Fillable Printable Rental Agreement Month To Month
Fillable Printable Rental Agreement Month To Month

Rental Agreement Month To Month

Phone 330-877-9222 Fax 330-877-9778
Police Department 330-877-2500
Name of Lessee (individual or organization representative):
Daytime Telephone: Evening Telephone:
Date of rental: From: To:
Shelter you wish to reserve:
________ Open Shelter
________ Closed Shelter
Date deposit received:
Senior citizen group? Non-profit service organization?
Terms of use of the Hartville Memorial Park Shelters:
1. Fees and Cancellations. The rental fee plus the security deposit must be paid upon signing this
agreement. Cancellations must be made 15 days before the rental date. Failure to cancel by that time
will result in forfeiture of funds on deposit with the Village.
2. Hours of Operations and Conduct of Event. The Closed Shelter will be available from 8:00 a.m. until
11:00 p.m. on the day of rental. The Open Shelter will be available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the
day of the rental. All activities must be orderly and in compliance with the Village ordinances and state
3. Damages and Security Deposit. Lessee will be solely responsible for all damages to the shelter that
occur during use, other than ordinary wear and tear. Upon termination of the rental, the Village will
inspect the shelter for any damages and will refund the security deposit remaining after its reduction for
the cost of any actual damages to the shelter. The Village will charge the Lessee for any damages above
the security deposits.
4. Hold Harmless. The Lessee agrees that it will indemnify the Village and its employees from any claims
and legal proceedings brought against it resulting from the Lessee’s use of the shelter.
I have read and agree to the terms of this agreement.
_________________________________________ __________________________________
Lessee Date