Fillable Printable Russian Alphabet Sample Form
Fillable Printable Russian Alphabet Sample Form

Russian Alphabet Sample Form

Russian Alphabet
The Russian Alphabet
The table below shows the letters of the Russian alphabet, their English transliteration and pronunciation.
Russian is a form of the Cyrillic alphabet versions of which are also used in Belarusian, Bulgarian,
Macedonian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Uzbek, Kyrgyz and Mongolian.
English Pronunciation
А а a in farm a
Б б b in bit b
В в v in vine v
Г г g in going g
Д д d in dog d
Е е ye in yet ye or e
Ж ж
g in genre, s in pleasure,
or zh
З з z in zoo zh
И и ee in see i
Й й y in yes i, y or j
К к k in kitchen k
Л л l in laugh l
М м m in mat m
Н н n in not n
О о al in chalk o
П п p in pepper p
Р р rolled r r
С с s in see s
Т т t in tip t
У у oo in booth u
Ф ф f in fat f
Х х ch in Bach kh or h
Ц ц ts in hits ts
Ч ч ch in chair ch
Ш ш sh in shout sh
Щ щ sh in sheer sch
Ъ ъ
when placed after a
consonant, indicates it is
not palatalized
Ы ы i in pill y
Ь ь
when placed after a
consonant, indicates a
softened pronunciation
Э э e in bet e
Ю ю u in use yu
Я я ya in yard ya