Fillable Printable Project Meeting Minutes Template - Maryland
Fillable Printable Project Meeting Minutes Template - Maryland

Project Meeting Minutes Template - Maryland

Name Department/Division Phone
Theresa Ammons (via conference
DHMH/OPASS 410-767-1361
Frances Penner Potomac Center 240-313-3553
JoAnn Appleyard Potomac Center 240-313-3530
Robin Black Potomac Center 240-313-3523
Nancy Cramer R. Ph. Allied pharmaceutical 301-309-0999 Ext. 223
Steve Lowery PharmaCare 301-723-2423
Remi Olufotebi, R. Ph. The Medicine Shoppe 301-622-0744
Kareem Karara Correct RX Pharmacy Services 410-636-9500
Fariborz Zarfeshan, R. Ph. ALFA Specialty Pharmacy 301-754-2532
Project Name:
PRE-BID CONFERENCE – Pharmaceutical Services - Potomac Center – OPASS 12-10876 -
Date of Meeting:
Wednesday, February 6, 2013,
1:00 P.M.
Potomac Center
1380 Marshall St.
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Purpose of Meeting
Allow vendors the opportunity to present any questions/concerns regarding bid contract and visit site.

Meeting Notes, Decisions, Issues
Ms. Ammons reviewed the bid requirements as follows:
The sign in sheet, as well as, the minutes, any addendum, and Vendors’ Questions and Answers from
this meeting will be posted on eMaryland Marketplace (eMM);
Email any questions not asked at this meeting to Frances Penner, Procurement Agent for the Center at or Theresa Ammons, Contract Officer, OPASS at All additional questions must be received no later than five days prior
to the bid due date and will be posted on eMaryland Marketplace.
The Procurement Method is Competitive Sealed Bidding;
The Department intends to make a single award as a result of this Invitation For Bid (IFB);
The resulting contract will be for (5) five years with no renewals;
A MBE subcontracting goal was not established for the resulting contract, however, MBEs are
encouraged to bid;
Bids are due no later than February 20, 2013 at 2:00 P.M. No bids received after that time and date
will be accepted;
All requested attachments and documents are required in triplicate with all original signatures where
The Bid Submission Requirements are included in Section 3/Bid Format, Subsection 3.4. Also included
in this Section is a listing of documents that is only required from the winning bidder. Section 4 is a
listing of all Attachments;
Attachments A, C, H and I are required after the bid opening by the awarded vendor; and
Addendum Acknowledgements are required and should be returned with the bid submission. Please
include the name of the services (Pharmaceutical Services – OPASS 12-10876 REVISED) on the
outside of the envelope ;
Attachment C – Contract Affidavit asks for the bidder’s resident agent. Contact the State Corporate
Charter Division at 410-767-1330, 301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore, MD. If there are questions;
In order to be awarded a contract, your business must be registered with eMarylandMarketPlace and
be registered to do business in the State of Maryland;
The bid opening is open to the public. At the time of bid opening, an apparent successful vendor will be
announced. However, the final determination will be made after bid submission requirements, bid
calculations, etc. are made and verified;
The bid award will be posted on eMarylandMarketPlace;
Ms. Penner addressed current bid issue and previous bid issues:
The excel spreadsheet attached to the bid will be revised to correct the margins for accurate printing;
Invoices must match within the bid packet, i.e. measurements, brand names, calculations, etc.;
The bid is to have invoices showing proof of charges.
NOTE: Questions received during the Pre-Bid Conference will be posted to eMM under separate cover.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 1:30 P.M.