Fillable Printable Project Management Report
Fillable Printable Project Management Report

Project Management Report

Verification &
Validation Program
Project Management
IVV 094
Version: AG
Effective Date:
June 24, 2014
Verify that this is the correct version before use.
Jeffrey Northey
signature on file)
IMS Manager 06/24/2014
Wes Deadrick
(original signature on file)
Process Owner 06/23/2014
Document ID/Link Document Title
Form 1007 Concurrence Sheet
IVV QM NASA IV&V Quality Manual
IVV 09-1 Independent Verification and Validation Technical
IVV 14 Corrective and Preventive Action
IVV 16 Control of Records
IVV 23 Lessons Learned
IVV 24 Success Stories
NPR 1441.1 NASA Records Retention Schedules
S3016 Reference Guide for Controlling Records at
Project Closeout
S3106 Portfolio Based Risk Assessment (PBRA) and Risk
Based Assessment (RBA) Process
T2103 IV&V Project Execution Plan (IPEP) Template
If any process in this document conflicts with any document in the NASA Online Directives
Information System (NODIS), this document shall be superseded by the NODIS document.
Any external reference shall be monitored by the Process Owner for current versioning.

Verification &
Validation Program
Project Management
IVV 094
Version: AG
Effective Date:
June 24, 2014
1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this system level procedure
(SLP) is to establish a consistent and
documented method of performing project
management for the IV&V Office.
2.0 Scope
This SLP applies to all IV&V Office personnel
who perform project management for IV&V or system/software engineering tasks
for the NASA IV&V Program.

Verification &
Validation Program
Project Management
IVV 094
Version: AG
Effective Date:
June 24, 2014
3.0 Definitions and Acronyms
Official NASA IV&V roles and terms are
defined in the
Quality Manual
. Specialized
definitions identified in this SLP are defined
3.1 Business Manager (BM)
Within the scope of this SLP, the BM
monitors the financial resources for the IV&V Office and coordinates with
contracting and program financial management personnel to enable the
planning, mechanization, and execution of IVVO work. The BM
coordinates with Project Managers (PMs) to establish financial resource
requirements for IV&V activities, monitors IVVO financial performance,
reviews contractor financial deliverables on behalf of IVVO, and provides
analysis to PMs or Group Leads with respect to planning and performance
as appropriate or requested.
3.2 Deliverable
A deliverable is a product identified as a deliverable within task orders,
contracts, or IV&V Project Execution Plans (IPEPs). Products required by
a task order or contract may be known as formal deliverables; other
products may be known as informal deliverables.
3.3 IV&V Office Management
IV&V Office Management is the managing body of NASA IV&V civil
service employees that includes the IV&V Office Lead, the IV&V Office
Business Manager, and the IV&V Office Group Leads, (IV&V, CD, TQ&E,
JSTAR, and SWAT), and other leads as assigned by the IVVO Lead.
3.4 Milestone
A milestone is an event in the lifecycle of a project that is generally

Verification &
Validation Program
Project Management
IVV 094
Version: AG
Effective Date:
June 24, 2014
3.5 Project Artifacts
Project Artifacts are the products,
documents, and information delivered to
the NASA IV&V Program for use in
performing IV&V activities on a project.
3.6 Acronyms
BM Business Manager
CAR Corrective Action Request
CD Capability Development
COR Contracting Officer Representative
ECM Enterprise Content Management
FA Formal Agreement
FRR Flight Readiness Review
IBA IV&V Board of Advisors
IPEP IV&V Project Execution Plan
IVVO IV&V Office
JSTAR Jon McBride Software Testing and Research
NODIS NASA Online Directives Information System
NPR NASA Procedural Requirements
ORBIT Observation, Requirements (or Risks), Backlog and Issue
PAR Preventative Action Request
PBRA Portfolio Based Risk Assessment
PFM Program Financial Management
PM Project Manager
PMER Performance Monitor Evaluation Report
POC Point of Contact
QM Quality Manual
RBA Risk Based Assessment
RRB Risk Review Board
SBU Sensitive But Unclassified
SLP System Level Procedure
SMSR Safety and Mission Success Review

Verification &
Validation Program
Project Management
IVV 094
Version: AG
Effective Date:
June 24, 2014
4.0 Process Flow Diagram
The following diagram depicts processes
described in this document, and the
responsibilities and actions that shall be
performed by process participants or their
designees. Any information supplemental to
the depicted process will appear after the
4.1 Project Lifecycle
Assignments Made
Mission Contacts Established
IV&V Heritage Review Conducted
Close out report
Shrink wrap IV&V products
Scope and Technical Rigor Established
Resource Needs,
Schedule Developed
IPEP (WBS instantiated, Scope,
Review of schedule,
approaches, knowledge
{Plan Not
{Applicable IV&V Products
from past identified & Core
Set of Resources Acquired}
{Scope Change
Mission Schedule Change
Recommendation to Replan}
{Scheduled Review}
{End of project schedule
mission cancelled}
Execute Schedule, Resources
Maintain Scope & Awareness
Deliver products
Manage Knowledge
e & All

Verification &
Validation Program
Project Management
IVV 094
Version: AG
Effective Date:
June 24, 2014
Based Risk Assessment (PBRA)
process conducted prior to the
Initialization state. (Information
regarding the PBRA process can be
found in S3106, PBRA and RBA
Process.) Through all phases of the
lifecycle the PM will follow IVV 16,
Control of Records.
During the lifecycle of the project, any
risks, Lessons Learned, and Success Stories should be compiled. The
IV&V Office will provide a status of project risks to the Risk Review Board
(RRB) on a monthly basis.
4.2 Project Initiation
For IV&V Project Initiation, the IV&V Office shall assign a Project Manager
(PM) and a core set of IV&V Analysts to a new project. The PM shall
initiate communications with the Project to provide an overview of IV&V,
acquire a project schedule, and establish objectives. The PM will then
conduct a heritage review to identify relevant products and artifacts from
heritage projects that may be applicable to the current project.
4.3 Project Planning
During the planning state, the PM shall work with the Technical Quality
and Excellence (TQ&E) Group to establish the scope and technical rigor
of the IV&V effort to be applied. During the Project Planning state, the
IV&V PM establishes the Assurance Strategy for the IV&V Project which
encapsulates the goals, objectives, and Assurance Statements that the
IV&V project plans to accomplish throughout its lifecycle.
The PM shall develop a Formal Agreement (FA) that will document and
communicate to the customer the planned technical and management
approaches that will be used in the execution of the IV&V Project. The
IV&V Project Execution Plan (IPEP) will serve as that formal agreement

Verification &
Validation Program
Project Management
IVV 094
Version: AG
Effective Date:
June 24, 2014
(Information regarding IPEP preparation
can be found in T2103, IPEP Template;
and additional information can be found
in IVV 09-1, Independent Verification
and Validation Technical Framework.)
The FA shall include, but is not limited
to, the following information:
Customer contact information
IV&V Team and customer communication approach
Roles and responsibilities
IV&V goals and objectives
Technical approach
Project schedule reference
Issue resolution protocol
Resource requirements
When an IPEP is developed, the PM shall provide a draft to the IV&V
Office Lead and the TQ&E Group for collaboration toward a shared
agreement. The IPEP shall be approved by IV&V Office Lead. The PM
shall provide the IPEP to the customer for concurrence. Where there is a
lack of agreement between parties, the IV&V Office Lead will have
authority for resolution. The PM shall review the FA every 6 months and
update the FA as necessary. The PM will work with the IV&V Office BM to
refine resource requirements for the project.
4.4 Project Execution
During the Execution state, the PM shall monitor and manage the IV&V
schedule, budget, risks, issues, and communications, of the IV&V Project,
to include all product deliveries specific to the project. The PM shall
support the BM’s evaluation of IV&V Project resource allocations,
utilization, and out-month staffing plans. The BM will also make the

Verification &
Validation Program
Project Management
IVV 094
Version: AG
Effective Date:
June 24, 2014
servant representative who will be
responsible for the above tasks.

Verification &
Validation Program
Project Management
IVV 094
Version: AG
Effective Date:
June 24, 2014
4.4.1 Deliverable Processing Control of Customer-
Supplied Products,
Product Identification,
and Traceability
The PM shall ensure that
appropriate Project Artifacts
(e.g., documents, code,
databases) are used when performing tasks and that they are
identified in any resulting report/output (e.g., version, date). In
addition, the PM shall identify and ensure adherence to any
privacy- and/or security-related requirements associated with
customer-supplied products, which includes NASA Export
Control Regulations and Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU). Inspection of Product
The BM/PM shall objectively evaluate all IV&V Products
before submission to the customer (e.g. Development
Project). If the product is required by a contract or task order
(i.e., if it is a formal deliverable) then acceptance or rejection
notification will be provided to the COR within 10 working
days. If rejected, the BM/PM will also provide issues of
discrepancy to the COR. The BM/PM shall objectively
evaluate such products for quality using applicable criteria
including, but not limited to, those identified in the contract
and/or task order requirements.
For any IV&V Project for which there is a contractor PM, the
IV&V Office designated civil servant representative will be
designated as the person responsible for evaluating products
required by a contract or task order (i.e., formal deliverables).
The designated civil servant shall evaluate the product and
provide acceptance or rejection notification to the COR within

Verification &
Validation Program
Project Management
IVV 094
Version: AG
Effective Date:
June 24, 2014
working collaboratively with
the PM to ensure accuracy
of data reported specific to
their respective project.
4.4.2 Deliverable Distribution Control of
Nonconforming Product
If the NASA IV&V Program identifies a problem with an IV&V
Product that has already been delivered to the customer, the
PM shall immediately inform the Point of Contact (POC) of the
problem. If the customer identifies a product produced by the
NASA IV&V Program as nonconforming (e.g., in an
inappropriate format or performed on the wrong project
artifact), the PM shall resolve the issue with the customer.
Regardless of how the problem has been identified, the PM
Complete a Corrective Action Request (CAR) per IVV 14,
Corrective and Preventive Action
Ensure that the problem is resolved and that the
customer is provided a full explanation of events
Request closure of the CAR once the nonconforming
product has been approved and sent to the customer
The nonconforming product shall be subjected to its
established verification process once the nonconforming
product has been corrected. Product Review and Approval Process
The PM shall submit IV&V Products that are delivered to the
customer for review and approval to ensure quality of the

Verification &
Validation Program
Project Management
IVV 094
Version: AG
Effective Date:
June 24, 2014
of the review and approval
process. The PM shall
place the original
Concurrence Sheet with
signatures in one of the
designated filing boxes for
storage in the physical
records filing system. Refer
to IVV 16, Control of
Records, for further
Customer Deliverable Products Requiring Form 1007,
Concurrence Sheet
Product Originator Reviewers Approver
Safety and Mission
Success Review (SMSR)
Flight Readiness Review (FRR) PM IV&V Office
IBA-funded Formal Agreements
PM TQ&E Group,
IV&V Office
IV&V Office
Non-IBA-funded Formal
Agreements (IPEP, other
PM TQ&E Group,
IV&V Office
PFM Group,
The following products do not utilize Form 1007, but still
require review and approval prior to delivery to the customer.
The review and approval authority for these products are
outlined in the below table.
Severity 1 and 2 Technical Issue Memorandums