Fillable Printable System Test Plan Template
Fillable Printable System Test Plan Template

System Test Plan Template

Deliverable 1-10
Florida’s Statewide Systems Engineering Management Plan
Version 2 – March 7, 2005
Appendix J
System Test Plan Template

Deliverable 1-10
Florida’s Statewide Systems Engineering Management Plan
Version 2 – March 7, 2005
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Deliverable 1-10
Florida’s Statewide Systems Engineering Management Plan
Version 2 – March 7, 2005 J-1
Title Page
Document Control Panel
Table of Contents
List of Acronyms
1. Introduction
Provide an introduction to the document and the project and a high-level system that includes a
description of its major parts.
1.1 Purpose
Describe the purpose of the document, how it will be used, and the objective(s) of the testing.
1.2 Overview
Provide a brief description of the testing that is planned. If phased integration is being done on
the project, provide a paragraph or two describing the general approach to the phased integration
and identify the functional parts of the system that are being integrated. The following
subparagraphs provide more detail .If no phased integration testing is being done, skip the
integration case (IC) descriptions and describe the test cases (TCs).
1.2.1 Integration Case 1
Briefly describe what parts are being integrated and tested.
1.2.2 Integration Case 2
Briefly describe what parts are being integrated and tested.
1.2.3 Integration Case n
Continue describing the ICs, where integration case “n” is the last one and “n” is a number.
There should be a maximum of four or five IC descriptions.

Deliverable 1-10
Florida’s Statewide Systems Engineering Management Plan
Version 2 – March 7, 2005 J-2
1.2.4 Test Case 1
The contractor uses TCs to sell the system to the FDOT. Test cases may be designed and written
by an independent verification and validation (IV&V) contractor; FDOT personnel; or the
contractor’s engineers. The test plan and test procedures need to be approved by the FDOT
before they can be used. Provides a brief description of the first TC.
1.2.5 Test Case 2
Provide a brief description of the second TC. Continue describing the TCs until finished.
1.3 Milestone Demonstrations
Identify the functional threads in the system and the major functions they provide. Also identify
the number of milestone demonstrations that will be performed by the contractor.
1.3.1 Milestone Demonstration 1
Identify the purpose of the first milestone demonstration and what key functionality it provides.
1.3.2 Milestone Demonstration 2
Identify the purpose of the second milestone demonstration and what key functionality it
provides. Continue to describe the milestone demonstrations until finished. There should be a
minimum of two, and a maximum five or six, depending on the size of the project and the its
1.4 System Configurations
Describe the test configurations of the system for each milestone demonstration.
1.4.1 Milestone Demonstration 1 Configuration
1.4.2 Milestone Demonstration 2 Configuration
1.5 Definitions
Define any special definitions required to understand the test plan.

Deliverable 1-10
Florida’s Statewide Systems Engineering Management Plan
Version 2 – March 7, 2005 J-3
1.6 Glossary of Terms
List all acronyms used in the test plan and their explanation.
2. References
List all reference material that is used in the integration and testing plan. Do not list any
documents not specifically referenced in the body of the document. The references are typically
listed as a two-column table without showing the borders. The first column has the document
title and the publishing date, while the second column has the name and contact information of
the document publisher. This section always starts with the caveat:
The following documents are referenced in or were used in preparation of this
document to the extent specified herein. If a referenced document conflicts with
this document, this document shall take precedence.
3. Integration and Testing
Provides the details of the planned integration and acceptance testing. It is permissible to make
two separate documents, one for integration testing and one for acceptance testing, or they may
be combined, as this template suggests.
3.1 Integration Cases
Describe the integrations cases based on functional threads through the system. A functional
thread is a string of system components (i.e., hardware, firmware, and software) that can
demonstrate key functions of the system.
3.1.1 Integration Case 1
Provide the following:
• List the equipment needed.
• State the objective(s) of this test.
• List the requirements that will be verified by this test.
• Provide a brief description of the test procedure. A separate test procedure document
will provide detailed step-by-step procedures.

Deliverable 1-10
Florida’s Statewide Systems Engineering Management Plan
Version 2 – March 7, 2005 J-4
3.1.2 Integration Case 2
If an IC is further subdivided, then provide the above listed information for each subcase instead. Integration Subcase 2.1 Integration Subcase 2.2
3.1.3 Integration Case n
3.2 Test Cases
3.2.1 Test Case 1
3.2.2 Test Case 2
3.3 Milestone Demonstration Test Scripts
A script is a document that the test engineer follows to execute a test. Often a script is automated
through software control of the system under test. In the test plan, a general description is given
of the steps taken to result in the desired demonstration of functionality.
3.3.1 Milestone Demonstration 1
Describe the objective of the demonstration and the specific functions being demonstrated.
Discuss what happens after the demonstrations, such as whether the partial system will be left in
place to be operated in the interim until final delivery and acceptance. Discuss issues of system
ownership until final system acceptance. Discuss whether a site survey is required before the
demonstration and what the purpose of such a site survey would be. Discuss any specific
interfaces to legacy equipment and how those interfaces will be verified before the
demonstration. Discuss the plan for setting up the demonstration, how dry runs of the
demonstration will be performed, what process to follow if something doesn’t work right;
whether vendor/contractor training is required, and what amount of system documentation is
required to support the milestone demonstration. Ideally, the milestone demonstration should be
a concluding IC test so that ICs leading up to the demonstration build confidence in the success
of the project.
3.3.2 Milestone Demonstration 2
Continue describing the plan for the milestone demonstrations until finished.

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Florida’s Statewide Systems Engineering Management Plan
Version 2 – March 7, 2005 J-5
4. Functional Requirements
This section identifies the requirements and relates them to the tests described in the plan. It does
not restate the requirements.
4.1 Test Methods
This is a standard explanation of the four test methods already described in Section 3.2.1. Repeat
the text below in the test plan as stated below.
4.1.1 Inspection
The acceptance test procedures review and/or inspect the end item, including
its drawings and characteristics, during the actual performance of the
acceptance test.
4.1.2 Analysis
Analysis is an element of verification in the form of a statistical study of
previously collected data resulting in calculated data intended to verify a
requirement when an examination, test, or demonstration cannot feasibly be
used to verify the requirement. Such data, collected during a tightly controlled
test setup, may be composed of a compilation of acceptance test data, design
solutions, or data derived from lower-level tests. Satisfaction of the
requirement is performed by statistical analysis of the test data.
4.1.3 Demonstration
Demonstration is an element of verification that differs from testing in that it
verifies only the specific situation demonstrated but not the total requirement.
Demonstration is used in lieu of testing where system parameters are not
sufficiently controllable to provide a test that verifies the stated requirement
explicitly. In such cases, performance within the stated requirements will be
demonstrated for the specific case or cases. The capability to conform to the
requirement must be inferred from the successful completion of the specific
demonstration. The bulk of system testing should be demonstration tests
because they are relatively easy to set up and execute. The data requirements
for a demonstration test are minimal compared to a test type method.

Deliverable 1-10
Florida’s Statewide Systems Engineering Management Plan
Version 2 – March 7, 2005 J-6
4.1.4 Testing
Testing is an element of verification denoting the determination of the
properties and characteristics of equipment or components by technical
means, including functional operation, and the application of established test
principles and procedures. The analysis of data derived from a test is an
integral part of this verification element and should not be confused with
4.2 Requirements Traceability Verification Matrix
Provide a table listing identifying the requirements, the parent-child relationships, the test
method(s), and where the requirement is tested (i.e., IC or TC number). Refer to Figure 4.13 in
Chapter 4.
5. Notes
This section contains any special explanations or additional amplifying information required to
understand the test plan. This section should be included even if it contains no information in
early drafts.