Fillable Printable Sample Invitation Letter
Fillable Printable Sample Invitation Letter

Sample Invitation Letter

(original signed letter must be on departmental letterhead.)
[S treet Address]
[City] [Province] [Postal Code]
Dear [Name],
On behalf of [Name of Department], I am pleased to invite you to be a J-1 Exchange Visitor,
Student Intern at the State University of New York at Buffalo (“University at Buffalo”). This
invitation is effective for the period of [Start Date of Program] to [End Date of Program].
During this period, you will be engaged in [Describe Program Activities].
J-1 Student Intern Program Requirements
In order to p articipate in the J-1 Exchange V isitor Program as a S tudent Intern, y ou will have to
meet certain requirements of the U.S. Department of State. These include: 1) being enrolled
and in good academic standing at your academic institution in your home country, and 2)
returning to and obtaining a degree from your home institution after completing the internship
program. In addition, the internship program must fulfill the educational objectives for your
current degree program at your home institution.
To confirm that these requirements are met, we request a letter from your home institution
confirming that you are in good academic standing and that the internship will fulfill the
educational objectives for your current degree program.
[UB Funding Option]
The University at Buffalo shall provide a stipend of $[Dollar Amount] per [Month/Year]. The
University at Buffalo will also provide you with [office]/[lab] space (which may be shared), the
use of a computer and access to library facilities
[Non-UB Funding Option]
It is my underst anding that you will provide your own funding to cover all the expenses of your
stay at the University at Buffalo. The University at Buffalo will provide you with [office]/[lab]

space (which may be shared), the use of a computer and library facilities.
Unless your academic department will make arrangements for you, it will be your responsibility
to find housing for yourself (and your family, if applicable) for the duration of your stay at the
University. Helpful tips for finding off-campus housing can be found at
Health Insurance
Both the U.S. Department of S tate (DOS) and S t ate University of New York (SUNY) require J-1
Exchange Visitors to have medical insurance coverage during their stay in the U.S. as J-1
Exchange Visitors. The DOS also requires that J-2 dependents have medical insurance that
meets DOS regulatory requirements. Further information about insurance for J-1 interns is
available at
To affirm that you and your dependents will have the necessary health insurance coverage, we
require you to sign and submit the Medical Insurance Attestation form to us. After you have
done so, we will send you a DS-2019 so you can apply for a J-1 visa. The Medical Insurance
Attestation Form is available at
[UB Funding Option] The University will also provide medical insurance starting on the 43
day of your employment. You will be responsible for purchasing health insurance from UB’s
Student Medical Insurance Office for the 42-day waiting period before your
employer-sponsored health insurance takes effect. Note
: UB Research Foundation
employees must purchase Medical Evacuation and Repatriation (MEDEX) Insurance from
UB’s Student Medical Insurance Office upon arrival as a supplement to their
employer-sponsored health insurance.
Although J-1 Exchange V isi tors may wish to purchase health insurance in their home country,
they should be aware that their home country policy can only substitute for the SUNY poli cy if
the health insurance coverage is comparable. If not, the J-1 Exchange Visitor will also have
to purchase the SUNY policy. Similarly, any health insurance policy purchased for J-2
dependents mus t meet the DOS requirements or the J-2 will also need to purchase the SUNY
policy. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing health insurance in your home country
to cover you during your stay in the U.S.
Further information regarding the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program is available at
We are delighted that you will come to our University as a J-1 Student Intern and look forward
to meeting you.