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Fillable Printable Form MV-197 - Exempt Vehicle Certificate - New York
Fillable Printable Form MV-197 - Exempt Vehicle Certificate - New York

Form MV-197 - Exempt Vehicle Certificate - New York

New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
MV-197 (11/07)
I, ______________________________________________________, affirm under penalty of perjury that the
information given below is correct, and that I am the owner of this vehicle, or an officer of the firm or corporation
registering this vehicle.
This certificate pertains to the vehicle with license plate number_________________________________.
Note: If the vehicle is not currently registered by you (and does not have a license plate on it), please provide the vehicle
identification number:
Check the box that applies to this vehicle:
This vehicle is an ambulance and no charge is made for services, or the cost of service is incidental to the
operation of a non-profit hospital.
This vehicle is a bus and no charge, direct or indirect, is made for carrying any person. The vehicle has a
seating capacity of _____________ and is used follows:________________________________________
Name of Registrant (Print or Type)
Street Address
City State Zip Code
Title or position (if a firm or corporation)
Signature (See “Instructions” above) ±_____________________________________________________________
Apt. #
N An ambulance is exempt from an annual registration fee if no charge is made for services, or if the
cost of service is incidental to the operation of a non-profit hospital.
N You must provide a New York State Insurance Identification Card (Form FS-20) to register an
ambulance or bus if “For-Hire” insurance coverage is not required. You can obtain the required
insurance coverage and identification card from any insurance company authorized to do business in
New York State
N This certificate must be signed. If the vehicle is registered by a firm or corporation, an officer must sign
this certificate. Specify the of
ficer’s title or position in the box at the bottom of this form.