
Fillable Printable Rental Agreement 2017

Fillable Printable Rental Agreement 2017

Rental Agreement 2017

Rental Agreement 2017

THISAGREEMENT made this ___ day of ____________,by and between ______________________
_________________, herein called "Landlord,"and_____________________, ____________________,
_____________________, ____________________, _____________________, ____________________,
herein called "Tenant." Landlordherebyagrees to rent to Tenant the realproperty located in the City of
___________________, State of ________________, described as follows: _______________________,
Commencing on the 1st day of _________ andmonthly thereafteruntilthe __th day of ________, at
which time this agreement is terminated.Landlordrents the demised premises to Tenant on the following
terms and conditions:
1. Rent
Tenantagrees to pay Landlordas base rentthe sum of $_________ per month, due andpayable monthly
in advance on the first day of each month duringthe term ofthis agreement. Rent must be received by
5:00 P.M. If the rent has not been received by 9:00 A.M. on the second of the month,thena seven -(7)
day notice will be posted.
2. Paymentof Rent
Monthly rentpayments may be paid by check untilthe first check is dishonored and returned unpaid.
Time is of the essence and no excuses will be accepted.Rent shallbe made payable to ____________ and
handdelivered (or sent by mail at Tenant'srisk) to Landlord at _____________________________.Any
rentslost in the mailwill be treated as if unpaid untilreceived byLandlord.All tenants will contribute
equally in the payment of rentandonly one single payment will be accepted. If any tenant withdraws
from the lease, for any reason,the remaining tenants will be responsible for makingup the difference in
3. Additions to Rent for Paymentof Certain Utilities
Tenant will add an additional $75 to renteach monthto payfor water andsewer service. At the end of
thisagreement,landlord will compare the actualbilled amounts withthe sum ofthese monthly payments.
If the Tenant overpaid, Landlordwill reimburse Tenant for the amount overpaid.If a shortage exists,
Tenantshallpay for the shortage amount.All otherutilities will be paid for directly by Tenant.
4. Appliances
The house is rented with the following appliances: Refrigerator and Stove. Other appliances may be
included in the rentalproperty thatare the sole responsibility of the tenant to upkeep. The landlord will
not beresponsible for the upkeep of these appliances anddoes notwarrant the conditionof these
appliances. The above rental payment specificallyEXCLUDES any appliances otherthanthe refrigerator
andstove. Such appliances as are in the property are theresolely at the convenience of the Landlord, who
assumes no responsibility for their operation. Landlord agrees to removeappliances at the request of
Tenant.Any personalproperty remaining on the Premises may beused by the Tenant,however the Tenant
assumes sole responsibility to keep said personal property inworking and/oroperatingcondition,and
agrees to return said personal property to the Landlordat the termination ofthisLease Agreementinthe
same or better condition, reasonable wear excepted.
5. Rental Collection Charge
Tenanthereby acknowledges thatlate payment will cause Landlordto incurcosts not contemplated bythis
RentalAgreement, the exact amount ofwhich will be extremely difficult to ascertain. Inthe event rent is
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not received priorto 5:00 P.M. on the 1st of the month,regardless of cause includingdishonored checks,
Tenantfurther agrees to pay a late charge to Landlord equalto twenty-fivedollars ($25) each week the
rent is late.Neither illhealth, loss of job, financial emergency or otherexcuse will beaccepted for late
6. Bad-Check Servicing Charge
In the event Tenant's check is dishonored and returnedof any reason to Landlord, Tenant agrees to pay as
additionalrentthe sum equal to thirty-five dollars ($35) for each occurrence. This amountshall be in
addition to all late fees, if check is not paid prior to the first ofthe month. If for any reasona check is
returnedor dishonored, allfuture rentpayments will be cash or money order.
7. Use
The Tenant agrees to use the premises only as a residence for self, and those persons identified below.
____________________________, __________________________, _____________________________,
____________________________, __________________________, _____________________________.
By no means may Tenant allow any additional persons to occupy premise beyond limitproposed bythe
law. Tenant agrees to assume allresponsibility for actions takenby any person enteringthe property.
Landlord will hold Tenant solely responsible for all damages to property or for violations against this
8. Pets
No pet shall be broughtonto the Premises (even temporarily) without the express written permission of
the Landlord.Ifa pet has been inthe Premises at any time during the Tenant'soccupancy (with or
without the Landlord'sconsent),a charge may be made for de-fleaing, deodorizing, and/orshampooing,
and/or damages occasioned by the pet.Any animalson the property not registered underthis Rental
Agreementwill be presumed to bestrays andwill be disposed of according to law, at the option of the
9. Non-assignmentof RentalAgreement
Resident agrees not to assign this agreement, norto Sub-Let any partof the property, norto allow any
other personto live therein without first requesting permission from the Owner and paying the
appropriate surcharge. Further, thatcovenants containedin this RentalAgreement,once breached, cannot
afterward be performed; andthatunlawful detainerproceedings may becommenced.
10. Legal Obligations
Tenanthereby acknowledges thatthey have a legalobligation to pay their renton time each andevery
month regardless of any other debts or responsibilities they may have. They agree that they will be fully
liable for any back rent owed. They also acknowledge that defaulting on this RentalAgreementcould
result in a judgment being filed against them and a lienbeing filed againsttheircurrentandfuture assets
and/or earnings.
11. Attorney's Cost
If court actionis soughtbyeither party to enforce the provisions ofthe Rentalagreement,attorney's fees
andcostsmay be awarded to the prevailing party inthe court action.
12. Repair policy
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The Tenant shalluse customary diligence in care of the Premises. The Tenant is encouraged to treatthis
as their home, inthat allminor repairsareexpected to beperformed byor at the directionof the Tenant,
at the sole responsibility of the Tenant.Anyandall repairs made atthe direction of the Tenantshall be
done by a competent professional, or by the Tenant providing thatthe Tenant is capable and qualified to
make said repairs.All repairsshall be done incompliance with all applicable codes andregulations.Any
repairthat is estimated to cost more thanfifty dollars ($50) mustreceive permission of the Landlord prior
to being made.Under no circumstances will Landlordbe responsible for any improvements or repairs
costing more that $50 unless the Tenantis given written authorization to make repairs or improvements in
advance. The Tenant acknowledges responsibility for any damages caused by their negligence andthat of
their guests or invitees.
13. Occupancy
Tenant to Maintaindwelling unitas follows:
1.Comply withall obligations primarily imposed upon tenant by applicable provisions of building
codes materially affecting health and safety.
2.Keep that partof the premises that he occupies and uses as clean and safe as the condition ofthe
premises permit.
3.Dispose from hisdwelling unit all rubbish,garbage,and otherwaste in a cleanandsafe manner.
4.Keep all plumbingfixtures in a dwellingunitor used by the tenant as clean as its condition permits.
5.Use ina reasonable manner allelectrical,plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning,
andotherfacilities andappliances including elevators inthe premises.
6.Not deliberately or negligently destroy, deface, damage, impair, or remove any partof the premises
or knowingly permit any person to do so.
7.Conduct himself and require other persons on the premises with his consent to conduct themselves
in a manner that will not disturb his neighbor's peaceful enjoyment of the premises.
Resident warrants thathe/she will meet above conditionsin every respect, and acknowledges that failure
to perform the obligations herein stipulated will be considered groundsfor termination of this agreement
andloss of any or all deposits.
14. Security Deposit
The Tenant has deposited with, andthe Landlord acknowledges receipt of, $ xxxas a Security Deposit.
This Security Deposit is to guarantee the return of the Premises to the Landlord in the same or better
condition as when accepted by the Tenant,reasonable wear excepted, andto satisfy any obligations ofthe
Tenantunfulfilled at the termination of this Lease Agreement, as specified herein.Satisfactory
compliance with this section includes removing all trashand belongings ofthe Tenant. If any provision of
thisLease Agreement is violated, the Security Deposit is forfeited. The Security Deposit is to indemnify
the Landlordagainstdamage and/orloss of value as a resultof the Tenant'saction,mistake, or inaction
duringthe term ofoccupancy. The Security Deposit may not beapplied by the Tenant as and for payment
of any rentdue the Landlord. Should the Tenantbe responsible for damage and/or loss ofvalue to the
Premises greater than the value of the Security Deposit, the Tenanthereby agrees to reimburse the
Landlord for such loss immediately upon the presentationof a bill for said damage and/or loss. The
Landlord shall return the balance of said Security Deposit, if any, to the Tenant atthe Tenant'sforwarding
address,upon vacating, returnof keys to the Landlord and terminationof this contract according to other
terms herein agreed. The deposit will be returnedwithinthirty (30) days after the Tenant vacates the
Premises, along with anitemized statement as to the deductions, if any, from said Security Deposit. The
Security Deposit must be paid infull prior to Tenants moving into building.
15. CleaningFee
Tenanthereby agrees to accept the property in its present state ofcleanliness. They agree to returnthe
property inthe same condition or better, or pay a minimum$250 cleaningfee to cover Landlordcosts for
having the property professionally cleaned.If the Landlord notifies Tenantto cleanup the property atany
time, and the Tenant neglects to do so, the Landlord will charge the Tenanta minimum $250cleaningfee.
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16. Plumbing and Electricity
Tenantagrees notto put or pour any debris, grease,paper towels, Q-tips, tampons, newspaper,food, or
any othermatter in the sink drainor toilets. Tenantagrees to pay the ENTIRE AMOUNT on bills for all
sewer cleaningservicesresultingfrom clogged pipes/sewer back-up.
Tenantmust not overload electricalcircuits. Only two electrical operated items may be plugged in any
electrical receptacle.
17. Tenant Cooperation
Tenantagrees to cooperate with Owner/agent in showing property to prospective tenant, priorto
termination of occupancy.
18. Removal of Landlord'sProperty
If anyone removes any property belonging to Landlord without the express written consentof Landlord,
thiswill constitute abandonment and surrenderof the premises by Tenant and termination by themof this
RentalAgreement. Landlordmay also take furtherlegal action.
19. Tenant Insurance
No rights of storage are given by thisLease Agreement. The Tenant agrees to hold the Landlord harmless
from any liabilitybyreason of personal injury to any person andfor property damage occurring on or
about or connected with the Premises or resultingfrom the Tenant use thereof. The Tenant hereby
acknowledges this and agrees to make no suchclaims for any losses or damages againstthe Landlord.
The Tenant agrees to purchase Renter's Insurance attheir own expense, sufficient to cover themselves and
their property from damage or injury caused by fire, theft, burglary,andbreakage, andelectrical
connections and hereby relieves the Landlordof all risks that may be insured thereunder. They
acknowledge that if theyfail to procure such insurance,it is their responsibility andthey alone shall bear
the consequences.
20. Abandonment
If Tenant leaves the premises unoccupied for 15 days without paying rentin advance for that month, or
while owing any back rentfrom previous months, whichhas remained unpaid, the Landlord and/orhis
representatives have the rightto take immediate possession of the property and to bar the Resident from
returning.Landlord will also have the rightto remove any property thatthe Residents have left behind
andstore it at Tenant's expense.
21. Lock Policy
No additionallocks will be installed on any door without the written permission of Landlord. Landlord
will be given duplicate keys for alllocks so installed at the Tenant's expense, before they are installed.
22. Condition of Premises
The Tenant acknowledges thatthe said property is in good condition. If there is anythingabout the
condition of the property thatis not good, they agree to report itto Landlord within3 days of taking
possession of the property. They agree thatfailure to file any writtennotice of defects will be legally
bindingproof that the property is in good condition atthe time of occupancy.
23. Inventory and Inspection Record
An Inventory andInspection Record has been provided for the Tenant's use.Only after thishas been
filled out (within the three-day time limit)will the Owner take any actionto complete the necessary
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repairs. Landlordwarrants thatall major systems will be functionalandingoodrepair at time of
possession. Light switches, wall plugs, doors, windows, faucets, drains, locks, toilets, sinks, heater, etc.,
will eitherbe in workingorder or will be repaired once Tenant have completed the Inspection and
Inventory Record. Tenant is encouraged to report any necessary repairs, no matterhow slight,inwriting,
but they are hereby advised the Landlorddoes not normally repair or replace nonfunctional items such as
paint,carpets,etc., every time a property changes possession. Those items are scheduled for
repair/replacementatregular intervals regardless of tenant turnover.
24. Tenant Responsibility
Good housekeeping is expected of everyone. Tenant agrees to keep quarterscleanandin sanitary
condition. The Tenant agrees not to permit any deterioration or destruction to occur while theyare
occupying the property. They agree to maintainthe walls, woodwork, floors, furnishings,fixtures and
appliances (if any), windows, screens, doors, fences, plumbing, air-conditioningand heating,electrical
andmechanical systems as well as the generalstructure and appearance of the property. Tenant agrees to
follow all Landlord instructions, especially where posted.
25. Alterations
Tenantshallmake no alterations,decorations,additions or improvements inor to the premises without the
Landlord's prior writtenconsent, and then only by contractors or mechanics approved by Landlord.All
alterations,additions,or improvements upon the premises, made by either party, shallbecome the
property ofLandlordandshall remainupon, and be surrenderedwith said premises, as a partthereof, at
the end ofthe term hereof.
The Tenant specificallyagree that no tacks, nails,screws, etc., will bedriven into the walls, nor will they
bemarredor torn by glue or tape. They also acknowledge that they will be responsible for andpay any
damage done by rain, wind,hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc., if this damage is caused by leaving windows
open, allowing stoppage and/or overflow or water and/orsewage pipes, broken windows or doors, torn
screens, broken door and windowlocks, etc. or any damage caused while Tenant has occupancy.
26. Maintenanceof Lawns
The Tenant acknowledges thatthey are responsible for maintaining the lawns andlandscapingandwill be
held liable for any damage caused by lack ofwater, abuse, or neglect.
27. Vehicle Policy
The Tenant agrees never to park or store a motor home, camper, trailer, boat, or any sort of recreational
vehicle on the premises and to park onlyautomobiles only on the paved areasprovided. Junk cars, cars on
blocks, non-functional vehicles, or unlicensed automobiles are not permitted on property. Removal will be
at the expense of the Tenant. Tenant agrees thatany vehicle parked on unpaved areas may be towed and
stored at Tenantexpense. Tenant agrees to pay for any fines resulting from a summons issued to Landlord
resultingfrom improperparking. Tenant will be charged a three-hundred-fifty dollar $350 court charge
along withthe cost of allother fines, if the Landlord is required to go to court.
The Tenant must follow rules andlaws ofthe city ParkingDepartmentconcerning parking. Tenantmust
obtain allnecessary parkingpermits and information for himself andguests. Landlord is not responsible
for tenant’s parking needs. Off street parking is not provided by landlord,unless otherwise noted inthis
28. Utilities
Tenantwill be responsible for payment ofall utilities, garbage,water andsewer charges, telephone, gas or
other bills incurred during their residency. Tenantspecifically authorizes Landlordto deduct amounts of
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unpaid bills from their Security Deposits in the event they remainunpaidafter termination of this
agreement. (See section 3 for details on paymentof certain utilities).
29. Roof and Termite Alert
Tenantagrees to notify Landlordimmediately if roof leaks, water spots appear on ceiling, or at the first
sign of termite activity.
30. Non-Liability
The Tenant hereby states thatany work or repairs that need to bedone will behandledby competent
professionals, unless Tenant is qualified and capable of doingthe work themselves and doing it properly,
in a safe manner that meets allfederal, state, and local regulations. Tenantfurther state that they will be
legally responsible for any mishapthey eitherdo themselves or hire others to do. Landlordwill be held
free from harm and liability along with his agents andrepresentatives. Inthe event that needed repairs
are beyond the Tenant capacity, they are urged to arrange for professional help.
31. Disclosure of LandlordAgent
The Owner,______________________ may be represented atvarious times by his employees or agents,
who will carry identification.Owner's address is: ___________________________________________.
32. Validity of Lease Provisions
Any provision set forthinthis RentalAgreement which is contrary to the state ResidentialLandlord and
Tenantlaws shall be treated byLandlord and Tenant as void andas if it were not set forth herein,but all
other provision ofthe RentalAgreementshall remainin full force and effect.
33. Phone
The tenant agrees to get a phone installed in the premises as soon as possible. Landlordwill be given the
phone number withintwoworking days of installationandwill be notified within two working days of any
future changes in the phone number.
34. Access To Premises
The Owner reserves the right to enterthe residence at reasonable times to inspect, make necessary repairs,
supplyservices or show it to prospective residents,purchasers, mortgages,workmen, or contractors.
Whenever practicable, a 24 hournotice of the Owner's intentto enter shall be given to the Resident. The
Owner may also display "for rent" and "for sale" signs on the building of whichthe rented residence is a
35. Pest-ControlPolicy
Resident is responsible for any ongoing pest control service, if the Resident desires such a service. Owner
is notresponsible for any damage done to the Resident's person,or property by such pests, or to the person
or property of Resident's family or any otherpersons on the premises.
37. City, County,or State Violations
Tenantis responsible for paying all violation fees issued against the house by the city, county or state for
non-compliance to city, county or state laws. If the landlordis requiredto appearincourt, tenant shall
pay an additional $350 fee to compensate landlord for his time.
Note: The City, Departmentof Inspections completes randomneighborhood inspections each season.
They FREQUENTLY issue violations for such items as “leavinggarbage atcurb on non-collection day”,
“did not shovel snow within 24 hours of snow storm”.
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38. Waiver
All rightsgiven to Landlord by this agreementshallbe cumulative in addition to any laws that exist or
mightcomeinto being.Any exercise of any rightsbyLandlord or failure to exercise any rights shallnot
act as a waiver of those or any other rights.No statementor promise by Landlord, its agents or
employees, as to tenancy, repairs, amountof rent to be paid, or otherterms andconditions shallbebinding
unless it is put inwriting and made a specific partof this agreement.
39. Legal Binding
Tenanthereby states thatthey have the legal rights to sign for any andall other residents and to commit
themto abide by thiscontract.
40. Terms
In this agreement the singularnumber where used will include the plural, the masculine genderwill
include the feminine, the termOwner will include Landlord, Lessor; andthe termResident will include
Tenant, Lessee.
41. Full Disclosure
The Tenant signing this Rental Contractherebystate that all questions about this RentalAgreement have
been answered,that they fully understandall the provisions of the agreementandthe obligations and
responsibilities of each party, as spelled out herein. Theyfurther state thatthey agree to fulfill their
obligations inevery respect or suffer the full legal and financialconsequences of their actions or lack of
action inviolation of this agreement. Signature by the Tenant on this RentalAgreementis
acknowledgment and he/she has received a signed copy of the RentalAgreement.
Accepted this___ dayof ____________________.
, Landlord , Tenant
, Tenant
, Tenant
, Tenant
, Tenant
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, Tenant
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