Fillable Printable Sample Photography Contract
Fillable Printable Sample Photography Contract

Sample Photography Contract

] Website
[ ] Picture CD
Type & Number
of hours
___________________________ Price $ ___________
___________________________ Price
$ ___________
___________________________ Price
$ ___________
Total $___________
(See the forms page on the website for minimum deposit amount)
Less deposit $___________
date is the due date)
Balance Due $___________
Package Contents
Photography Contract
Client’s Name ______________________________________
Address ______________________________________
Tel ______________________________________
Email ______________________________________
Date ______________________________
Event Date ______________________________Event
Start Time ________________ End Time _________________
Locations for Photography:
Location Address 1
__________________________________________________________________ Time_______________
Location Address
__________________________________________________________________ Time_______________
Charges: The package fee is based on the Photographer’s Standard Price List and includes the photographs described therein. If the fee is not based
on a package but is a session fee, all photographs shall be billed in addition to the fee and in accordance with the Standard Price List. In addition
to either the package fee or the session fee, the extra charges set forth below shall be billed if and when incurred.
The parties have read both the front and back of this Agreement, agree to all its terms, and acknowledge receipt of a complete copy of
the Agreement signed by both parties. Each person signing as Client below shall be fully responsible for ensuring that full payment
is made pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
Client’s signature _________________________________
Date ___________________
Photographer’s signature _______________________________________________________ Date _______________________
Justin Tinapay
This Agreement is subject to all the terms and conditions appearing on the reverse side.

Terms and Conditions
1. Exclusive Photographer. The Photographer shall be the exclusive photographer retained by the Client for the purpose of
photographing the event. Guests, Family and friends of the Client shall be permitted to photograph as long as they shall not interfere
with the Photographer’s duties.
2. Deposit and Payment. The Client shall make a deposit to retain the Photographer to perform the services specifi ed herein. At such
time as this order is completed, the deposit shall be applied to reduce the total cost and Client shall pay the balance due. Balance shall
be paid in full during or before the event for the service to be provided.
3. Cancellation. If the Client shall cancel this Agreement ninety (90) or more calendar days before the event date, any deposit paid to
the Photographer shall be refunded in full. If Client shall cancel within ninety (90) days of the event date and if the Photographer does
not obtain another assignment for that date, liquidated damages shall be charged in a reasonable amount not to exceed the deposit. A
$300 cancellation fee shall be applied if the Client cancels within thirty (30) days of the event date.
4. Copyright and Reproductions. The Photographer shall own the copyright in all images created and shall have the exclusive right
to make reproductions. The Photographer shall only make reproductions for the Client or for the Photographer’s portfolio, samples,
self-promotions, entry in photographic contests or art exhibitions, editorial use, website, or for display within or on the outside of
the Photographer’s studio.
5. Client’s Usage. The Client is obtaining prints for personal use only, and shall not sell said prints. If Client is obtaining a print
for newspaper announcement of the wedding, editorial use or website, Photographer authorizes Client to reproduce the print in this
manner. In such event, Client shall run a credit for the Photographer adjacent to the photograph.
6. Failure to Perform. If the Photographer cannot perform this Agreement due to a fi re or other casualty, strike, act of God, or
other cause beyond the control of the parties, or due to Photographer’s illness, then the Photographer shall return the deposit to the
Client but shall have no further liability with respect to the Agreement. This limitation on liability shall also apply in the event that
photographic materials are damaged in processing, lost through camera malfunction, lost in the mail, or otherwise lost or damaged
without fault on the part of the Photographer. In the event the Photographer fails to perform for any other reason, the Photographer
shall not be liable for any amount in excess of the retail value of the Client’s order.
7. Photographer. The Photographer may substitute another photographer to take the photographs in the event of Photographer’s illness
or of scheduling confl icts. In the event of such substitution, Photographer warrants that the photographer taking the photographs
shall be a competent professional.
8. Inherent Qualities. Client is aware that color dyes in photography may fade or discolor over time due to the inherent qualities of
dyes as well as DVD or CD media which may deteriorate due to delamination and oxidation, and Client releases Photographer from
any liability for any claims whatsoever based upon the deterioration due to such inherent qualities.
. Photographer’s Standard Price List. The charges in this Agreement are based on the Photographer’s Standard Price List. This price
list is adjusted periodically and future orders shall be charged at the prices in effect at the time when the order is placed.
10. Miscellany. This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties. Any modifi cations of this Agreement must be in
writing and signed by both parties. Any waiver of a breach or default hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of a subsequent breach
or default of either the same provision or any other provision of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
the State of New York & New Jersey.
The parties have read both the front and back of this Agreement, agree to all its terms, and acknowledge receipt of a complete copy of the Agreement
signed by both parties.
gnatures below
optional unless
Terms and Condition
s page is printed
on a separate s
heet of paper.
Client’s signature _________________________________ Date ___________________
Photographer’s signature _______________________________________________________ Date _______________________
Justin Tinapay