Fillable Printable Project Meeting Minutes Template sample
Fillable Printable Project Meeting Minutes Template sample

Project Meeting Minutes Template sample

Agenda/Meeting Minutes
1. Purpose of Meeting
Desborough Town Plan Steering Group
2. Attendance at Meeting
Name Name Name Name
David Soans Allan Matthews Terry James Belinda Humfrey
Ben King Paula Holmes Ruth Wakelin Gil Holmes
June Derbyshire
Members of Public :- Carry Murphy KBC
3. Apologies
Joanne Watson Belinda Humfrey
4. Meeting Agenda
1) Welcome and introductions
2) Apologies for absence
3) Minutes of meeting held 22
January 2015 (already circulated)
4) Matters arising from minutes
5) Finance officers report – Allan Matthews
6) Planning consultant’s report – Paula Holmes
7) Project managers report – Gilbert Holmes
Main topic - Issues and options.
Discussion groups event 7
March 2015 report on progress, leaflet distribution and response.
8) LSWG – David Soans
9) Hawthorns report – Paula Holmes
10) Public engagement - future events
11) Questions and comments from members of the public.
12) Communication issues
13) Any other business
14) Date and venue of next meeting
Date of Meeting: Thursday 26
February 2015 Location: Desborough Heritage Centre –

Meeting Notes, Decisions, Issues
1. David Soans welcomed Carry Murphy KBC Planning officer to the meeting
2. Apologies from Counciller Joanne Watson and Belinda Humfrey
3. Last minutes taken as read
4. No matters arising from last minutes
5. Finance Report – Allan Matthews
Awaitnin Funding, about £300 spent from Town Council funds.
6. Planning Consultants Report – Paula Holmes
Planning Consultants report issued by email, needs to thoroughly read, hard copies available soon.
7. Project Managers Report – Gil Holmes
March session on topics and issues on schedule. Funding available for Site Assessment and
Sustainabilty Framework. Most of Town now leafleted, 8 repliers so far. Some output to website.
Make sure we have maps. Refeshments – Lucy, Paula doing list of things to be available at meeting.
8. Lawrence Site Working Group – David Soans
A meeting at KBC on 18
March with results of marketing exercise, should be an announcement by
end of March.
9. Hawthorns report – Paula Holmes
On going, Co-op looking at designs, need to have NP in before it goes to Planning.
10. Public Engagement.
To be at meeting on 7
11. Questions and comments from members of the public.
None, no members of public attended.
12. Communication Issues.
Town clerk does not need all of the emails between group members, only finished documents. There may
be different Councillors on Steering Group after elections in May.
13. Other Business.
After topics and issues session will need to have a meeting with Rachel Hogger to discuss vision
objectives (see 14 below). New contracts will be awarded by April for Neighbourhood plans from Locality.
We may ask for up to £6000 more for specific items. There will be no more support for Planning Aid and
may not be Rachel. Rachel may be working part time for Planning Aid and part time on her own, all agreed
to carry on.
14. Date and venue for next meeting.
Thursday 26
March 2015, 7.30pm Heritage Centre.