
Fillable Printable Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Vehicle - Oklahoma

Fillable Printable Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Vehicle - Oklahoma

Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Vehicle - Oklahoma

Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Vehicle - Oklahoma

Oklahoma Tax Commission / Motor Vehicle division
Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Vehicle
Submission of this form is optional – Refer to instructions on reverse
Vehicle Identication Number: _______________________________________________________________
Title Number: _______________________________________ License Plate Number: _________________
Buyers Name (Printed): ____________________________________________________________________
Buyers Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Buyers City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________________________
Sellers Name (Printed): ____________________________________________________________________
Sellers Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Sellers City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________________________
Signature of Seller: ________________________________________________
Date of Sale: _____________________________________________________
Filing Fee: $10.00
Form 773
Revised 11-2013
Notice of Transfer Instructions
This notice of transfer is an optional form that serves only as a notication to the Oklahoma Tax Commission of the assign-
ment of ownership of the described vehicle. It is intended to record that assignment in OTC computer les and to prevent
certain transactions from being processed until a transfer of title is completed by the assignee. All requested information
must be provided in order for this notice to be led.
To record this notice, deliver or mail completed form and ling fee to any Oklahoma tag agency. You may nd a listing of
Oklahoma tag agencies on the Oklahoma Tax Commission website at www.tax.ok.gov.
Completion and ling of this form does not constitute a transfer of title.
Notice to Buyer(s)
Oklahoma law requires transfer of title within thirty (30) days of the assignment date. Transfer may be completed by pre-
senting the assigned certicate of title and proper remittance to the Oklahoma Tax Commission or any Oklahoma motor
license agent.
Failure by the new owner to apply for a transfer of title within thirty (30) days will result in delinquent penalties.
Notice of Transfer Filing Fee: $10.00
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