Fillable Printable IT-256 Claim for Special Additional Mortgage Recording Tax Credit (2007)
Fillable Printable IT-256 Claim for Special Additional Mortgage Recording Tax Credit (2007)

IT-256 Claim for Special Additional Mortgage Recording Tax Credit (2007)

New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Claim for Special Additional
Mortgage Recording Tax Credit
Tax Law — Article 22, Section 606(f)
Use a separate line for each property. If you need more lines, attach additional Form(s) IT‑256, and enter the total from all additional
forms on line 1
(see instructions).
Location of property
Amount of special additional
mortgage recording tax paid
Date mortgage recorded
Amount of mortgage
1 Total of the column D amounts from additional Form(s) IT‑256 and/or spreadsheets, if any ....... 1.
2 Total special additional mortgage recording tax paid during current tax year that qualifies for
the credit
(add column D amounts; include the amount from line 1) .................................................. 2.
Part 2 — Partnership and estate or trust information
If you were a partner in a partnership or a beneficiary of an estate or trust and received a share of the special additional mortgage
recording tax credit from that entity, complete the following information for each partnership or estate or trust. For Type, enter P for
partnership or ET for estate or trust. You must also complete Parts 3 and 5, and if applicable, Part 4 on the back.
Fiduciaries — Include the line 2 amount in the Total line of Part 4, column C, on the back.
All others — Enter the line 2 amount on line 6.
Please file this original scannable credit form with the Tax Department.
Taxpayer identification number
Fiscal year filers enter tax period: beginning ending
(as shown on page 1 of your return)
Attach this form to Form IT‑201, IT‑203, IT‑204, or IT‑205.
Type Employer identification number
A Enter the total number of properties included on this claim (see instructions) ........................................................... A.
Part 1 — Individuals, including sole proprietors, partnerships, and fiduciaries
(see instructions, Form IT-256-I)

IT-256 (2007) (back)
Part 4 — Beneficiary’s and fiduciary’s share of credit
Individuals (including sole
proprietors) and partnerships
Enter the amount from P
art 1, line 2 ....................................
Partners and beneficiaries 7
Enter the amount from P
art 3, line 5 ....................................
8 Enter the amount from Par
t 4, Fiduciary line, column C ......
9 Credit f
or the current tax year (add lines 6, 7, and 8) ..............
10 Enter an
y unused special additional mortgage recording
tax credit from preceding per
(see instructions) .........
11 T
otal credit available for the current tax year
(see instructions) .................................................................
Beneficiary’s name (same as on
Form IT-205, Schedule C)
Identifying number
Share of special additional
mortgage recording tax
Part 5 — Computation of special additional mortgage recording tax credit available for the current tax year
Total (fiduciaries, enter the amount from Part 1, line 2, plus the
amount from Part 3, line 5)
3 Enter your share of the credit from your partnership
(see instructions) ................................................................
4 Enter your share of the credit from the fiduciary’s
Form IT‑256, Part 4, column C ......................................... 4.
5 T
otal (add lines 3 and 4) ........................................................
Fiduciaries (that are also partners or beneficiaries of other entities) — Include the line 5 amount in the Total line of Part 4, column C.
All others — Enter the line 5 amount on Par
t 5, line 7.
Part 3 — Partner’s or beneficiary’s share of credit
Part 6 — Application of credit and computation of carryover
12 Total credit (see instructions) ........................................................................................................... 12.
13 Amount that you applied against your 2007 tax
(see instructions) ................................................. 13.
14 Amount of credit available for carryover to 2008
(subtract line 13 from line 12) ............................... 14.
Please file this original scannable credit form with the Tax Department.