Fillable Printable Standard Shareholders Agreement Template
Fillable Printable Standard Shareholders Agreement Template

Standard Shareholders Agreement Template
THIS AGREEMENT is made on the [insert day] day of [insert month]
[insert year]
[Insert the name and address of the shareholder], ("Shareholder A");
[Insert the name and address of the shareholder], ("Shareholder B");
Hereinafter called the Shareholders/Parties
[Insert the name, registered number and registered address of the
Company], ("the Company")
1. Introduction
1.1 The Company was formed on the [insert date] and for the following
purpose of [insert company's purpose].
1.2 Shareholder A and Shareholder B to this Agreement wish to act and
participate as shareholders in the Company.
1.3 The Parties agree to enter into this Agreement to control, direct and
regulate the operation and management of the Company.
1.4 Furthermore this Agreement is also produced to manage the
relationship between the Parties as Shareholders in the Company.
1.5 Immediately following the signing and execution of this Agreement
the total issued share capital of the Company will be [insert number of
shares] ordinary Shares of £ [insert value of each share, for example
£1.00] each. The Parties respective shareholdings in the Company will be
Shareholder A [insert number of shares] shares and Shareholder B [insert
number of shares] shares, this represents [insert percentage] % and
[insert percentage] % respectively of the entire issued share capital of the
2. Definitions
2.1 "Articles" means the new articles of association of the Company as
amended from time to time.
2.2 "Board" means the board of directors as appointed to the Company;
2.3 "Business" means the commercial activities of the Company as
described within this Agreement and such other commercial activities that
the Shareholders may agree upon in writing from time to time;
2.4 "Director" means any director appointed to the Company, including
alternate directors and non-executive directors;
2.5 "Executive Directors" means those directors appointed by the
Company to have day-to-day control over and responsibility for the
management and running of the Company.
2.6 "Shareholders" means Shareholders A and B to this Agreement. This
includes any other party to whom they transfer their shares in accordance
with the terms of this Agreement.
2.7 "Shares" means shares of the Company;
2.8 "Territory" means the United Kingdom and such other places as the
Company may wish to carry on business now or in the future.
3. Commercial Object of the Company
3.1 The main commercial purpose of the Company is to carry on the
business of [insert details] in the Territory.
3.2 The Company will also carry on all other business related or incidental
to the main commercial purpose of the Company.
3.3 The Business shall at all times be carried out in the best interests of
the Company.
4. Completion
4.1 On the execution of this Agreement or as soon as practicable after it
the Shareholders shall (to the extent not already performed) do or cause
to be done the following at the appropriate Shareholders' and Directors'
4.2 Adopt the agreed new articles for the Company.
4.3 Appoint the following as Directors of the Company, [insert names of
4.4 Appoint the following as Executive Directors of the Company, [insert
names of directors]
4.5 Shareholder A shall subscribe to [insert number of shares] Shares at
£ [insert value of each share] each at a price of £ [insert amount] per
share and such Shares to be allotted and issued by the Company to
Shareholder A in consideration of the payment in full of £ [insert amount].
4.6 Shareholder B shall subscribe to [insert number of shares] Shares at
£ [insert value of each share] each at a price of £ [insert amount] per
share and such Shares to be allotted and issued by the Company to
Shareholder B in consideration of the payment in full of £ [insert amount].
4.7 The Company will execute Directors Service Agreements with the
following directors [list all directors, all of whom should have service
agreements, this should include all Executive Directors].
4.8 Completion shall take place at [insert location] on the date of this
Agreement or such other place and time as may be agreed between the
5. Directors
5.1 The maximum number of Directors (including Executive Directors) at
any given time will be [insert number] unless both Parties agree otherwise
in writing.
5.2 Shareholder A shall appoint [insert number] Director(s) and
Shareholder B appoint [insert number] Director(s).
5.3 Either Party may require the removal or substitution of Director(s)
they have appointed.
5.4 The Executive Directors undertake and covenant to observe and
perform their duties in accordance with their service agreements and
agree to be bound by all the restrictive covenants included within their
service agreements to the extent that such restrictive covenants are
5.5 In accordance with the Articles the first appointed Chairman of the
Board shall be [insert name].
6. Management of the Company
6.1 If the Chairman is unable to attend any meetings of either the board
or meetings of the members of the Company another Director will be
entitled to act as the Chairman or appoint another Director to act as
Chairman for the purposes of the meeting. In the first instance a Director
appointed by [select Shareholder A or Shareholder B] shall be entitled to
act or appoint. In the second instance a Director appointed by [select
Shareholder A or Shareholder B ] shall be entitled to act or appoint.
Thereafter the power to act or appoint will alternate between Directors
appointed by Shareholder A and B.
6.2 All decisions in board meetings or meetings of the members will be
decided by a majority, where there is an equality of vote the Chairman at
the meeting will have a second or casting vote.
6.3 All directors shall be entitled to appoint alternates to represent them
at a board meeting in accordance with the Articles.
6.4 The Board shall meet no less than every quarter from the date of this
Agreement, furthermore any director can request a meeting at any time.
All directors must receive at least seven (7) clear days notice in writing of
any Board meeting. Such notice period can be varied in writing with the
consent of all the directors. Any notice must specify the matters to be
discussed at the board meeting. Other matters may be discussed at a
board meeting if all the directors (including alternates) agree. However,
only those matters outlined in the meeting notice may be resolved at the
6.5 The quorum for any board meeting will be at least two directors
present at the time of and throughout the meeting, one of whom must be
an Executive Director (or appointed alternate). If a quorum is not present
the meeting will be postponed for a further seven (7) clear days for the
same time and place. If a quorum is not present at the adjourned
meeting, the adjourned meeting will be dissolved.
6.6 The Executive Directors will prepare a Business Plan for the approval
of the Board to cover each financial year of the company. Such Plan to be
produced and presented to the Board no later than sixty (60) days before
the beginning of the new financial year to which the Plan relates. The Plan
shall include, but not be limited to, cash flow projections, operating
budgets, sales forecasts, business development plans and strategy for the
upcoming financial year. On presentation of the Business Plan the Board
may request such further information as they require in order to fully
evaluate the Plan. The Plan must be approved by the Board no later than
thirty (30) days before the beginning of the new financial year.
6.7 The Executive Directors will prepare quarterly accounts for
presentation to the Board such accounts to provide full disclosure of
income, expenses and any other significant financial matters relating to
the financial quarter. The Board may request such further information as
they require. Such accounts shall be delivered within thirty (30) days of
the end of the period to which they relate. (Fully audited yearly accounts
will be presented to the Company in general meeting in accordance with
the Companies Acts.)
6.8 The Shareholders shall be entitled to examine and make copies of the
books and accounts of the Company and to request such further
information, as they require.

Sample document – the remaining are clause headings only
Full document contains all clauses
7. Further Administration of the Company
8. Dividends
9. Reserved Matters For Shareholders
10. Share Transfers
11. Warranties
12. Confidentiality
13. Restrictions
14. Winding Up
15. Notices
16. General
17. Duration
18. Jurisdiction
This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England
and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
IN WITNESS of which the parties have signed this Agreement the day,
month and year first above written.
[Insert Shareholder A Name]
in the presence of:
[Insert name and address of witness]
[Insert Shareholder B Name]
in the presence of:
[Insert name and address of witness]