Fillable Printable Lease And Rental Agreements
Fillable Printable Lease And Rental Agreements

Lease And Rental Agreements

1. IDENTIFICATION OF PARTIES AND PREMISES This Agreement is made and entered into this _____ day of
___________, 20___, between the following named persons:
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
(herein called “Tenants”) and ___________________________ (herein called “Landlord”). Subject to the terms and
conditions set forth in this Agreement, Landlord rents to Tenants, and Tenants rent from Landlord, the premises located
at _______________________________________________________, California (herein called “the premises”). The
premises shall be occupied only by the above mentioned Tenants. Tenants shall use the premises for residential
purposes only and for no other purpose without Landlord’s prior written consent. Occupancy by guests for more than
ten days in any six-month period is prohibited without Landlord’s written consent and shall be considered a breach of
this Agreement.
2. INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY Each tenant who signs this Agreement, whether or not said person is or remains in
possession, shall be jointly and severally liable for the full performance of each and every obligation of this
Agreement, but not limited to, the payment of all rent due and the payment of costs to remedy damages to the premises
regardless of whether such damages were caused by a Tenant or invitee of a Tenant.
3. TERM OF THE TENANCY The term of this Agreement shall commence on ___________________________, 20____,
and shall continue from that date
q a. on a month-to-month basis. This Agreement will continue for successive terms of one month each until
either Landlord or Tenants terminate the tenancy by giving the other thirty (30) days written notice of an
intention to terminate the premises. In the event such notice is given, Tenants agree to pay all rent up to and
including the notice period.
q b. for a period of _______ months expiring on ___________________________, 20____. Should Tenants
vacate before the expiration of the term, Tenants shall be liable for the balance of the rent for the remainder of
the term, less any rent Landlord collects or could have collected from a replacement tenant by reasonably
attempting to re-rent. Tenants who vacate before expiration of the term are also responsible for Landlord’s
costs of advertising for a replacement tenant. In the event Tenants fail to give written notice of an intention to
vacate the premises at the end of the term, the tenancy shall become one of month-to-month on all terms
specified in section (a) of this clause.
4. PAYMENT OF RENT Tenants shall pay Landlord rent of $ ________ per month, payable in advance on the
__________ day of each month. If that day falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the rent is due on the next business
day. Rent shall be paid by personal check, money order or cashier’s check only, to _________________________ at,
______________________________________________________________, or at such other place as Landlord shall
designate from time to time.
5. LATE CHARGES AND RETURNED CHECKS If rent is paid after the ______ day of the month, there will be a late
charge of $ __________ assessed. If any check given by Tenants to Landlord for the payment of rent or for any other
sum due under this Agreement is returned for insufficient funds, a “stop payment” or any other reason, Tenants shall
pay Landlord a returned check charge of $ ______ .
6. FAILURE TO PAY As required by law, Tenants are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on Tenants’
credit history may be submitted to a credit reporting agency if Tenants fail to fulfill the terms of their credit
obligations, such as their financial obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
7. SECURITY DEPOSIT Before the commencement of this Agreement, Tenants shall pay Landlord $_______________
as a security deposit. Landlord may use therefrom such amounts as are reasonably necessary to remedy Tenants’
default in the payment of rent, repair damages to the premises exclusive of ordinary wear and tear, and to clean the
premises if necessary. Landlord shall refund Tenants the balance of the security deposit after such deductions within

twenty-one (21) days after the expiration of this Agreement. If deductions have been made, Landlord shall provide
Tenants with an itemized account of each deduction including the reasons for and the dollar amount of each deduction.
Interest payments on security deposits accrue as follows:
q a. Local law does not require Landlord to pay interest on security deposits.
q b. Local law requires Landlord to pay Tenants interest payments on security deposits as follows:
8. UTILITIES Tenants shall pay directly for all utilities, services and charges provided to the premises, including any and
all deposits required, except for the following, which shall be paid by Landlord:
q a. None.
q b. ______________________________________________________________________________________
9. PARKING Tenants are assigned parking as follows:
q a. None.
q b. ______________________________________________________________________________________
This space shall be used for the parking of ________ car(s) only. Tenants may not repair vehicles of any
kind in any parking space or anywhere else on or about the property. Grease, oil and any other drippings
must be cleaned by Tenants when they occur and at Tenants’ expense. Cars are not to be washed on or
about the premises. In addition to rent, Tenants shall pay Landlord a parking fee of $ __________ per
month. This fee is payable in advance along with the rent and shall be paid at the same address as
designated by Landlord for payment of rent.
10. PETS No animal, bird or other pet shall be brought on or kept on the premises without Landlord’s prior written
consent, except for the following:
q a. None.
q b. ______________________________________________________________________________________
11. QUIET ENJOYMENT Tenants shall be entitled to quiet enjoyment of the premises. Tenants shall not use the premises
in such a way as to violate any law or ordinance, commit waste or nuisance, or annoy, disturb, inconvenience, or
interfere with the quiet enjoyment of any other or nearby resident.
12. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING No portion of the premises shall be sublet nor this Agreement assigned without
the prior written consent of the Landlord. Any attempted subletting or assignment by Tenants shall, at the election of
Landlord, be an irremediable breach of this Agreement and cause for immediate termination as provided here and by
13. POSSESSION OF THE PREMISES The failure of Tenants to take possession of the premises shall not relieve them of
their obligation to pay rent. If Landlord is unable to deliver possession of the premises for any reason not within
Landlord’s control, Landlord shall not be liable for any damage caused thereby, nor will this Agreement be void or
voidable, but Tenants shall not be liable for any rent until possession is delivered. If Landlord is unable to deliver
possession within _______ calendar days after the agreed commencement date, Tenants may terminate this Agreement
by giving written notice to Landlord, and shall receive a refund of all rent and security deposits paid.
14. CONDITION OF THE PREMISES Tenants agree to
(i) properly use, operate and safeguard the premises and all furniture and furnishings, appliances and fixtures
within the premises,
(ii) maintain the premises in clean and sanitary condition, and upon termination of the tenancy, to surrender
the premises to Landlord in the same condition as when Tenants first took occupancy, except for ordinary
wear and tear,
(iii) if the surrounding grounds are part of the premises and for exclusive use of Tenants, Tenants agree to
irrigate and maintain the surrounding grounds in a clean and safe manner, keeping the grounds clear of
rubbish and weeds and trimming all grass and shrubbery as necessary to effect a neat and orderly
appearance to the property,

(iv) notify Landlord in writing upon discovery of any damages, defects or dangerous conditions in and about
the premises; and
(v) reimburse Landlord for the cost of any repairs to the premises of damages caused by misuse or negligence
of Tenants or their guests or invitees.
Tenants acknowledge that they have examined the entire interior and exterior of the premises, including plumbing,
heating and electrical appliances, smoke detector(s), fixtures, carpets, drapes and paint, and have found them to be in
good, safe and clean condition and repair, with the following exceptions: (Specify “none” if there are no exceptions)
15. REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS AND DAMAGES Except as provided by law or as authorized by the prior written consent
of Landlord, Tenants shall not make any repairs or alterations to the premises, including but not limited to, painting the
walls, installing wallpaper, murals, paneling, tile, or hanging posters or pictures weighing in excess of twenty pounds.
If the premises are damaged or destroyed as to render them uninhabitable, then either Landlord or Tenants shall have
the right to terminate this Agreement as of the date on which such damage occurs, through written notice to the other
party to be given within fifteen days of occurrence of such damage. However, if such damage should occur as the
result of the conduct or negligence of Tenants or Tenants’ guests or invitees, Landlord only shall have the right to
termination and Tenants shall be responsible for all losses, including, but not limited to, damage and repair costs as
well as loss of rental income.
16. EMERGENCY ENTRY AND INSPECTION Tenants shall make the premises available to Landlord or Landlord’s
agents for the purposes of making repairs or improvements, or to supply agreed services or show the premises to
prospective buyers or tenants, or in case of emergency. Except in case of emergency, Landlord shall give Tenants
reasonable notice of intent to enter. For these purposes, twenty-four (24) hour written notice shall be deemed
reasonable, and reasonable hours shall be defined as _______ to _______ Monday through Friday and _______ to
_______ on Saturdays. In order to facilitate Landlord’s right of access, Tenants shall not, without Landlord’s prior
written consent, add, alter or re-key any locks to the premises. At all times Landlord shall be provided with a key or
keys capable of unlocking all such locks and gaining entry. Tenants further agree to notify Landlord in writing if
Tenants install any burglar alarm system, including instructions on how to disarm it in case of emergency entry.
17. EXTENDED ABSENCES AND ABANDONMENT In the event Tenants will be away from the premises for more than
______________ consecutive days, Tenants agree to notify Landlord in writing of the absence. During such absence,
Landlord may enter the premises at times reasonably necessary to maintain the property and inspect for damages and
needed repairs.
Abandonment is defined as absence of the Tenants from the premises, for at least ______________ consecutive days
without notice to Landlord. If the rent is outstanding and unpaid for fourteen (14) days and there is no reasonable
evidence, other than the presence of the Tenants’ personal property, that the Tenants are occupying the unit, Landlord
may at Landlord’s option terminate this agreement and regain possession in the manner prescribed by law.
18. INSURANCE DISCLAIMERS Tenants assume full responsibility for all personal property placed, stored or located on
or about the premises. Tenants’ personal property is not insured by Landlord. Landlord recommends that Tenants
obtain insurance to protect against risk of loss from harm to Tenants’ personal property. Landlord shall not be
responsible for any harm to Tenants’ property resulting from fire, theft, burglary, strikes, riots, orders or acts of public
authorities, acts of nature or any other circumstance or event beyond Landlord’s control.
19. HOLD HARMLESS Tenants expressly release Landlord from any and all liability for any damages or injury to
Tenants, or any other person, or to any property, occurring on the premises unless such damage is the direct result of
the negligence or unlawful act of Landlord or Landlord’s agents.
20. SMOKE DETECTORS The premises are equipped with a smoke detection device(s), and Tenants shall be responsible
for reporting any problems, maintenance or repairs to Landlord. Replacing batteries is the responsibility of Tenants.

21. LEAD BASED PAINT DISCLOSURE By initialing, Tenant acknowledges receipt of disclosure of information on lead-
based paint and lead-based paint hazards. Landlord has no reports or knowledge of lead-based paint on the premises.
Tenants initial here: _______ _______ _______ _______
22. LIQUID-FILLED FURNITURE Tenant shall not use or have any liquid-filled furniture on the premises without
Landlord’s prior written consent.
23. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS (Specify “none” if there are no additional provisions)
24. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This document constitutes the entire Agreement between the Tenants and Landlord. This
Agreement cannot be modified except in writing and must be signed by all parties. Neither Landlord nor Tenants have
made any promises or representations, other than those set forth in this Agreement and those implied by law. The
failure of Tenants or their guests or invitees to comply with any term of this Agreement is grounds for termination of
the tenancy, with appropriate notice to Tenants and procedures as required by law.
_____________________________________________________ ___________________________
Landlord/Manager Date
Landlord/Manager’s Street Address, City, State & ZIP
_____________________________________________________ ___________________________
Tenant Date
_____________________________________________________ ___________________________
Tenant Date
_____________________________________________________ ___________________________
Tenant Date
_____________________________________________________ ___________________________
Tenant Date