agricultural Society)
Fee for Electrical Outlet (if applicable)
Current Food License (Food Vendors Only)
Agreements not accompanied by the above items will be returned in their entirety to the Renting
Organization’s Contact Person or applicant after one attempt has been made to collect the missing
Please describe in detail the Food/Product/Services that will be Sold/Displayed in your booth:

Commercial Exhibitor
Booth Rental Agreement
Page 2
Please indicate the type and quantity of booth for rent:
Booth Location
Fee Before
July 15
Fee After
July 15
Total Cost
Commercial Building
8 ft. x 10 ft.
Exterior Spaces
Under Roof
8 ft. x 9 ft.
Open Ground
$ 75.00
10 ft. x 10 ft.
10 ft. x 20 ft.
20 ft. x 20 ft.
Food Booths
30 feet of
Extra Footage
$10.00 per foot
Electrical Outlet
Storage or Live-In
Quick Disconnect
Standard Booth
$ 50.00
$ 50.00
Food Booth
$ 55.00
$ 55.00
Fees established by Fair Board action January 24, 2013
__________________________________ ______________________________
Applicant Authorized Signature Mille Lacs County Agricultural Society
_______________ _______________
Date Date
For Fair Office Use Only:
All Exhibitors/Vendors:
Space Rental Application Form
Rental Fee
Liability Insurance
Hold Harmless Agreement
Quick Disconnect Rental if applicable
Food Vendors also need:
Copy of current Food License
Fee for each electrical outlet
Date Application Received: _______________
Application Complete:
No Date Returned: ____________
Payment: Check # ________
Deposit: Check # ________