Fillable Printable Committee Meeting Minutes - Michigan
Fillable Printable Committee Meeting Minutes - Michigan

Committee Meeting Minutes - Michigan

December 3, 2013
8:00 AM
Eastern Michigan University
201 Welch Hall
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
I. Call To Order
The EAA Audit Committee Meeting was called to order by Chairperson Morris at 8:00 AM.
I. Roll Call
Chairperson Morris asked Tyrone Winfrey to call the roll of the Audit Committee. *Members Goss and Stancato
called in on the conference line.
Carol Goss*, Director Present Absent
Michael Morris, Chairperson Present Absent
Mark Murray, Director Present Absent
Shirley Stancato*, Director Present Absent
A quorum of the EAA Audit Committee was determined.
II. Approval of the EAA Audit Committee Meeting Agenda
Chairperson Morris made a motion to approve the EAA Audit Committee Meeting’s Agenda.
Motion: Member Murray
Support: Member Goss
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0
The motion was carried.
III. New Business
Review of FY 2014 Budget Amendment Number One
b) Update on Charter School Accounting
Chairperson Morris introduced Harry Pianko, EAA’s Chief Financial Officer to review the 2014 Budget
Amendment Number One. He also stated that all information discussed would be accessible on the
Mr. Pianko reviewed the following areas of the Budget Amendment Number One.
Two Primary Amendment Drivers
Total FTE reduced by ~ 700
Grants (e.g., Title, SIG, etc.) were officially approved, increasing revenues and expenditures
MINUTES website.

Chairperson Morris asked about the 5 Million increase. Mr. Pianko discussed.
Chairperson Morris asked if there were questions on the Amended Budget. There were none.
Mr. Pianko continued his review of the Amended Budget vs. Original Budget.
Member Goss questions the color-coded pie chart. Mr. Pianko discussed.
Mr. Pianko continued his discussion on the following:
FY2014 Original Budget
FY2014 Amendment
Amendment #2 vs. Original Budget
IT Budget Increase
Custodial and Maintenance Increase
Instructional - Teacher Incentive Fund Grant Increase
Chairperson Morris asked for more of an explanation of how the incentive process works. Mr. Pianko discussed.
Chairperson Morris asked about Building Changes in reference to the 700 head count. Mr. Pianko discussed.
Member Goss questioned the expenditures in reference to Technology coming from Federal dollars. Mr. Pianko
Member Murray asked about how the amendments are being managed; making sure that there were proper
resources for balancing. Mr. Pianko discussed.
Chairperson Morris asked about Guidance and the Grant’s process. Mr. Pianko discussed.
Member Murray stated in reference to maintaining balances, this was a very critical process because of fiduciary
responsibility. He also commended Mr. Pianko on a great job. Members Morris and Stancato added more clarity
on the funding process. Mr. Pianko continued his discussion.
Chairperson Morris asked if there were any additional questions. Member Murray asked about the timeline on
the budget process. Mr. Pianko discussed.
Member Morris asked for a motion to approve the Amended Budget.
Motion: Member Murray
Support: Member Goss
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0
The motion was carried.
Chairperson Morris continued on to the Charter School Accounting process. Mr. Pianko discussed the following.
EduWork – Charter School Accounting Firm
Hiring a CPA for the Audit Review Process
Chairperson Morris clarified the Charter School process and questioned responsibilities through EAA. Mr.
Pianko discussed.
Chairperson Morris and Member Goss clarified Mr. Pianko’s discussion for reassurance on the Charter School

Member Murray suggested to keep a thorough eye open on the Charter School’s monitoring process regarding
outsourcing concerns. He also discussed having an optional ‘Plan B’ for this process. Chairperson Morris added
to this concern as well.
Chairperson Morris asked the EAA Audit Committee if there were any questions. There were none.
IV. Public Comment
Chairperson Morris asked Mr. Tyrone Winfrey if there were any Public Comments. There were none.
Motion: Member Murray
Support: Member Goss
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0
The motion was carried.
V. Adjournment
Chairperson asked for a motion to adjourn the EAA Audit Committee Meeting.
Chairperson Morris adjourned the meeting at 8:30 AM
Proposed minutes respectfully submitted,
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Secretary / Recording Secretary Date
Approved by the Authority Board,
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Secretary / Recording Secretary Date