Fillable Printable Preparation Of Project Report For Bank Finance
Fillable Printable Preparation Of Project Report For Bank Finance

Preparation Of Project Report For Bank Finance

Preparation of Project Report for
Bank Finance
September 2013
Indian Institute of Plantation Management Bangalore
(An Autonomous Organization Promoted by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, GOI)

One day workshop on Preparation of Project Report for Bank Finance
Finance is essential for all corporates whether they are in production/service, marketing or any other
commercial activity. Banks are the major sources for debt finance whether it may be for short term or long
term. Corporates enjoy credit facilities with banks in the form of fund based and non-fund based limits.
Many of the corporates require an enhancement of their credit limits every year. This process of
enhancement shall be taken up by the banks at the time of annual renewal of credit limits.
A project report or a business plan is the basic document which needs to be prepared by a corporate or an
entrepreneur to approach a lending institution for finance. A project report reflects the vision and the
objectives of the company and sets out in detail how the company intends to go about achieving these
objectives and what support it needs from the bank to achieve these goals. A project report should contain
all information that a banker needs to evaluate and finance a project and should induce him to do so. Thus
a project report becomes a critical document in the process of resource raising. In fact, a well prepared
project report means half the battle is won.
Objectives of the program
This workshop will guide finance professionals and persons responsible for raising project/bank finance
about the basics of preparation of a project report and then takes them to higher levels of financial
estimates and projections (CMA data) as would be acceptable to banks. The workshop will also discuss
the modalities of submitting information to banks for enhancement of existing credit limits fund based as
well as non-fund based.
Target Group
This workshop will benefit all those finance executives, entrepreneurs, as well as professionals who are
involved or associated with raising resources from banks for working capital, term loans, LC limits, bank
guarantee limits etc.
Program Contents
Session – 1: How to structure a project report – Information to be given in a project report:
capacity, industry scenario, marketing strengths, promotion background, the need for consistency
between information and financials.

Session – 2: Key financial ratios that are relevant to lending bankers – Resolving conflicts between
ratios – How to use depreciation and income tax to bring about desired results in projected
financials – Term loan servicing and effect on project feasibility.
Session – 3: Preparation of CMA data – case study, Form I to Form VI – Assessment of working
capital needs – Fund based and non-fund based.
Session – 4: Preparation of CMA data continued – Putting forth our proposal to the lending
bankers – Giving final touches
A real case with hands on experience in the entire process from preparation to sanction of credit
The necessary CMA data shall be worked out based on the project assumption. The participants
are requested to bring a calculator.
Date and Duration
It shall be a one day programme on 27
September, 2013. The programme starts sharp at 10 AM and
shall have four sessions of 75 minutes duration with tea/coffee breaks of 15 minutes and a lunch break of
45 minutes. Participants should report to the venue on or before 9.30 AM.
Venue of the program
The program shall be held at the Knowledge Resource Center, Executive Block, Indian Institute of
Plantation Management, Near Mallathalli Circle (Kengeri – Mysore outer ring road), Bangalore 560 056.
Program Faculty
The faculty brings their expertise in banking and finance to the workshop and eminently qualified to take
participants through the process of project report preparation.
Mr. Ashit Hegde
He possess more than two decades of experience as Senior Officer in Bank of Baroda in India and abroad.
He has a rich corporate experience as Head Resource Raising & Forex Management. He has conducted
many workshops on Bank audit and how to prepare project reports for raising bank finance etc., for
executives, chartered accountants and other finance professionals.
Dr. A. N. Vijayakumar

Assistant Professor in Finance and Accounting at the IIPM Bangalore. He was earlier with the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi. He has been conducting workshops/training programs in the
area of investment management, capital budgeting, project finance, finance for non-finance etc., for
executives and entrepreneurs.
Program fee
The program fee (non-residential) is Rs. 4850/- (inclusive of service tax @ 12.36%) per participant. The fee
includes training materials, kit, lunch, tea/coffee snacks etc. The program fee may be paid either through
DD or E transfer.
Option 1: DD
Option 2: E Transfer
Bank Name: United Bank of India
Bank Branch: IIPM Campus Branch, Bangalore
A/c No : 0884050010007
IFSC Code : UTBI0IPC856 (Fifth character “0” read as
MICR NO : 560027009
Last date for application
Application form may be filled online. A copy of online filled form along with program fee may be sent on or
before 23
September, 2013 to MDP Office, Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Jnana Bharati
Campus, P.O. Malathalli, Bangalore 560056, Karnataka, India, Tel: +91-80-23212647/23211716, Fax: +91-
About the Institute
Indian Institute of Plantation Management (IIPM), centre of excellence and the first of its kind national
institute was established at the initiative of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. It is
co-promoted by the Commodity Boards of India viz., Coffee Board, Rubber Board, Tea Board, Spices
Board and Plantation Industry/Associations. IIPM has been serving our nation for the last 19 years in
Plantation and Associated Agri-business Education through high quality programs in teaching, research,
on-site industry executive training and service. Over 24,019 trainees including executives, managers,
planters, Commodity Boards officials and students around the country and other developing nations have
participated in the Institute programs. The Institute has a educational membership with the association to
advance collegiate schools of business (AACSB-USA) and affiliated membership with European
Foundation for management development (EFMD-Brussels).

Application Form
Preparation of Project Report for Bank Finance (27
Sept. 2013)
1. Name:_________________________________________________________________________________
2. Correspondence Address: ________________________________________________________________
State: __________________________________________ Pin: ___________________________________
E-Mail:_________________________________________: _______________________________________
3. Educational Qualifications (Highest)
4. Current Job Profile
5. Program fee details: Amount Rs.4850/- Vide: DD/E transfer (ref.)
Bank Name : United Bank of India
Bank Branch : IIPM Campus Branch, Bangalore
A/c No : 0884050010007
IFSC Code : UTBI0IPC856 (Fifth character “0” read as Zero)
MICR NO : 560027009
Date of payment: …………………………………………….
Candidate’s Signature
Dr. A.N. Vijayakumar
Programme Coordinator
Indian Institute of Plantation Management
Jnana Bharati Campus, P.O. Malathalli
Bangalore 560 056
Ph: 080 23212647
Mb: 9844361528
Email: [email protected]om