Fillable Printable Individual Education Plan
Fillable Printable Individual Education Plan

Individual Education Plan

Individual Education Plan
Name Fred Jones
Stage SA
Area/s of concern Literacy, Maths, Behaviour Year group/IEP No. yr 2 / 2 class 7
Class Teacher Mr Smith
Start date Apl 2001
Supported by SENST and SNA Review Date
June 2001
Proposed Support
Twice a week
Support began Oct 99
Targets to be achieved
1. To read / spell c-v-c words with vowel sounds ‘ a ‘ and ‘o’.
2. To understand and use number bonds to 10.
3. To sit still on the mat during class / group sessions.
4. To give verbal answers of more than one word.
Achievement Criteria
1. Accurate when tested at random on three separate occasions.
2. Use number bonds to answer sums accurately on three separate occasions.
3. Achieved on 6 out of ten occasions over a period of a week.
4. Achieved on 4 occasions.
Possible resources and techniques
1. Wooden / plastic letters. Phonic workbooks. Card games. Computer programs. Tracking. Dictation.
2. Addition games e.g. bingo, snap, dice game. Lists of number bonds for reference. Textbooks / worksheets.
3. Clear expectations of behaviour at story time / discussion time. Reward chart.
4. Open-ended questions.
Possible strategies to use in class
1. Encourage Fred to write the sounds he hears in a spoken word and to read c-v-c words accurately.
2. Set verbal and written questions for practising using number bonds. Provide apparatus for support if
3. Minimise the time spent sitting still at first, gradually build up. Seat Fred away from distractions.
4. Question and answer sessions. Encourage full sentence answers.
Ideas for support teacher / assistant
1. Use multi-sensory methods for teaching c-v-c words. Set rhyming activities.
2. Provide practical activities to practise number bonds e.g. find different ways of splitting ten objects.
3. Look at the reward chart with Fred. Praise achievement.
4. Use individual discussion.
Parents / carers need to
Make sure that words sent home are practised.
Use money to add up to 10p.
Encourage Fred to speak in whole sentences.
Student needs to
Try to apply spellings he has learnt to his own written work.
Try to sit still.
Try to speak in whole sentences.
Copy for parent / teacher / support / file
Sample IEP for Key Stage 1