Fillable Printable Individual Education Plan Blank
Fillable Printable Individual Education Plan Blank

Individual Education Plan Blank

Individual Education Plan
Name: Mary
School Name:
Class/Tutor: IEP Start:
April 2002
IEP Review:
Sept 2002
Graduation: Action
Target 1 Target 2 Target 3
Small Steps
To self-correct on a familiar text
Staff to alert Mary to miscue
Mary able to realise miscue
Mary to read on and back within a
sentence to self - correct
To be able to spell 20 year 1 NLS
Spell 5 each week in test
Spell in a dictated sentence
Spell in unaided writing
To be able to use addition and subtraction in
number bonds to 20
Using concrete apparatus
Success Criteria To increase frequency of self – correction
without prompting
To spell 20 words in test and spell 10
correctly in unaided writing
Know addition and subtraction bonds to 20
Assessment, planning
and review
Miscue analysis in April + June using
Sample of unaided writing in May and July.
Test all 20 target words. TA/ pupil to make
word cards to go home on Clicker 4
CT to assess during numeracy before Sept.
Grouping for teaching
6 pupils 3X per week 1-2 with TA ICT work
group of 4 PAT level 1 x 1 per week
1-2 ICT 1 x 20 mins per week
TA small group numeracy
Curriculum and
teaching methods
Guided reading using Rigby Star red/yellow
level. TA to use Rigby Star resources
PAT level 1 sheets 5-
Wordshark and Starspell
Look, cover, write and check in class
Multi link + number lines
ICT Amazing Maths
Additional human SENCO time – miscue analysis x2 SENCO to analyse writing samples x2 TA to support whole class work in num,
Individual Education Plan

resources TA support in Lit Hr x3 per week TA 1 x per week 20 mins + 1x ICT 15 mins prompting Mary to answer Q
Suggestions for parental support
Read with Mary daily
Spelling practice using look, cover, write and check as discussed
What the pupil / student needs to do
Take word cards home and practise weekly
Take reading book home and back to school every day
Take out multi link and number line ready for numeracy lessons
SENCO's name (or designated teacher with responsibility):
Individual Education Plan