Fillable Printable Affidavit Of Domicile Computershare
Fillable Printable Affidavit Of Domicile Computershare

Affidavit Of Domicile Computershare

Quit Claim Deed
(Pursuant to 38-30-116 C.R.S.)
THIS DEED, made on _______________ by ______________________ Grantor(s), of the County of __________
and State of __________ for the consideration of *** Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration *** dollars in
hand paid, hereby sells and quitclaims to ____________________ Grantee(s), Tenancy whose street address is
_________________________ County of __________, State of __________, the following real property in the County of
__________, and State of Colorado, to wit:
also known by street and number as _____________________________________________
with all its appurtenances.
State of
County of
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of _______________ by
Notary Public
My commission expires
When recorded return to: _________________________

Affidavit of Instruction for Preparation of a Quitclaim Deed
Each undersigned party hereby requests that LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY (“LTGC”) act as scrivener for each
undersigned party in preparing the Quitclaim Deed. Each undersigned party agrees to hold LTGC harmless from any liability, damages
or expenses arising out of the preparation of the Quitclaim Deed. Each undersigned party hereby represents and acknowledges that a.)
LTGC has recommended that the undersigned parties consult with legal counsel regarding the subject conveyance; b.) LTGC has not
advised or instructed the undersigned parties regarding the creation, effect or adequacy of the Quitclaim Deed; c.) The Quitclaim Deed
shall be prepared on a form that is approved by the undersigned parties; d.) The undersigned parties shall review the completed
Quitclaim Deed and make all necessary modifications; and e.) LTGC has recommended that the undersigned parties review their
existing title policies and consult with their title insurer, or legal counsel, regarding the effect, if any, of the subject conveyance on
existing coverage. The undersigned Grantor(s) state that it is their intent to convey the property located at
_________________________ to the following Grantee(s).
Legal Address of Property: <legal>
The Undersigned
Grantee(s) direct LTGC
to vest title under
Quitclaim Deed as
FOLLOWING), and to
record the Quitclaim
Deed with the Clerk and
Recorder of the County
in which the subject
property is located.
Joint Tenants Tenants in Common
Executed this ______ day of _________________________, ________.
Print Name
Print Name
Print Name
Print Name
Print Name
Print Name
Print Name
Print Name

A Separate Affidavit must be Completed for each Signer
TO: Land Title Guarantee Company
Notary's Affidavit
(For Out of Office Notary Acknowledgement)
State of )
County of )
I hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that I am authorized to act as a Notary Public, in and for the above County and State, and
that in performing my duties as a Notary Public, I have complied with all applicable State and Local Laws and that I have been
presented with original government issued identification which has not expired and which bears a photo or physical description and
has a signature which matched the signature on the documents being executed herein.
A copy of the identification is attached: Yes _____ No _____
I notarized the signature of
Date of Notarial Acknowledgement:
Capacity of Signer: ______ Individual
______ Corporate Officer (Title: )
______ Partner ( _____Limited / _____General)
______ Attorney in Fact
______ Trustee
______ Guardian/Conservator
______ Other:
Identification Used:
Title and Date of Document (s):
Notary Public’s Signature
Print Name:
Print Address:
Phone N umber:
**NOTE: The State of Colorado has margin requirements for recording a document. The margin requirements for recording
a document are: one inch margin on the top of the page and one-half inch on each side margin. The margin requirements are
dictated by C.R.S. 30-10-406(3)(a). Please do not place any part of your seal within these margin.