Fillable Printable Partnership Agreement Form - Georgia
Fillable Printable Partnership Agreement Form - Georgia

Partnership Agreement Form - Georgia
The parties to this agreement,_____________________, hereinafter referred to as the first
party, and _______________________, hereinafter referred to as the second party, and
both hereinafter referred to as the partners, in consideration of the mutual covenants
herein contained, agree to form, and hereby do form, a partnership pursuant to the
Uniform Partnership Act of the State Of Georgia, on the terms and conditions
subsequently set forth.
The partnership is created and conducted for the purpose of engaging in the
practice of law.
The name of the partnership shall be ___________________.
The principal place of businesss of the partnership shall be ______________, and
such other place or places as may be agreed upon by the partners.
The principal office of the partnership shall be located at __________________.
The partnership shall commence on _________________, and shall continue until
__________________, or until dissolved pursuant to Article XVIII of this agreement.
A. Partnership Capital. The initial capital of the partnership shall consist of the sum
of ______________.
B. Initial Contributions. The initial contribution of each partner shall be as follows:
First Party - _______________.
Second Party - ________________.
C. Subsequent Capital Contributions. Subsequent capital contributions, such as
are needed by the partnership, shall be made by each partner in proportion to his
or her respective distributive share (as defined in Article X(a)). In the event that
any partner fails to make such subsequent capital contribution, the partners who
have contributed their shares may consider the sums so advanced as loans to the
D. When Initial Contribution Is To Be Made. Each partner shall make an initial
contribution of capital to the capital of the partnership or before ______________.
E. Effect Of Failure To Make Initial Contributions. If any partner fails to make
the entire required initial contribution to the capital of the partnership on or before
the date indicated above, this agreement shall be abandoned and of no further
effect. On the happening of such contingency, all contributions which have been
made shall be returned to the partners who have made such contributions.
F. Interest On Capital Contributions. The partners shall not receive interest on
any of their individual contributions to capital, unless they specifically agree, in
writing, to such interest prior to the time that capital is contributed.
A. Partnership Property. Subject to the provisions of subsections (B) and (D) of
this article, all property originally paid to, or brought into, or transferred to, the
partnership, as contributions to capital by the partners, or subsequently acquired
by purchase or otherwise, on account of the partnership, shall be partnership
B. Title To Loaned Property To Remain In Partner. It is agreed that the
following described property:
is being made available to the partnership by ________________, solely for the
use of the partnership and is to remain the property of the lender and is to be
returned _______________, or when the partnership is dissolved, if prior to that
C. Property To Be In Partnership Name. The title to all partnership property shall
be held in the name of the partnership.
D. Rights In Specific Partnership Property. It is agreed that the partners,
individually, do not have the right, at any time during the existence of this
partnership, to assign or in any way encumber any partnership property, unless
specifically agreed to by the partners, in writing.
A. Other Business Activities Prohibited. No partner, during the continuance of the
partnership, shall pursue, or become directly or indirectly interested in, any
business or occupation which is in conflict either with the business of the
partnership or with the duties and responsibilities of such partner to the
B. Time Partners To Devote To Business. Each partner shall devote the same
amount of time to the business of the partnership, unless different amounts of time
are specifically agreed to, in writing, by the partners.
C. Salaries. Each partner, for time devoted to the business of the partnership, shall
receive, in addition to agreed upon share in any profits, the following salary:
First Party - _______________.
Second Party - ________________.
D. Vacations And Leaves Of Absence. Each partner shall be entitled to _________
days of vacation and ________ days of leave of absence for illness or disability
per annum, commencing from ____________ without, except as otherwise
provided herein, impairing a partner’s right to that partner’s share of the profits
of the partnership, or impairing any other rights under this agreement.
E. Suretyship Obligations. The parties covenant that they presently are not, and
agree that they shall not become during the existence of the partnership, without
the written consent of all the partners, obligated under any bond, suretyship or
security agreement, bail contract, or as cosigner for any individual, partnership,
or corporation, and shall not knowingly cause or allow to be done anything
whereby partnership property may be attached or taken in execution.
A. Participation in Management. Except as otherwise provided in this agreement,
all partners shall have equal rights in the management and conduct of the
partnership. Decisions shall be by majority vote (each partner having one vote)
except as provided in subsection (B) of this article.
B. Matters Requiring Unanimity. During the continuance of the partnership, no
partner shall, without the consent of all the partners, do any of the following:
1. Assign the partnership property in trust for creditors or on the assignee’s
promise to pay the debts of the partnership;
2. Submit a partnership claim or liability to arbitration or reference;
3. Confess a judgment against the partnership;
4. Do any act which would make it impossible to carry on the ordinary
business of the partnership;
5. Make, execute, or deliver in the name of the partnership any bond, trust
deed, mortgage, indemnity bond, guarantee, surety bond, or
accommodation paper or endorsement;
6. Borrow money in the name of the partnership or use as collateral any
partnership property;
7. Assign, pledge, transfer, release, or compromise any debt owing to, or
claim of, the partnership except for full payment;
8. Convey any real property of the partnership;
9. Pledge or transfer in any manner, except to another partner, his or her
individual interest in the partnership; or
10. Undertake or complete any act for which unanimity is required under any
other provision of this agreement.
C. Contracts. For purposes of the partnership business, but subject to any
limitations and restrictions imposed by this agreement, each partner shall have
equal power and authority in using the partnership name and in binding the
partnership, in making contracts and purchasing goods, and in otherwise trading,
buying, selling, or managing on behalf of the partnership.
D. Employment And Dismissal Of Personnel. No partner shall hire any person for
employment by the partnership or dismiss, except in case of gross misconduct,
any person in the employment of the partnership without the consent of all the
E. Indemnity By Partnership. The partnership will indemnify each partner in
respect of payments made and personal liabilities reasonably incurred by each
partner in the ordinary and proper conduct of the partnership business, or for the
preservation of the business or property of the partnership.
F. Meetings Of Partners. Without call or notice the partners shall hold regular
_____________ meetings at times and places to be selected by the partners. In
addition, special meetings may be called by a majority of the partners at any time,
after the giving of ____________ days’ notice to all partners. Notice of special
meetings shall be by actual notice in person or by telephone to each partner. Any
partner may waive notice of any meeting, and attendance of a partner at a meeting
constitutes a waiver of notice of such meeting, except in the event that a partner
attends a meeting specifically to protest the lack of notice.
G. Bank Deposits And Accounts. All partnership funds shall be deposited in the
name of the partnership in accounts in ____________. All checks, drafts, or other
withdrawal slips drawn on such partnership accounts shall be signed by
A. Sharing Of Profits. The partners shall be entitled to the net profits arising from
the operation of the partnership business that remain after the payment of the
expenses of conducting the business of the partnership. Each partner shall be
entitled to the distributive share of the profits specified below.
First Party - ___________________.
Second Party - ___________________.
A. Books Of Account. Books of account shall be kept by the partners, and proper
entries made therein of all the sale, purchases, receipts, payments, engagements,
transactions, and property of the partnership.
B. Method Of Accounting. All accounts of the partnership shall be kept on the
_________________ basis. All matters of accounting for which there is no
provision in this agreement are to be governed by generally accepted methods of
C. Place Where Books And Records To Be Kept. The partnership books of
account, and all securities, papers, and writings of the partnership shall be kept at
the principal office of the partnership, at the location indicated above, and, as
necessary, in such other places where business is carried on, or in such other place
as may be agreed on by the partners. Each partner shall have free access at all
times to examine and copy the books, papers, and other writings of the
D. Auditing Of Accounts. The books of account shall be audited annually at the
expense of the partners by a certified public accountant selected by the partners.
E. Capital Accounts. A capital account shall be maintained on the partnership
books on behalf of each partner. Such account shall be credited with that
partner’s contributions to the capital of the partnership and shall be debited and
credited in the manner prescribed in subsection (I) of this article.
F. Income Accounts. An income account shall be maintained on the partnership
books on behalf of each partner. Such account shall be closed to the capital
account of the partner at the close of the fiscal year.
As soon as practicable after the close of each fiscal year, and at such other
times as the partners may decide, the income account of each partner shall be
credited with that partner’s distributive share of profits with his or her share of
the losses.
Any losses to be debited to a partner’s income account that exceed the
credit balance of such account shall be debited to that partner’s individual
capital account. If, as result of debiting a partner’s individual capital account
with the excess losses, his or her capital account is depleted, future profits of that
partner shall be credited to his or her capital account until such depletion has been
G. Drawing Accounts. A drawing account, to which withdrawals shall be debited,
shall be maintained on the partnership books on behalf of each partner.
Withdrawals may be subject to such limitations as the partners may from time to
time adopt. Each partner’s drawing account shall be closed to his or her income
account at the close of each fiscal year.
H. Tax Year. The taxable year of the partnership shall commence on ____________
and end on _______________.
I. Partnership Account. All partnership funds shall be deposited in an account in
the partnership name in a bank selected by a majority of the partners. Checks
shall be drawn upon the partnership account only for partnership purposes and
shall be signed by any two partners designated by the partners.
Each partner shall, on every reasonable request, give to the other partners a
true accounting of all transactions relating to the business of the partnership, and
full information of all letters, accounts, writings, and other things which shall
come to his or her knowledge concerning the business of the partnership.
Additional partners may be admitted to the partnership on such terms as
may be agreed upon in writing between the partners and such new partners. The
terms so agreed upon shall constitute an amendment to this partnership agreement.
Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, no partner may sell,
assign, transfer, encumber, or otherwise dispose of any interest in the partnership,
partnership property, or assets of the partnership without the prior written consent
of all other partners.
A. Notice Of Withdrawal Or Retirement. In the event any partner shall
desire to withdraw or retire from the partnership, or becomes disabled so
that he or she is unable to fulfill necessary obligations to the partnership as
specified in this agreement, such partner shall give ________ days’ notice
thereof in writing by registered or certified mail to the other partners at the
at the last known address of each other partner. If any partner is adjudged
incompetent or insane, then his or her guardian shall give notice of such
judgment to each of the other partners in the same manner as provided
A. Grounds For Expulsion. Any partner may be expelled from membership
in the partnership by a majority vote of the other partners on the
following grounds:
1. Failure of a partner to make, when due, any contribution required
to be made under the terms of this agreement, when such failure
has continued for a period of _____ days after written notice of the
2. Failure to fulfill any other obligation to the partnership as specified
in this agreement, when such failure has continued for a period of
______ days after written notice of the requirement.
3. Adjudication of the partner as being insane or incompetent.
4. Disability of the partner to the extent that he or she is unable, for a
period _____ days, to fulfill required obligations to the partnership
as specified in this agreement.
5. The making of an assignment for the benefit of creditors, the filing
of a petition under the Federal Bankruptcy Act or under any simiar
law or statute of the United States or any state thereof, or the
adjudication of the partner as a bankrupt or insolvent in
proceedings filed against such partner under any such act or `
B. Notice. Upon the occurrence of any event listed in subsection (A) of this
Article, the defaulting partner may be expelled from the membership in
the partnership by a majority vote of the other partners upon giving the
defaulting partner _____ days’ notice of such expulsion. The notice shall
briefly state the grounds for the expulsion.
A. Causes Of Dissolution. The partnership shall be dissolved on the
happening of any of the following events:
1. Withdrawal, retirement, or expulsion of any partner;
2. Death, disablility, or bankruptcy, of any partner;
3. Incapacity of any partner to continue in the practice of law in
Georgia, whether by physical or mental incapacity, suspension,
or disbarment; or
4. Unanimous agreement of the parties.
B. Right To Continue Business After Dissolution. On dissolution of the
partnership, the remaining partners shall have the right to elect to continue
the business of the partnership under the same name, by themselves, or
with any additional persons they may choose. If the partners remaining
desire to continue the business, but not together, the partnership shall be
liquidated pursuant to Subsection (E) of this article.
C. Payment If Partnership Continued After Dissolution. If, on
dissolution, the remaining partners elect to continue the partnership
business under subsection (B) of this article, they shall pay to the retiring,
withdrawing, or expelled partner, or to the estate of the deceased partner,
the value of such partner’s interest, as determined by subsection (D) of this
article, as of the date of dissolution. Such payment shall be made within
_____ months of dissolution.
D. Value Of Partner’s Interest. The value of a partner’s interest in the
partnership shall be computed by (1) adding the totals of the partner’s
(a) capital account, (b) income account, and (c) any other amounts owed
to the partner by the partnership and (2) subtracting from the sum of the
above totals the sum of the total of (a) any drawing account and (b) any
amount owed by him or her to the partnership.
E. Winding Up And Liquidation. On dissolution of the partnership, if the
partnership business is not continued pursuant to subsection (b) of this
article, it shall be wound up and liquidated as quickly as circumstances
will allow. The assets of the partnership shall be applied to partnership
liabilities in the following order:
1. Amounts owing to creditors other than partners;
2. Amounts owing to partners other than for capital
and profits;
3. Amounts owing to partners in respect to capital; and
4. Amounts owing to partners in respect to profits.
It is agreed that disputes arising under this agreement, or under any instrument
made to carry out the terms of this agreement, shall be submitted to arbitration in
accordance with the arbitration laws of the State of Georgia.
All notices to the partners, pursuant to this agreement, shall be in writing, and shall
be deemed effective when sent by personal delivery or by certified mail to the respective
address of each partner, as indicated by the partnership’s most current records of the
partners’ mailing addresses.
This agreement, except with respect to vested rights of the partners, may be
amended at any time by a majority vote of the partners.
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the dates
indicated below.
________________________________ __________________
First Party Date
Witness To First Party
Witness To First Party
________________________________ ___________________
Second Party Date
Witness To Second Party
Witness To Second Party