Fillable Printable Simple Contract Example
Fillable Printable Simple Contract Example

Simple Contract Example

Example 6: Simple Contract
For the supply of
The University of Aberdeen
Contract Reference:
Insert date
Contract for the Supply of:
AGREEMENT made as of this day of 2005, by and between
# having its principal of fice at # (hereinafter called the “Contractor ”), and theUniversity of
Aberdeen, having its principal office at K i ng’ s College, Aberdeen, A B 24 3FX (hereinafter
called the “University”).
The Contractor wi shes to provide a # to the Univ ersity, and the Univ ersity wishes to purchase
a # from the Contractor, all as more particula rly described in the do cuments incorporated
It is hereby agreed as foll ows:
The Contract shall incorporate:
Section 1:Form of Agreement
Section 2:Articles of Agreement and Price
Section 3:Specification of Requirem e nts
Section 4:The University General Conditions of P urch ase
All of which shall be read as one document.
In case of conflicting st atements the order of precedence is:
This Contract
The University of A berdeen General Conditi ons of Purchase
The Contractor’s response to the invitation to tender
The Contractor’s representative shall be #, telephone number: #, facsimile number: #.
The University’s rep resentative shall be # telephone number: 01224 27#, facsimile number:
01224 27#.
The supplies shall be as described in Section 2: Specification of Requirements.
The Contractor shal l provide the supplies to the University in accordance with Section 2:
Articles of Agreement and Price.
The University shall pay the Contractor the price in accordance wit h section 2: Articles of
Agreement and Pric e.
Signed for and witnessed on behalf ofSigned for and witnessed on behalf of
the Contractorthe University of Aberdeen
Section 2: Articles of Agreement and Price
Items to be Supplied
The items to be supplied are those listed as I tems # of Appendix A to the Form of Tender
submitted by the Cont ractor on # (a copy of which is attached to this Secti on as Annex 1).
The Price shall be # as detailed in Clause # of Appe ndi x A to the Form of Tend er submitted
by the Contractor, that is £#. The Price is Carriage and Insurance P ai d to the delivery
address detailed.
Delivery of all it em s shall be made to the following address:
<insert address>
Delivery is required by<insert date and time>. Time is of the essence.
The Contractor shal l provide all reasonable instructions, assistance and training to enable the
University to install and set up the items i n working order immediately after delivery. There
shall be no charge made by the Contractor for thi s s ervice.
Warranty and Maintenance Arrangements
The manufacturer’s warranty shall apply t o al l i tems for a period of 12 months from the date of
b. For a period of # months following expiry of the manufacturer’s war ranty the
Contractor shall prov i de an additional warranty covering [labour a nd travel costs?] and
providing [two service visits?] in each 12 m onth period. The cost of this warranty and service
is included in the Price.
With effect from the expiry of the additional warranty and servi ce referred to in note 5b the
Contractor shall offer the University an annual maintenan ce c ontract on the terms set out in
Annex 2 to this section at a cost of £# a year. Payment shall be made withi n 30 days of
receipt of a valid inv oi ce f ollowing each service v isit. This offer shall rem ai n open and
continuous for not l ess than # years from the date of expiry of t he extendedwarranty and
service referred to in note 5b.
Value Added Tax
The prices contained herein shall exclude Value Added Tax. The Univ ersity will pay
VAT/claim exemption in accordance with UK Government regulat ions.
Terms and Conditions (including Payment)
All other Terms and Conditions set out in Secti on 4 – University of Aberdeen General
Conditions of Purchase shall apply to t hi s Cont ract, except that any terms or conditions
contained in Section 1 – Form of Agreement , or in Section 2 – Articles of Agreementand
Price, which differ f rom those in Section 4 shall take precedence.
Annex 1 to Section 2: Articles of Agreement and Price
(To be submitted as Appendix A to the Form of T ender by the Suppli er)
(Blank page - to be completed by supplier and incorporated in contract)
Annex 2 to Section 2: Articles of Agreement and Price
(Maintenance/Service Agreements etc. )
(Blank page – to be compl eted by supplier and incorporated in contract).