Fillable Printable Commercial Tenant Application
Fillable Printable Commercial Tenant Application

Commercial Tenant Application

Ple ase return to: Quaglino Properties, LLC
815 Fiero Lane
San Lui s Obispo, Ca 93401
P: 805.543.0 561
F: 805.543.0214
Name o f Busines s : __ ______________________________________________________________
DBA (If Different): _____________________________________ Years in Business: ___________
Sole Proprietorship: Full name of Applicant: ________________________________________
Nature of Busi ness : __ ______ ___ __ ______ _ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ __ ______ _ ___ _____
Phone Number: (____)_____________________Cell Phone Number: (_____)__________________
Fax: (____)________________ E-Mail Address:__________________________________________
Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Applicant’s Social Security Number: ___________________________________________________
Partnership: Name o f Partn er s hip: ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ _ _ Ty pe of Part n er shi p:___ ___ ___ __
Principle Partner (1): ____________________________ Partner (2): _________________________
Social Security Number (1): __________________ Social Security Number (2): _________________
Nature of Business: ________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: (____)_____________________Cell Phone Number: (_____)__________________
Fax: (____)________________ E-Mail Address:__________________________________________
Corporation: Name o f Cor p or ati o n: ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ _ ______ ___ __ ___ ____ ___ ___ _____
Nature of Business: ___________________________ Where incorporated: ____________________
Corporate officers: President: ________________________ V.P.: ____________________________
Secretary: ____________________________ Treasurer: __________________________________
Phone Number: (____)_____________________Cell Phone Number: (_____)__________________
Fax: (____)________________ E-Mail Address:__________________________________________
Federal I.D. #: _____________________________________________________________________
H:\Property Management\QP LLC forms, applications & misc. letters\COMMERCIAL RENTAL APPLICATION QP LLC.docRevised 04/03/07

Rental References:
Current Location Address: ___________________________________________________________
Name of Current Landlord/Manager: ___________________________________________________
Landlord/Manager’s Phone #: (____)_____________ How long at Present Address: _____________
Current Rent Amount:_______________________________________________________________
Reason f or Leaving: ________________________________________________________________
Other Locations : __ __ ______ ___ __ ____________________________________________________
Landlord/Manager: ____________________Landlord/Manager’s Phone #: (____)_______________
If present address is less than one year, and/or you have additional business locations, please list
those addresses below and indicate landlord/manager’s name and phone number: ______________
Business References:
Bank na me: _____ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ _ _____ Bank Addres s: ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ _ ___ ______
Bank Contact Name: ____________________________ Bank Phone: ________________________
Business Reference: _______________________ Address: ________________________________
Phone: (____)____________________________ Contact: _________________________________
Business Reference: _______________________ Address: ________________________________
Phone: (____)____________________________ Contact: _________________________________
Business Reference: _______________________ Address: ________________________________
Phone: (____)____________________________ Contact: _________________________________
Business Reference: _______________________ Address: ________________________________
Phone: (____)____________________________ Contact: _________________________________
H:\Property Management\QP LLC forms, applications & misc. letters\COMMERCIAL RENTAL APPLICATION QP LLC.docRevised 04/03/07

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________
Applicant represents the above information to be true, correct, and complete and hereby authorizes
any and all credit reporting agencies to disclose all information concerning past credit history prior to
the date of the application and at any time during the tenants tenancy. Applicant acknowledges and
agrees that this application does not constitute a contract, lease or agreement for space. Applicant
understands that the landlord may terminate any rental agreement entered into for any
misr epr esenta ti on ma d e above.
____________________________________ ___________________________
Applicant Signature Date
H:\Property Management\QP LLC forms, applications & misc. letters\COMMERCIAL RENTAL APPLICATION QP LLC.docRevised 04/03/07