Fillable Printable Power of Attorney Example - South Dakota
Fillable Printable Power of Attorney Example - South Dakota

Power of Attorney Example - South Dakota

Revised 08/08
Power of Attorney
South Dakota Department of Revenue
445 E. Capitol Ave | Pierre, SD 57501-3185 | 1-800-TAX-9188
Please ll out this form if you have an accounting rm or reporting service compile your tax applica-
tions andreturns for you.
Licensee’s are required to le returns/application and pay taxes/fees as they are owed. They are also re-
quired to accept and respond to various types of ofcial communications with the Department of Revenue.
If a licensee prefers an Accounting or Reporting rm to fulll these responsibilities this authorization form
is to be completed. This is a privilege extended to the licensee which requires special handling by the de-
partment, therefore,such action will not be considered unless this form is properly completed and placed
on le with the Department. However, the completion of this form does not relieve the licensee of the legal
obligations associated with a particular license. The licensee is ultimately responsible for the payment of the
tax/fee as well as all acts and omissions of the stated Accounting or Reporting rm.
Power of Attorney
KNOW ALL MEN BY THE PRESENT, that the undersigned principal and licensee has made and
appointed,and does hereby make and appoint (Firm’s Name)
Or agents or employees, with the ofces at (Mailing Address)
(Phone Number)
to act as Attorney-in-Fact for the undersigned, who makes this appointment either personally or in an autho-
rized representative capacity on behalf of a principal partnership, corporation, or other entity; this power of
attorney shall be limited to the following specic purposes involving the South Dakota license(s) indicated:
To prepare, sign and le applications with the Department of Revenue.
To prepare, sign and le with the Department of Revenue periodic tax returns or reports as required
by South Dakota law.
To collect refunds owed to the principal by the State of South Dakota.
To take legal notice of all delinquencies, cancellation listings and ofcial mailings prepared and sent
by the Department of Revenue.
To take legal notice of all tax rate/fee changes.
To preserve all records required to be kept by the principal for the statutory period of time.
To respond to communications when such responses are requested by the Department ofRevenue.
To take legal notice of all Notices of Intent to Audit.
To present to ofcials of the Department of Revenue all records requested to be inspected.
To cooperate and assist all ofcials of the Department of Revenue while they are conducting all
To take legal notice of all Certicates of Assessment.
Complete and use the button at the end to print for mailing.
SD EForm -

The Power of Attorney shall be effective upon receipt thereof by the Department of Revenue
and shallcontinue until cancelled by ling with the department an instrument properly executed and reciting
such cancellation.
IN WITNESS WHERE OF, the undersigned has caused these present to be execute, for benet of the
principal namebelow.
Please check the following licenses which you hold or are applying for:
Business Tax License(s) Tax License Number(s) if previously assigned
Sales/Use Tax License
Manufacturers License
Wholesalers License
Contractors’ Excise Tax License
Special Licenses
Alcohol Wholesalers License
Tobacco Distributor License
Accounting or Reporting Firm By: Principle and Licensee By:
Company Name Company Name
Signature of Owner/Legal Rep. Signature of Owner/Legal Rep.
Title Title
Address-Mailing Address-Mailing
City/State City/State
Phone Number Phone Number
State of:
County of:
On this day of , before the undersigned, a Notary of the Public for the
State of personally appeared known to
be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledge to me that he
executed the same in capacity as shown.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and seal this day
of ,this certicate above written.
Notary Public
My commission expires: