Fillable Printable SBA Blank Business Plan Form
Fillable Printable SBA Blank Business Plan Form

SBA Blank Business Plan Form

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Client First Name: _____________________ Client Last Name: ________________________
Executive Summary
1. My company name will be _________________________________________________________
2. My business purpose is __________________________________________________________
3. I plan to organize my company as (Corporation, Partnership, LLC, Coop, other)
4. I have been in business since or plan on starting on ____________________________________
5. Manager(s) of the company will be __________________________________________________
6. My experience as an owner is _____________________________________________________
Products and Services
7. The products or services I sell are __________________________________________________
8. The research I’ve done for my business has been _____________________________________

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The Industry, Competition, and Market
9. I consider my competition to be ____________________________________________________
10. How I will measure against the competition: __________________________________________
11. My local competitors are _________________________________________________________
12. My regional competitors are _______________________________________________________
13. My national competitors are _______________________________________________________
14. Some of the trends I see in my industry are __________________________________________
15. Some potential areas I see for growth are ____________________________________________
16. My typical customers have these characteristics in common _____________________________

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Marketing Plan
Marketing should address the four P’s (Product, Price, Placement and Promotion)
17. My product or service is __________________________________________________________
18. My pricing is, or I determine it by ___________________________________________________
19. The places I will sell my product or service are ________________________________________
20. I will promote my product or service by ______________________________________________
21. My competitive advantage is (why buy from me?) ______________________________________
22. I will distribute my product or service by _____________________________________________
23. My use of advertising will consist of _________________________________________________
24. I will get feedback from my customers by ____________________________________________

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Operating Plan
25. The location of my facility is _______________________________________________________
26. My experience with my product or service is __________________________________________
27. I will be involved with the business by completing the following duties: _____________________
28. Any special equipment I need for my business would include _____________________________
29. If I need to hire new employees, I will need to hire these new positions: ____________________
30. I will schedule by (prepare and attach a work schedule with wages/positions) ________________
31. I will provide the following benefits to my employees: ___________________________________
32. I will recruit my employees by or from _______________________________________________
33. My suppliers and vendors are _____________________________________________________

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34. Changes I am considering for the business (if purchasing an existing business): ______________
Management and Ownership
35. The owners of my company are ____________________________________________________
36. Their resumes are attached _______________________________________________________
37. My attorney is __________________________________________________________________
38. My accountant is _______________________________________________________________
39. Other professionals that I will use are _______________________________________________
SWOT Analysis
40. The strengths of my business are (internal characteristics) _______________________________
41. The weaknesses of my business are (internal characteristics) _____________________________
42. I see the following opportunities for my business (external characteristics) ___________________
43. I see the following threats (challenges) for my business (external characteristics) _____________

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44. The assumptions I am using to create my financials come from __________________________
45. The collateral I can use for financing includes:_________________________________________
46. My credit history is ______________________________________________________________
47. My credit score is _______________________________________________________________
48. If I am short of money for my project, I can get more from _______________________________
49. My bank is, or the banks I would like to work with are___________________________________
50. My Contact Details
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________________
Email address: _________________________________________________________

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Every company has different start-up costs depending on their business model. This section of the
document is intended to guide you through the costs associated with start-up. Not everything will
apply to your business model. Fill in what is relevant! The rest we can discuss at your appointment.
If you are building a new property, you will have:
Land: _______________________________
Building: _______________________________
Signage: _______________________________
If you are purchasing an existing property, you may have:
Building: ____________________________
Renovations: ____________________________
Signage: ____________________________
If you are renting, you may have:
Renovations: ____________________________
Signage: ____________________________
In all cases, the following may be part of your start-up expenses:
Equipment (business): __________________________
Equipment (office): _____________________________
Furniture: _____________________________________
Fixtures (storage shelves, displays, etc.): _____________
Initial Inventory: _________________________________
Cost to organize: ________________________________
- Registration with ND Secretary of State
- Business formation (consultation with an attorney if needed)
- Marketing
1. Logo development
2. Website
3. Business cards
4. Initial marketing campaign

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Training (Do you have training for any staff prior to opening? If so list all costs associated with
training): ________________________________________________________________________
Professional liability insurance (one year’s premium costs): _________________________________
You will have ongoing operating expenses for your business. Think through the following and provide
information where you can. Bring your back-up calculations to your first meeting.
Revenues (this is always the toughest to think through!): ___________________________________
What are you selling (typical product/service)? ___________________________________________
How many are you selling per month/week/day? _________________________________________
What is the average cost of the product/service you are selling? _____________________________
The devil is in the details – list as many revenue sources as you feel you need to adequately
understand how money comes into your business.
Cost of Goods Sold – this applies to some businesses – not all. If you are reselling and have
inventory typically that is your costs of goods. Bring to your appointment any information you have on
what the product will cost you to purchase and what you will then sell it for – we can calculate the
COGS for you. If you have industry averages or any historical information, bring that as well.

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Expenses (you may need to obtain quotes – complete as much as you can and we can work with you
to identify what else we will need): _____________________________________________________
Employee Wages (we recommend you do a schedule and list positions with the hours worked and
rate of pay for each as supporting documentation): _______________________________________
Supplies: _________________________________________________________________________
Maintenance (building, equipment or vehicles): ___________________________________________
Advertising: _______________________________________________________________________
Car/Travel: _______________________________________________________________________
Accounting/Legal: __________________________________________________________________
Rent: ____________________________________________________________________________
Telephone/Internet: ________________________________________________________________
Utilities – Gas: ________________________________
Electricity: ________________________________
Water: ________________________________
Garbage: ________________________________
Other: ________________________________

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Insurance: Professional liability _______________________________
Automobile (if applicable) ________________________________
Building contents ________________________________
Key Man (if applicable) ________________________________
Disability or Health (if applicable) _________________________________
Lease: ________________________________________________________________________
Real Estate Taxes: _________________________________________________________________
In the case of a purchase – please bring the past three years of profit and loss statements from the
seller along with any changes you might consider.