
Fillable Printable Sample Letters Aug

Fillable Printable Sample Letters Aug

Sample Letters Aug

Sample Letters Aug

RE: Hardship Letter Your Loan Number
Your Property Address
To Whom it May Concern:
I/we are writing this letter to request a short sale for our/my property located at (enter your
property address).
{Sample text regarding reason for request} I was laid off from my job due to (downsizing, work
injury, health issues, etc). I am collecting unemployment and trying to find other work but have
not had any luck. I have been living off of credit cards and assistance from friends/family, but
have exhausted them.
I have now incurred more debt. I am still living in the property but I am no longer able to afford
to make my mortgage payments and I/we don’t qualify for a loan modification.
Please accept this request for a short sale so I can avoid foreclosure and/or bankruptcy.
(Borrower # 1 Sign Here)
Borrower #1 - Print Your Name Here
(Borrower # 2 Sign Here)
Borrower #2 - Print Your Name Here
RE: Hardship Letter Your Loan Number
Your Property Address
To Whom it May Concern:
As you are aware, I havenot made payments on the above-reference loan for the last
months.I am providingthis letter to explainmy circumstances and to ask that you
accept a shortsale of myhouse.
My wife and I (separated/divorced) in (month/year) and she no longer lives in the property.I
have continued to stay in the home but without her income, I am unable to make the house
payment, utilities and pay child support for my children.
Please accept this request for a short sale. If you can do that I will beableto avoid foreclose
(Borrower # 1 Sign Here)
Borrower #1 - Print Your Name Here
(Borrower # 2 Sign Here)
Borrower #2 - Print Your Name Here
RE: Hardship Letter Your Loan Number
Your Property Address
To Whom it May Concern:
We purchased our family’shomein(month/year).Sincethen, asyou know, our country has
experienced one the biggesthousingmarketcrashes inhistory. This,combined withthe
rising food and gasprices andcurrent slowdown inthe economy, has affected our abilityto
payour bills on time.
Our adjustableinterest ratemortgagepayment has increased from ($)to($)sincewe first
purchasedthe housemaking itespecially hardtokeep itcurrent.Inthelastcouple of years
our home has lostabout (55%)ofitsvaluemakingitimpossibletorefinanceit sincetheequity
we once had isnow gone.
In thelast three months our family’s economic situation has gotten even worsebecause
(explainwhat caused the financialhardship. Ex: joblay-off, death in the family,medical
emergency, etc.) and we can no longer affordthe new payments.
At thispoint we aretrying to avoidforeclosureand/or bankruptcy andwouldliketodiscusswith
you the possibility of getting a short sale approval that could be beneficial for both parties.
We trulyappreciateany effortyoucan make tohelpourfamily through thissituation.
(Borrower # 1 Sign Here)
Borrower #1 - Print Your Name Here
(Borrower # 2 Sign Here)
Borrower #2 - Print Your Name Here
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