Fillable Printable Performance Appraisal Form Sample
Fillable Printable Performance Appraisal Form Sample

Performance Appraisal Form Sample

Form 235
Please return completed form to the Human Resources Department
6720-A Rockledge Drive · Suite 100 · Bethesda, Maryland 20817 · Telephone: (240) 694-4008 · Fax: (240) 694-3145 ·
Review Period: to
Employee Name: Job Title:
Supervisor/Evaluator Name:
Reviewer Name:
The purpose of this performance appraisal is to encourage employee development. It will be used to evaluate merit pay,
opportunities for advancement and staff training and development. It is important to consider the employee’s level of
demonstrated performance during the specified review period and how it relates to the definitions of performance ratings,
as well as the degree of applicability to the job. Definitions for Performance Ratings and Importance to Job are provided
below. In each case, select the performance rating that most closely describes the employee’s performance. If an
employee earns a rating of Excellent, Needs Improvement, or Unsatisfactory, the Comments section must be completed.
Definitions of Performance Rating
(5) Excellent: Performance consistently far exceeds normal job requirements.
(4) Exceeds Expectations: Performance consistently exceeds normal job requirements.
(3) Meets Expectations: Performance meets job requirements.
(2) Needs Improvement: Performance does not meet job requirements; minor performance deficiencies.
(1) Unsatisfactory: Performance fails to meet job requirements; major performance deficiencies.
Definitions of Applicability to Job
(A) Very Important: Essential to the performance of the job.
(B) Important: Significant in the performance of the job.
(C) Somewhat Applicable: Not essential to the performance of the job.
(D) Not Applicable: Not required in the performance of the job.

HJF Form 235
Please return completed form to the Human Resources Department
6720-A Rockledge Drive · Suite 100 · Bethesda, Maryland 20817 · Telephone: (240) 694-4008 · Fax: (240) 694-3145 ·
Page 2 of 3
Performance Factors
Applicability to
Job (A-D)
1. Professional Knowledge – Applies technical or professional
competency to work situations.
5 4 3 2 1
2. Quality of Work – Applies job knowledge effectively and thoroughly.
Demonstrates reliability and accuracy in work performance.
5 4 3 2 1
3. Initiative – Identifies and resolves problems without prompting. 5 4 3 2 1
4. Innovation/Creativity – Develops and implements new solutions,
new procedures, concepts and designs and/or new applications of
existing designs or procedures, demonstrating imagination and
5 4 3 2 1
5. Judgment – Makes well-reasoned and sound decisions, accurately
interprets events and develops appropriate courses of action.
5 4 3 2 1
6. Planning/Organization – Organizes time and resources effectively
to achieve goals; sets appropriate priorities.
5 4 3 2 1
7. Dependability – Meets schedules consistently including deadlines
and project requirements.
5 4 3 2 1
8. Written Communications – Writes concise, organized and clear
communications that meet appropriate objectives.
5 4 3 2 1
9. Oral Communications – Conveys ideas persuasively, either speaking
ad hoc or in a prepared presentation.
5 4 3 2 1
10. Team Building – Cooperates with and supports others within the
department and in other departments; works effectively with others to
achieve Foundation goals.
5 4 3 2 1
11. Productivity/Quantity of Work – Volume of work done in relation
to the job performed.
5 4 3 2 1
12. Customer Service – Procedures and attitude that effect external and
internal customers.
5 4 3 2 1
The section below is reserved for appraising/evaluating supervisory personnel only.
Please complete numbers 13-16 if applicable.
13. Leadership – Guides a group or an individual toward task
accomplishment. Effective in getting work accomplished through
5 4 3 2 1
14. Development of Self and Staff – Coaches, counsels, and provides
on-the-job development of staff; encourages career development;
targets areas for own professional growth.
5 4 3 2 1
15. Supervision – Directs personnel in a way that generates respect,
loyalty and enthusiasm; is eager to enable staff to achieve successes;
delegates effectively.
5 4 3 2 1
16. Affirmative Action – Takes affirmative action in recruiting, hiring
and promoting employees.
5 4 3 2 1

HJF Form 235
Please return completed form to the Human Resources Department
6720-A Rockledge Drive · Suite 100 · Bethesda, Maryland 20817 · Telephone: (240) 694-4008 · Fax: (240) 694-3145 ·
Page 3 of 3
Strengths and Areas for Development (If more space is needed, please attach additional sheets.)
1. Identify employee’s strengths in the work place.
2. Identify areas in which the employee could further develop performance.
3. Identify goals and objectives for performance and development during the next 12 months.
Based on all previous measures of performance, the overall performance rating is:
Excellent Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
In signing this form, the employee acknowledges that this appraisal has been reviewed with him/her and
understands the supervisor’s expectations and comments.
I do not agree with appraisal (attach explanation if desired)
Employee Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________________
Supervisor/Evaluator Signature: __________________________________ Date: __________________
Reviewer Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________
HJF Official’s Signature: _________________________________________ Date: __________________
(Required if evaluator and reviewer are not employees of HJF.)
Supervisor/Evaluator/Reviewer Comments (optional)
(If more space is needed, please use back of page.)