Fillable Printable Sample First Meeting Invitation Letter
Fillable Printable Sample First Meeting Invitation Letter

Sample First Meeting Invitation Letter
Sample First Meeting Invitation Letter
As you begin the process of starting a neighborhood association, you will
want to set up an organizational meeting of neighbors to go over the
group’s goals and expectations. The City’s Community Outreach
Coordinator is available to attend this meeting if you so desire, to explain
the benefits of becoming a registered neighborhood association, as well as
answer any questions your neighbors may have about the neighborhood
association program or City services in general. Following is a sample
letter you might use to invite neighbors to this meeting:
Dear Sunnyvale Neighbor:
The purpose of this letter is to invite you to attend a neighborhood association
informational meeting on [date of meeting] at [location of meeting – a neighbors
home? a banquet room in a nearby restaurant?], from [time of meeting].
The purpose of this meeting is to hear about the City of Sunnyvale’s
Neighborhood and Community Resources Program, and to see if we would like
to form our own neighborhood association. This would be a voluntary group of
neighbors who seek to preserve the strengths of our neighborhood, build a sense
of community, and address any problems or issues that may arise. Everyone is
welcome and encouraged to participate. The organization would be
representative of the [__?__] number of households in the area between [streets
which make up the boundary of the association].
Please join us on [date of the meeting] to meet your neighbors, hear about the
Neighborhood and Community Resources Program, and determine where we
would like to go from here.
If you have any questions about this informational meeting, please contact
[neighborhood contact for the meeting.] If you have any questions about the City
of Sunnyvale’s Neighborhood and Community Resources Program, please call
the Community Outreach Coordinator at (408) 730-7472.
I hope to see you on [date of the meeting].
[Name of neighborhood contact]