Fillable Printable NAGC Student Registration Form
Fillable Printable NAGC Student Registration Form

NAGC Student Registration Form

Student Registration Form
NAGC Member Number _____________ This is my first NAGC Convention I am a Presenter
First Name __________________________ Last Name _________________________________ M.I. _________
Mailing Address [home or work] ____________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________ State ______________ Zip Code _______________
School/Organization Name ____________________________________________________________________
Professional Title ____________________________________________________________________________
Work Phone _________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________________
E-mail (primary) _____________________ home or work (secondary) _____________________ home or work
Register by
Please use a separate form for each attendee. Photocopy as needed.
Do not use this form if you are an Individual/Exhibitor/Group
Find registration forms online at
Attendee Information
Subtotal for Registration Fee $ ______________
Additional Registration Options and Payment
Do you require any special accommodations to participate (wheelchair, dietary restrictions, etc.?) YES NO
Explain ____________________________________________________________________________________
Do you wish to be excluded from exhibitor mailings? YES NO
Convention Registration (Thursday, Nov. 12, 3:00 pm - Sunday, Nov. 15, 12:00 pm)
* Membership + Convention Bundle includes your Convention registration PLUS a one-year NAGC Graduate Student
Membership. Benefits include member pricing for books and professional development, subscriptions to Teaching for High
Potential, Gifted Child Quarterly, and Compass Points. Choose three NAGC Networks as part of your membership:
Computers & Technology
Conceptual Foundations
Counseling & Guidance
Curriculum Studies
Early Childhood
GLBTQ (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,
Transgender, Questioning)
Global Awareness
Middle Grades
Parent & Community
Professional Development
Research & Evaluation
Special Populations
Special Schools/Programs
STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering & Math)
In order to register as a Student, include your class schedule when registering.
Register online at
Mail (accepted until Oct. 30)
1331 H Street, NW Suite 1001
Washington, DC 20005
You must include a copy of your class schedule when registering.
Registration MUST be
postmarked by the
deadline noted
Early Bird Registration
(April 15 - September 21)
Advance Registration
(September 22 - October 30)
Onsite Registration
(October 31 - November 15)
NAGC Member
Membership +
Convention Bundle
For Your Convention Name Badge (if you are not aliated with a company or school, include your home city and state)
First Name or Nickname as it should appear on your badge ______________________________________________________
Company or School Name _______________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________________________________________ State _________________________
** No membership included

Payment Method: Check Mastercard Visa AMEX Discover
Purchase Order #____________ (Attach original PO with form)
Name on Card ______________________________________________________________________
Card Number _______________________________________________________________________
Exp ____________ Card Verification # ___________ Billing Address Zip Code _____________
Signature __________________________________________________________________________
Total Due in U.S. Funds $ __________
All registration forms must include payment
Made payable to NAGC
Check No. ___________
Cancellation/Change/Substitution Policy
NAGC Convention cancellations must be received at NAGC in writing, by mail or fax,
no later than Friday, October 30, 2015, and will be charged a $100 processing fee.
This fee applies to cancellations, substitutions, and changes to your registration.
Refunds issued after January 6, 2016. Osite Educational Programs Fee is not refundable after
October 12, 2015.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support NAGC programs that build awareness of the
needs of high-ability learners.
Donation Amount $ ______________
Donate to the naGC annual FunD
ReGisteR FoR PRe-Convention
Subtotal for
Pre-Convention Events $ ____
Thursday, November 12 (choose only one)
ReGisteR FoR PRe-Convention
Gifted Education Workshops for Teachers: Practical and Eective Strategies, Solutions, and
Resources for the Classroom 9:30 am - 3:15 pm $149 (includes lunch)
Select morning session (AM1 - AM5) _____________ Select afternoon session (PM1 - PM5) ______________
See pages 10-15 in the preliminary program for description and presenter bios
Wednesday, November 11
For details and descriptions for all pre-convention opportunities
Osite Educational Programs
7:30 am - 2:30 pm (Exact times
vary and will be provided to registrants)
$149 (price does not include lunch)
Choice ___________
Choice ___________
Identifying and Serving Gifted and Talented Native
American Students: Future Directions for Research,
Partnerships and Practices
8:00 am - 2:30 pm
$149 (includes lunch)
Your NAGC Convention registration begins with the opening general session at 3:00 pm on Thursday, November 12
1331 H Street, NW Suite 1001
Washington, DC 20005
An additional fee is required, separate from Convention registration.
Please register early -- spots fill quickly as registrations are received.
Registrations for Osite Educational Programs must be postmarked
by October 12.
Pre-Convention Activities without sucient attendees may be
cancelled in advance by NAGC.
Visit for details and descriptions.
See pages 17-18 in the preliminary program for descriptions
by 10/12