Fillable Printable Request for IEP Meeting
Fillable Printable Request for IEP Meeting

Request for IEP Meeting

Submit a WRITTEN LETTER to the School District Special Education Director. Cc the Special
Education Program Specialist, principal, teacher or others involved with your child’s education,
as needed.
You will want to retain PROOF of the letter’s delivery. Consider sending the letter “return/receipt
requested” from the post office. Or hand deliver and ask that your letter be date stamped and a
copy of this given to you before you leave. Or fax your letter and print your “successful
transmission” fax report and follow up by phone to ensure the letter was received.
A WRITTEN letter requesting an IEP meeting triggers an important timeline under the
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) law:
- From the time the school district receives your letter, the school district has 30 calendar days
(not counting large school holidays) to hold an IEP meeting.
- If you requested additional assessment in your letter - ONLY if needed - the timeline is 60
calendar days from your consent to an Assessment Plan, to hold the IEP meeting.
Ms. Bev Blue [parent]
City, CA Zip Code
Telephone Number
Date [important]
Mr./Mrs. Administrator Name
Director of Special Education
X Unified School District
City, CA Zip Code
Re: [child’s name, school, grade]
Dear Mr.. X:
I am the parent of [child’s name], a special education student who is currently enrolled in [3rd]
grade at [describe school and program, ie. X Elementary School in the special day class for
disabled students with learning disabilities].
I am requesting that an IEP meeting be held for my son as soon as possible and in no more than
30 days as required by law. This meeting is necessary due to the fact that
[Describe Current or ongoing problem that needs the team reconvening at a time other than the
annual IEP such as:

My child has a new diagnosis which will impact his learning and require specialized
instruction and related services. [or]
My child’s current placement is too restrictive [or].
My child’s education is not adequately individualized as evidenced by his/her report card,
etc., behavioral or emotional crisis, etc. [or]
My child’s program needs to be modified to address his current individual needs
appropriately and for this reason I am asking the team to reconvene.
Describe possible needed assessment(s) – ONLY if any are needed, such as:
I am also requesting that a [speech, behavioral, reading, etc.] assessment be completed
before the meeting and that I receive a copy of this assessment and all of my child’s
school records at least 5 days prior to the IEP meeting.
Describe best way to reach you and most convenient time for an IEP.
Include the names of all individuals you want to be sure are invited and will attend – beyond the
required IEP team members - such as doctors, psychologists, lawyers, friends, etc. Do follow up
on this. YOU need to insure that the people you need there are invited and will attend. For
Since I work in the afternoon, a morning IEP meeting would be convenient for me on these
possible dates [give some date options]. If you have questions or need to discuss this letter
further, please call me at work at 555-5555.
I request that following people [list and contact info if non-district people] attend the IEP. Please
ensure their participation and that the IEP be held at a mutually agreeable time and place for all
participants. Dr. X, my child’s pediatric neuro-psychologist, cannot attend physically, but will
participate by speaker phone. He is available on [x dates] between [x time and x time]. Please
ensure that a working speaker phone is available in the IEP meeting.
Thank you in advance for your prompt action regarding this request. I look forward to meeting
with the IEP team within 30 days from your receipt of this request so that we can move forward
in providing my child with the individualized education plan appropriate to his special needs.
Bev Blue
[Cc: important members of your child’s team: teacher, principal, others…]