Fillable Printable Invitation Letter Sample (UN-NGO-IRENE)
Fillable Printable Invitation Letter Sample (UN-NGO-IRENE)

Invitation Letter Sample (UN-NGO-IRENE)

Port-Au-Prince, 2 August 2005
Dear Madam, Sir,
We are pleased to invite you to a meeting to launch the Informal Regional Network of Non-
Governmental Organizations (UN-NGO-IRENE) in the Caribbean. This meeting is organized
jointly by the NGO Section of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
(NGO/ECOSOC) and the Haitian Foundation for Habitat and the Integration of the Homeless
(FONDHABISA). It will be held on 5 September 2005 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
The aim of this meeting is to establish an NGO Network within the Caribbean region to
allow better coordination and cooperation between the Caribbean organizations and to allow them
to increase their domains of action within ECOSOC, in particular, at the national, regional and
international level. This meeting is a follow up to the recommendations of the General Assembly,
the ECOSOC and the high-level conferences on the strengthening of the role of civil society
especially through the means provided by the new technology of information and communication.
It is also a follow up to the Aracaju Meeting which, in April 2001, came up with the idea of an
informal network of NGOs meeting at the international level.
More than fifteen NGOs/ECOSOC have been selected based on their expertise in the
priority areas which were identified by the Millennium Summit and because of these NGOs’
coordinating role in their different countries.
The success of this meeting depends mostly on the quality of participation and the dynamics
of the debates in order to arrive at the desired results. Therefore, we should like to call your
attention to the meeting’s method of work which is based on your active participation and sharing
of practical experience. Thus, each participant will communicate his/her organization’s background
information, its goal, its plans and its activities to others. Each participant will also bring
information and documentation on his/her organization’s unique experience as well as best practices
to share with others. Each organization will also be called upon to make proposals on operational
activities which could be used as models by other NGOs. The Network will support the proposals
chosen during the meeting and will integrate them in its Strategic Plan.
Please find attached an aide Memoire related to the event for more information.
On the administrative side, please be aware that, if need be, part of the round trip travel and
accommodation cost may eventually be covered by us.
We hope that you will be able to join us for this unique opportunity to strengthen the role of
civil society in the Caribbean. We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation by 15
August 2005, the latest. Please fill the attached form to this letter and send it back to Mrs. Najet

Karaborni, Senior Interregional Advisor and Coordinator of the UN-NGO-IRENE Project,
NGO/ECOSOC/UNDESA Section. Her e-mail address is [email protected] and also to Mr. Frantz
Gerard S. Verret, FONDHABISA’ s President at: [email protected]
We take this opportunity to invite you also to the FIRST FORUM ON HABITAT/ HAITI
2005 which will also take place in Haiti from 2 to 4 September 2005. For more information, please
contact Mr. Frantz Gerard S. Verret, FONDHABISA’ s President at: [email protected]
Accept, Madam, Sir, the assurances of our highest consideration.
Hanifa Mezoui Frantz-Gérard S. Verret
Chef of the NGO Section UN-NGO-IRENE / Caribbean
OESC/DESA Coordinator Regional
United Nations – New York Chairman FONDHABISA
Port-au-Prince, Haïti

Port-au-Prince, Haïti, September 5
, 2005
8 h 30 a.m. : Registration of Participants
9 h 00 a.m. : Opening Ceremony :
-Welcoming Remarks by Frantz-Gerard Verret, Chairman of FONDHABISA
-Statement by Ms. Hanifa Mezoui, Chief of the NGO Section, DESA/UN
-Statement by the UNDP Resident Representative in Haiti
-Message from the Minister for Planning and External Cooperation
-Opening of the Session
10 h 00 a.m. : Coffee Break
10 h 30 a.m. : Presentation on the Purpose of the UN-NGO-IRENE Network by Ms. Hanifa
11 h 00 a.m. : Sharing of experiences by NGOs and proposals for the formulation of a Strategic
Plan of Action for the Caribbean UN-NGO-IRENE Network Ms. Najet
Karaborni, Moderator
1 h 00 p.m. : Lunch Break
2 h 30 p.m. : Discussions and Adoption of the first version of the Network’s Strategic Action
Plan, Ms. Najet Karaborni, Moderator
4 h 00 p.m. : Closing of the Session by Mr. Frantz G. Verret, Chairman of FONDHABISA
5 h 30 p.m. : Cultural Event:
-Message from the Minister for Culture and Tourism
-Classical Music (Haiti)
-Classical Music (Haiti)
-Folkloric Dance
-Thank you Note by Mr. Gréard Bretous, FONDHABISA’s Secretary-General
Contact Persons:
1.Mrs. Najet Karaborni, Project Coordinator for UN-NGO-IRENE Section of the NGO/ECOSOC/UN-
DESA, e-mail: [email protected]
2.Mr. Frantz-Gerard S. Verret, Chairman of FONDHABISA: [email protected]

First Forum Habitat Haiti 2005
Opening Ceremony (1 September 2005 at 6.00 P.M.):
-La Dessalinienne (Audience participation)
-One Minute of silence in remembrance of urban victims (Audience participation)
-Welcoming Remarks by Professor Gerard Bretous, FONDHABISA’s Secretary-
-Statement by a Civil Society Representative
-Statement by a Representative of UN-HABITAT
-Statement by a Representative of the Government
-Opening Remarks by Mr. Frantz-Gerard Verret, Chairman of FONDHABISA
-Cultural Moment
-Cocktail hour
I.Day 1 (Friday, 2 September 2005):
I.I Opening of the Symposium’s Workshop series:
Introductory remarks by the Honorary Chairman; Presentation of reference
documents; designation and organization of group workshops. Fifteen (15) main themes
will be addressed in three (3) workshops made up of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a
Reporter and two (2) Members. Each workshop will thus have five (5) panelists who will
take the floor and will be responsible for the running of the workshop with the participation
of other members of the symposium. They will then report to their respective plenary.
These workshops will be held as follows:
1.First Workshop: Habitat as the pillar of local sustainable development;
2.Second Workshop
: A new managerial approach to Habitat and the environment;
3.Third Workshop
: Integration of sectors linked to the problems facing Habitat and
4.Fourth Workshop: Synthesis – Plan of Action for the formulation of a national policy on
I-II Output from Workshops 1 to 3 – Reports and discussions in Plenary on the topics discussed.
Each workshop will last four (4) hours.
I-III Conferences-Discussions in Plenary:
-Democratic Social Architecture – A New Architecture for the Developing
Inauguration of the Scientific Exhibit and of the Fair on Habitat
II. Second Day (Saturday, 3 September 2005):
Following Workshops 1 to 3 – Reports and discussions in Plenary on the themesdiscussed.
Each Commission’s work will last four (4) hours.

II-I. Conferences-discussions in Plenary:
Follow Up to Habitat II and Istanbul+5;
II-II. Documentary Films on Habitat
III.Third Day (Sunday, 4 September 2005) :
Workshop on Synthesis:
Discussions and adoption:
- Final Report
-Statutes and Elections of a permanent follow –up committee
-Port-au-Prince Declaration
-Plan of Action
-Closing Session
Closing Ceremony: -Introductory Words by Master of Ceremony
-Message from the Civil Society;
-Message from the United Nations
-Message from the Government
-Closing Statement by the Chairman of FONDHABISA
-Distribution of the Port-au-Prince Declaration

Themes for the Workshops
Workshop 1: Theme: Habitat as the pillar for local sustainable development
1.Habitat and the educational discourse
2.Habitat and individual security
3.Habitat and social behavior
4.Habitat and economic development
5.Habitat and public health policy
Workshop II- Theme: The New Managerial Approach to Habitat and the Environment
1.For the institutional strengthening of the TPTC Ministry
2.The urgent need for a Ministry of Habitat, Urban Planning, of National and Regional
3.For the formulation of a National Code for Habitat, Construction and Urban
4.For the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) suitable to the
5.For a non dichotomous vision of rural and urban habitat
Workshop III-Theme:Integration of the Sectors Linkedto the Problems FacingHabitat and
1.The Church in the new trend towards Habitat/Sustainable Development
2.For an international aid more specific to Habitat in Haiti and in the countries of the
3.The commitment of civil society to the Question of Habitat
4.The coherent intervention of the State in the Question of Habitat
5.The Haitian Woman and the Question of Habitat
Workshop IV – Theme
: Workshop on Synthesis: Action Plan for the Formulation of a
National Policy on Habitat
a.Mini workshop – Legal Aspect
Mini workshop – Economic Aspect
Mini workshop – Social Aspect
Mini workshop – Institutional Aspect
b.Project Presentation:
b1. Port-au-Prince Declaration on the Question of Habitat and on the Action Plan
for the Formulation of a National Policy on Habitat.

September 1
– 4
, 2005
September 5
, 2005
Name of organization: _______________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Telephone number: __________________________ Fax number___________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________________
Title of participant: _________________________________________________________
Name of participant: ________________________________________________________
Your Organization has
the Consultative Status Yes:_________ No: _________
Participation at the Forum Habitat Yes:_________ No:__________
Participation at the launching
of UN-NGO-IRENE-Caribbean Yes:__________ No: __________
Please complete this form and return it before 15 August 2005 to:
•Mrs. Najet KARABORNI, Coordinator of the UN/NGO/IRENE Project at the
NGO/ECOSOC/UNDESA Section: [email protected], and
•Mr. Frantz-Gérard S. VERRET, President of FONDHABISA: [email protected],
•With a copy to [email protected], FAX: +1-212 963 9248 / 2916