Fillable Printable Contract for Legal Service Form
Fillable Printable Contract for Legal Service Form

Contract for Legal Service Form

December 2008
Document Number
This Contract for Legal Services (“Contract”), entered into as of the DAYof MONTH,
YEAR, byand betweenNAME OFLAW FIRM, hereinafter calledthe “Law Firm” and the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting byand through the NAME OF
DEPARTMENT/AGENCY, hereinafter called the “Department.”
WHEREAS, the Department has a need for professional and specialized legal services to
represent the Department in matters described in Appendix A; and
WHEREAS, the Law Firm has represented that itis qualified to and has agreedto perform
such professional and specialized legal services.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Department and the Law Firm, with the intention of being legally
bound, herebyagree as follows:
1. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply when used in this Contract:
a. “General Counsel” shallmean the Governor’s General Counsel, who serves as chief
legal advisor to the Governor and supervises, coordinates, and administers the legal services for each
Executive Agency pursuant to the Commonwealth Attorneys Act (71 P.S. §§ 732-101 et seq.), or her
b. “Department” shall mean the NAME OF DEPARTMENT/AGENCY, a governmental
entityof the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under the Governor’s jurisdiction. The NAME OF
DEPARTMENT/AGENCYOfficeof ChiefCounsel shall serve as the main contact for all
references to “Department” in this Contract.
2. Services. The Law Firmshall perform the services described in AppendixA of this
3. Compensation. The Law Firm shall be compensated bythe Department forthe services
contracted for in an amount not to exceed $AMOUNT, in accordance with the provisions
established in Appendices B and C of this Contract.
4. Term of Contract.
a. The term of this Contract shall commence on the date ofthe issuance of the Purchase
Order hereunder and shall end on TERMINATION DATE, subject to theother provisionsof this
b. Except as otherwisespecificallyprovided for herein, the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, including the Department, shall not be liableto paythe Law Firm for anyservicesor
work performed or expenses incurred before the issuance of the Purchase Order hereunder.

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c. With the approval of the General Counsel, the Department and the Law Firm may
extend the term of this Contract at anytime during the term of the Contract or anyrenewals or
extensions thereof pursuant to Paragraph 9 of this Contract.
d. If the services to be provided bythe Law Firm hereunder have been approved bythe
Department of General Services as an emergencyprocurementuntilfull execution of this Contract,
the Law Firm mayprovide these services based upon such emergencyapproval. Upon full
execution of thisContract, all services provided during the period between the date of emergency
approval and the issuance of the Purchase Orderhereunder shall be merged into and covered bythe
terms of this Contract.
5. Billing. The Law Firm shall submit monthlyinvoices to the Departmentfor services
performed during each billing period. Invoices shall be forwarded to the following contact and
Office of Chief Counsel
a. Each invoice shall be itemized listing the services performed byattorneyand legal
assistant bydate, byhours worked, and byrate and shall generallyfollow the format appearing in
Appendix D of this Contract.
b. The amountshownon each invoice for labor costsshallbe in accordance with the rates
set forth in Appendix B of this Contract.
c. The invoices shall also list non-labor costs such as those incurred for travel, food, and
lodging, as described in Appendix C of this Contract.
d. The Department agrees to pay the Law Firm for travel, meal costs, and lodging costs in
reasonable amounts incurred in connection with performance of services under the Contract, as
described in Appendix C of this Contract.
e. The Department will use itsbesteffort to make paymentsoninvoices within 45 days of
their receipt, in final form.
f. All invoices shall contain a statement that reads substantially as follows:
The Law Firm hereby certifies that the services supplied and expenses incurred
as stated in the attached invoice have met all of the required standards setforth
in the Contract for Legal Services.
g. All invoices or accompanying letters of transmittal shall be signed bythe Law Firm and
shall set out the Law Firm‘s federal employer identification number.

December 2008
6. Consultation. The Law Firm shall consult with and keep the General Counsel and the
Department fully informed as to the progress of all matters covered bythis Contract. The Law Firm
shall consult and cooperate with, and shall be responsible directlyto, the General Counsel, the
Department, and other officials as designated bythe General Counsel onall matters of strategyand
tactics. The dutyof the Law Firm shall be toadvise, counsel, and recommend actionsto the
Department and the General Counsel or the other officials designated by her, and to carry out to the
best of its ability their directions. The Law Firm will not make anyoffer, settlement, or compromise
without the written consent of the General Counsel. The Law Firm shall offer the General Counsel
the opportunity to review court documents and briefs prior to filing. The Law Firm shallpromptly
furnish the General Counsel with copies ofall correspondence and all court documents and briefs
prepared in connection with the services rendered under this Contract and such additional documents
as may be requested. Upon notification of its availabilitybythe General Counsel, the Law Firm
shall make all ofits work product prepared in connection withthe services rendered under this
Contract, and other parties’ pleadings, discovery, correspondence, and other relevant documents and
materials, available to the General Counsel via the OGC LawNet extranet in PDF or otherformat
acceptable to the General Counsel.
7. Subcontracting, Key Personnel, and Experts. Subcontracting, assignment, or transfer of
all or part of theinterest of the Law Firm in thisContract orin theworkcovered bythisContract is
prohibited without the prior written approval of the General Counsel. In the event such consent is
given, the terms and conditions of this Contract shall applyto and bind the party or parties to whom
such work is subcontracted, assigned, or transferred as fullyand completelyas the Law Firm is
herebyboundand obligated and the Law Firm shallobtain written acknowledgement thereof from
all subcontractors and experts so engaged. The Law Firm, withrespect to anyreplacement of key
personnel assigned to this matter, shall consult with the Department. The Department’s consent to
the proposed assignmentis required, and maynot be withheld unreasonably. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the Law Firmmay,with the prior written approval of the General Counsel, engage
experts in various fields related to the subject matter of this Contract to assist the Law Firm in the
performance of its services under this Contract. The hourlyrates, fees, or other compensation to be
paid to such experts shallalso be subject to the approval of the General Counsel. Approved
compensation of such experts, as incurred, shall be included in the Law Firm’s invoices presented
pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 5 of thisContract, withoutaddition, surcharge, or increase
bythe Law Firm of the actual fees billed to the Law Firm bysuch experts. The terms and conditions
of this Contract including, butnot limited to, the provisions of Appendices C andD, shallapplyto
and bind the subcontractors or experts engaged as fullyand completelyas the Law Firm ishereby
bound and obligated and the Law Firm shall obtain written acknowledgement thereof from all
subcontractors or experts so engaged.
8. Ownership Rights. Alldocuments, data, and records produced bythe Law Firm and
anyexperts incarrying out the obligations and services hereunder, without limitation and whether
preliminary or final, are and shall become and remain the property of the Commonwealth.
a. The Commonwealth shallhave theright touse all such documents, data, and records
without restriction or limitation and without additional compensation to the Law Firm and any
experts and the Law Firm and any experts shall have no right or interest therein.
b. Upon completion of the services hereunder or atthe termination of this Contract, all
such documents, data, and records shall, if requested bythe General Counsel or the Department, be

December 2008
appropriatelyarranged, indexed, and delivered to the General Counsel or the Department by the Law
c. Any documents,data, and records given toor prepared bythe Law Firm and any
subcontractors or experts under this Contract shall not be made available to any individual or
organizationbythe Law Firm or anysubcontractors or experts withoutthe prior approval of the
General Counsel. Anyinformationsecured bytheLaw Firm and any subcontractors or experts from
the Commonwealth in connection with carrying out the services under this Contract shall bekept
confidential unless disclosure of such information is approved in writing bythe General Counsel or
is directed by acourt or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction.
d. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 8of this Contract, the Law Firm may
retain copies of documents delivered to the General Counsel or to the Department.
9. Modification or Changes. With the approval of the General Counsel, the Department
and the Law Firm may make modifications to this Contract at anytime during the term of the
Contract or anyrenewals or extensions thereof. Changes regarding contract length or total
reimbursement maybe accomplished bya letter of mutual consent signed bythe Department and the
Law Firm. All other changes to contract terms, including changes in the scope of work, mustbe
incorporated into aformal written amendment tothisContract, signed byboth parties, and executed
in the same manner as this original Contract and in accordance with applicable law.
10. Conflict of Interest. TheLaw Firm represents and warrants that it has no conflicting
representation that has not been fullydisclosed to and waived by the General Counsel and shallnot
undertake any representation that conflicts with the performance ofthe services or obligations under
this Contract unless such conflicting representation has been fullydisclosed to and waived bythe
General Counsel. Any conflicting representation shall be promptlydisclosed to the General
Counsel. The General Counsel shall determine whether such conflict is cause fortermination ofthis
Contract. The process for obtaining conflict waivers is more fullydescribed in the Office of General
Counsel Conflict Waiver Procedure, which is attached as Appendix E of this Contract.
11. Inabilityto Perform. The LawFirm agrees that if, because of death or anyother
occurrence beyondthe controlof the Law Firm, it becomesimpossible for anyprincipal or
principals and, in particular, the principals assigned to this project, to render the services set forth in
this Contract, neithertheLaw Firmnor the surviving principals shall be relieved oftheirobligations
to complete performance hereunder. The Law Firmshall, with respect to anyreplacement principal
proposed to be assigned to this matter, consult with the General Counsel. The General Counsel’s
consent to the proposed replacement is required and may not be withheld unreasonably.
12. License to Appear. The Law Firm represents and warrants that attorneys involved in
this representation are dulylicensed and ingood standing topractice before the judicial forum,
court, board,or tribunal before which theywillappear or practice onbehalf of the Commonwealth.
The Law Firm, subject to approval bythe General Counsel, mayobtain a subcontractor to act as co-
counsel where appearance bythe Department isrequired in a forum or jurisdiction where its
attorneys are notlicensed to practice,provided, however, that the firm’s use of the subcontractor in
that circumstance is subject to Paragraph 7of this Contract.

December 2008
13. Independent Contractor .In performing the services required by this Contract, theLaw
Firm will act as an independent contractor and not as an employee or agent of the Commonwealth.
14. Termination Provisions. The Commonwealth has the right to terminate this Contract for
any of the following reasons. Termination shall be effective upon written notice to the Law Firm.
a. Termination for Convenience. The Commonwealth shall have the right to terminate this
Contract forits convenience ifthe Commonwealth determines terminationto be inits bestinterest.
The Law Firm shall be paid for work satisfactorilycompleted prior tothe effective date of the
termination, but in no event shall the Law Firm be entitled to recover loss of profits.
b. Non-Appropriation. The Commonwealth’s obligation to make paymentsduring any
Commonwealth fiscal year succeeding thecurrent fiscal year shall be subject to availabilityand
appropriation of funds. When funds (state and/or federal) are not appropriated orotherwise made
available tosupport continuationof performance in asubsequent fiscal yearperiod, the
Commonwealth shallhave the right to terminate thisContract. The Law Firm shall be reimbursed
for the reasonable value of any nonrecurring costs incurred but not amortized in the price of the
supplies or services delivered under thisContract. Such reimbursement shallnot include lossof
profit, loss of use of money, or administrative or overhead costs. The reimbursement amount maybe
paid from any appropriations available for that purpose.
c. Termination for Cause.The Commonwealth shallhave the right to terminate this
Contract for Law Firm default upon written notice to the Law Firm. The Commonwealth shall also
have the right, upon written notice to the Law Firm, to terminate the Contract for other cause as
specified in this Contract or bylaw. Ifit is later determined that the Commonwealth erred in
terminating the Contractfor cause, then, at the Commonwealth’s discretion, the Contract shall be
deemed to have been terminated for convenience under Subparagraph 14.a.
15. Integration Clause. ThisContract, including all referenced documents, constitutes the
entire agreement between the parties.Termsused inappendices hereto shall have the same
meanings as are ascribed thereto in thisContract unless otherwise defined therein. No agent,
representative, employee, or officer of either the Commonwealth or the Law Firm has authorityto
make, or has made, anystatement, agreement,orrepresentation, oral or written, in connection with
the Contract, which in anywaycan be deemed to modify, add to, detract from, or otherwise change
or alter its terms and conditions. No negotiations between the parties, nor anycustom or usage, shall
be permitted to modify or contradict anyof the terms and conditions of the Contract. No
modifications, alterations, changes, or waiver to the Contract or anyof its terms shall be valid or
binding unless accomplished pursuant to Paragraph 9 of this Contract.
16. Nondiscrimination/Sexual Harassment.The Law Firm shall complywith all applicable
provisionsof state and federal constitutions, laws, regulations, and judicial orders pertaining to
nondiscrimination, sexual harassment, andequal employment opportunity, including the provisions
of the Nondiscrimination/Sexual Harassment Clause, which is attached hereto as AppendixFand
incorporated byreference.
17. IntegrityProvisions. The Law Firm agrees to complywith the Integrity Provisions,
which are attached hereto as Appendix G and incorporated by reference.

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18. ResponsibilityProvisions. The LawFirm agreesto comply withthe Responsibility
Provisions, which are attached hereto as Appendix H and incorporated by reference.
19. The AmericansWith Disabilities Act. The Law Firm agrees to complywithThe
Americans With Disabilities Act Provisions, which are attached hereto as AppendixIand
incorporated byreference.
20. Audit Provisions. The Commonwealth shall have the right, at reasonable times and at a
site designated bythe Commonwealth, to auditthe books, documents, and records of the Law Firm
to the extentthat the books, documents, and records relate to fees, costs, or pricing data for this
Contract. The Law Firm agrees to maintain records that will support the fees charged and costs
incurred for this Contract.
The Law Firm shall preserve books, documents, and records that relate to fees, costs, or
pricing data for this Contract for a period of three years from the date of final payment hereunder.
The Law Firm shall give full and free access to all records to the Commonwealth and/or its
authorized representatives.
21. Offset Provision. The Law Firm agrees that the Commonwealth mayset off the amount
of anystate tax liabilityor other obligation of the Law Firm or itssubsidiaries to the Commonwealth
against any payments due the Law Firm under any contract with the Commonwealth.
22. Indemnity. The Law Firm shall indemnifyand defend the Commonwealth from and
against any and all claims, demands, actions, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses, including but
not limited to reasonableattorneys and other fees, asserted by third parties (“Claims”), which Claims
are caused byor arise from injuries or damages sustained bysuch third parties resulting or arising
from anynegligent act or omission or intentionallywrongful act of theLaw Firm or anyof its
officers, agents, employees and/or representatives inrelation toprofessional services provided to the
Commonwealth bythe Law Firm under this Contract. This indemnityprovision shall not applyto
Claimsfor which payment is available under the Law Firm’s professional liabilityinsurance
23. Insurance. The Law Firm represents and warrants that it carries malpractice insurance
in the amount usual and customaryfor firmsof its size and practice areas, subject to normal
deductibles, and covenants that it will maintain such coverage throughout its representation ofthe
24. Notice. Anywritten notice to the Department under this Contract shall be deemed
sufficient if delivered to the Department personally, or byfacsimile, telecopy, electronic or digital
transmission (provided such deliveryis confirmed), or bya recognized overnightcourier service
(e.g., DHL, Federal Express, etc.), with confirmed receipt, or bycertified or registered United States
mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested,sent to the address set forth below or to such other
address as such party maydesignate by notice given pursuant to this section:
Chief Counsel

December 2008
with a copy to:
The Honorable Barbara Adams
General Counsel
Main Capitol Building, Room 225
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120-0020
Any written notice to theLaw Firm under this Contract shall be deemed sufficient ifdelivered to the
Law Firm personally, orbyfacsimile, telecopy, electronic or digital transmission (provided such
deliveryis confirmed), or bya recognized overnight courier service (e.g., DHL, Federal Express,
etc.), with confirmed receipt, or by certified or registered United States mail, postage prepaid, return
receipt requested, sent to the address set forth below or tosuch other address as such partymay
designate by notice given pursuant to this section:
25. Contract Controversies.In the event of a controversyor claimarising from this
Contract, the Law Firmmust, within six months after the cause of action accrues, file a written
notice of the controversyor claim with the General Counsel for a determination. The General
Counsel shall send a written determination tothe Law Firm. The decision of the General Counsel
shall be final and conclusive unless, within 15 days after receipt of such written determination, the
Law Firm files a claim withthe Commonwealth Board of Claims. Pending a final judicial resolution
of a controversyor claim, the Law Firm shall proceeddiligentlywith the performance ofthis
Contract in a manner consistent with the interpretation of the General Counsel, and the
Commonwealth shall compensate the Law Firm pursuant to the terms of this Contract.
26. Applicable Law. ThisContract shall be governed by and interpreted and enforced in
accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (withoutregard to anyconflict of
laws provisions) and the decisions of the Pennsylvania courts. The Law Firm consents to the
jurisdiction of anycourt of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and anyfederal courts in
Pennsylvania, waiving anyclaim or defense thatsuch forum is notconvenient or proper. The Law
Firm agrees that anysuch court shallhave in personam jurisdiction over it and consents to service of
process in any manner authorized by Pennsylvania law.
27.Purchase Orders
a.The Department willissue this Contract, and any subsequent change, electronicallyas a
Purchase Order.
b.Purchase Orders maynot include “ink” signatures bythe Commonwealth. The
electronically-printed name of the purchaser represents the signature of that individual
who has the authority,on behalf of the Commonwealth andthe Department, to
authorize the Law Firm to proceed.
December 2008
c.Purchase Orders maybe issued electronicallyor through facsimile equipment. The
electronic transmission or facsimile of a Purchase Order shall require
acknowledgement of receipt of the transmission by the Law Firm.
d.Receipt ofthe electronic or facsimile transmission of the Purchase Ordershall
constitute receipt of an order.
e.The Commonwealth and the Law Firm specifically agree as follow:
(1)No handwritten signatureshall be required in order for the Contract and Purchase
Order to be legally enforceable.
(2)Upon receipt of aPurchase Order, theLaw Firmshall promptlyand properly
acknowledge its receipt. Anyorder which is issued electronically or via
facsimile shall not give rise to any obligation todeliver on the part of the Law
Firm, or any obligation to receive and payfordelivered products on the part of
the Department, unless and untilthe Department transmitting the orderhas
properly received an acknowledgment.
(3)The parties herebyagree not to contest the validity or enforceabilityof a
Purchase Order or acknowledgment issued electronicallyunder the provisions of
a statute offrauds or anyother applicablelaw relating to whether certain
agreements must be inwriting and signed bythe partybound thereby. Any
Purchase Order or acknowledgment issued electronically, if introduced as
evidence on paper in anyjudicial, arbitration, mediation, or administrative
proceeding, willbeadmissible as betweenthe parties to thesameextent and
under thesameconditions as other businessrecords originated and maintained in
documentaryform. Neither partyshall contest the admissibilityof copies of
Purchase Orders or acknowledgements under either the business records
exception to the hearsayrule or the best evidence rule on the basis that the order
or acknowledgment were not in writing or signed by the parties.
(4)Notwithstanding anylanguage of the Purchase Order to the contrary,the
Department of General Services Standard Termsand Conditions do notapplyto
this Contract.
December 2008
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting byand through the
NAME OF DEPARTMENT/AGENCY, and NAME OF LAW FIRMhave caused this Contract
to be executed on the date and year first above written.
acting by and through
By: ______________________________ By:______________________________
Title: ____________________________ TITLE
Date: ____________________________ Date: ______________________________
Federal Employer ID #: __________________

[Signature Affixed Electronically][Signature Affixed Electronically]__
Chief Counsel DateDeputy General CounselDate
[Signature Affixed Electronically]
DeputyAttorney General Date

Icertify that funds are available in the amount of $__________ under expenditure
symbol (appropriation) number ________________________.
[Signature Affixed Electronically]
Comptroller Date