Fillable Printable Sample Short Sale Letter
Fillable Printable Sample Short Sale Letter

Sample Short Sale Letter

Sample Short Sale Hardship Letters
Sample #1
This letter is a request for your cooperation in a "short sale" of our home located at ___________________.
My husband has been laid off from his job because of a work injury. He worked at Acme Manufacturers for
twenty-five years. On June 15, 2006 a forklift ran over his foot and he has not been able to work since then. He
receives $2,200 disability every month.]
I work at ______________ but only make ___________a month. Combined we both take home _________
which is not enough to cover our bills and the house payment. The house is vacant. We are living with my
elderly parents. We have exhaused all of our resources, including credit cards. Thank you for your prompt
attention to this matter.
Sample 2
As you are aware, I have not made payments on the above-reference loan for the last ____months. I am
providing this letter to explain my circumstances and to ask that you accept a short sale of my house.
My husband left me six months ago for another woman. At first, he sent money for me and our three children and
helped out with the house payment. He works for the electric company and three months ago he tried to rescue a
cat and touched a live line. Now he is on permanent disability and can’t send me any money. His girlfriend left
him and he needs financial help from me. I work at the cosmetic counter at Nieman Marcus and the $3,500 I
make each month barely covers our basic living expenses.
I put our house up for sale as soon as my husband stopped sending me money. It’s listed with ___________ Real
Estate Company. My agent is _______________ and her phone number is __________________. I have
enclosed an authorization allowing you to speak with her. [Note: your agent will be able to provide you with an
authorization form.]
Sample 3
To Whom It May Concern:
I am unable to keep current with my mortgage due to divorce. I am receiving no financial support from my
husband and I have been a homemaker for the past ___ years. I am employed, but because of my lack of skills, I
am unable to earn much more than minimum wage.
I have ___ children at home ages ___ and ___. With the cost of daycare and my other obligations, there is just
no way to make the mortgage payment. I have used up any available credit just to keep food on the table. I
cannot keep my home and must sell it. The real estate market is such that I owe more than what my home is
worth. My only other option would be to file bankruptcy. I am an honest, hardworking person and it is
devastating for me to find myself in this awful position.
I would deeply appreciate any help you can offer.
Sample 4
My wife has recently suffered a devastating illness. She is unable to continue working and it may be years
before she is well enough to work. She has been the primary wage earner in our family for the past ___ years.
My income cannot come close to covering our monthly expenses. We find ourselves deeper in debt every month
with no relief in the foreseeable future. I have sold our second car and anything else we do not absolutely need.
Our home is large and the minimum monthly expenses for the upkeep, electricity, gas etc are very high. Our
hope at this time is to sell our home. Unfortunately, if we sell our home in the present slow real estate market,
we will be upside down about $__________.00. Our only other alternative is bankruptcy.
We would appreciate any help you are able to provide.
Sample 5
As a result of upward adjustments to our monthly mortgage payment, my wife and I are unable to afford our
mortgage. As I sit here today it’s not clear to me how I ever thought that we could afford the mortgage once
payments started adjusting. I wish my loan officer would have explained to us where our monthly payments
were going to be when they adjusted.
We have borrowed money from family and we have take cash advances on credit cards, but we are falling further
and further behind with no real hope of affording the payment. At this point, we can’t do it any longer.
Both my wife and I are very sorry that this has happened. We are losing our dream house, and we know you are
losing too.