Fillable Printable Minutes Guidelines and Templates
Fillable Printable Minutes Guidelines and Templates
![Minutes Guidelines and Templates](/resources/formfile/images/fb/source_images/minutes-guidelines-and-templates-d1.png)
Minutes Guidelines and Templates
Nonprofit Governance and Manage ment , Third Edition
Practical Advice Note: Minute writing is an art and the level of detail and format of
minutes will vary based on a variety of factors. Following are some guidelines that may
be helpful.
Document 1
What to include:
1. Meeting Details, including:
a. Type of meeting (regular/special, committee/board)
b. Date and location
c. Who attended (directors/staff/guests)
d. Directors who did not attend or who arrived late after substantive discussion
e. Who presided
f. Who kept the minutes (served as secretary)
2. Meeting Substance
a. Specify issues discussed, including names of presenters
i. Note materials distributed, if any
ii. List major points of discussion or matters considered, in summary
b. Clearly state decisions/actions taken
i. Include resolutions adopted, if any
ii. Indicate names of directors voting against or abstaining on resolution,
or not present at the time of the vote
iii. When a conflict of interest situation is being dealt with by the board,
indicate whether the director with the conflict was present for some or
all of the discussion or action.
iv. If no resolution adopted, indicate if there was consensus on the topic,
or if matter was deferred or informally tabled
c. Identify information items and reports received
i. Include name of report or item and topics covered
ii. Include list of material s distributed, if any
iii. Include names of individuals (and if applicable, their position, such as
committee chair) giving oral reports
d. Indicate whether executive session was held
Nonprofit Governance and Manage ment , Third Edition
What to avoid:
1. At the Meeting
a. Tape recording
b. Taking notes that attempt to capture every word
2. When Writing Minutes
a. Waiting for weeks to do initial d rafts or to send out for review
b. Using characterizations and adjectives
c. Including verbatim or lengthy descriptions
d. Using language that isn’t clear as to what specific action was taken and by
e. Indicating time spent on particular items
Nonprofit Governance and Manage ment , Third Edition
Practical Advice Note: Formats for minutes vary among organizations based on
tradition, preferences of board leadership, recommendations from legal counsel, and, in
some cases, as a result of legal or regulatory concerns. Although there is no universal
template for minutes, consistency in format is generally considered advisable. Following
is a template that may be helpful to officers or staff charged with drafting minutes.
Document 2
Templates for Minutes
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of
[Insert Name of Organization]
Held [Insert Date]
At [Insert Location]
The following directors were present/absent (* indicates absence)
[List all directors. Place * after the names of those not present]
The following members of management were present:
The following guests were present:
Call to Order and Introductions
[Insert name of Chair], Chair called the meeting to order at ______[a.m. or p.m.] and
introduced the members of staff and guests in attendance.
Approval of Minutes
On motion made, seconded, and carried, the board approved the previously distributed
minutes of the m eeting of the board held [insert date].
Report of the Executive Officer
[insert name of Executive Officer], Executive Officer, reviewed and responded to
director questions on the following matters:
[list matters discussed and brief summary of what presented]
Financial Report
Nonprofit Governance and Manage ment , Third Edition
[Insert name and title] reviewed and responded to director questions on the previously
distributed financial statements [including the [insert date] income statement and the
balance sheet. He/She also reviewed and responded to questions on the status of the
organization’s performance in comparison to the budget approved on _______. It was
the consensus of the board that management [e.g., needed to take steps to reduce
expenses in connection with _________]. The Executive Officer indicated that he/she
would discuss potential options for [e.g., expense reduction] with the Executive
Committee at its next meeting.
Presentation on Programming
The Executive Director introduced [Insert name and, if applicable, title], who manages
the organization’s community outreach programs. Mr./Ms. [insert name] reported on
recent efforts to [e.g., expand/revamp] certain programs, including [name of programs].
He/she responded to director questions on [e.g., costs and effectiveness of] the various
programs, [e.g., actions being taken to train staff and plans to make constituents aware of
changes to programming].
Presentation on Banking/Brokerage Relationships
The Executive Director and the Treasurer reviewed the organization’s banking and
brokerage relationships and requested board approval of a resolution to open a new
brokerage account at [insert name of institution] to facilitate handling of donations of
stock by individuals through that institution. Following discussion, on motion made,
seconded, and carried, the board adopted the following resolution in the format requested
by [name of brokerage institution]:
[insert text of resolution]
Committee Reports
The board acknowledged receipt of the following previously distributed committee
Report of the [Insert Date] Meeting of the Committee on Governance
Report of the [Insert Date] Meeting of the Nominating Committee
Report of the [insert Date] Meeting of the Executive Committee.
[Insert Name], Chair of the [Insert Committee Name] responded to director questions on
[insert as appropriate, e.g., the process that committee was using to survey governance
practices of other nonprofit organizations].
The Chair reminded directors of the [insert date] board offsite planning meeting and
requested directors who had not already done so to confirm their attendance at the
Nonprofit Governance and Manage ment , Third Edition
Executive Session
All staff and guests left the meeting at this time and the board then met in executive
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at _________[a.m. or p.m.]
[Insert Name]