Fillable Printable Voicemail Message Samples
Fillable Printable Voicemail Message Samples

Voicemail Message Samples

Sample 1
You have reached the offices of _____________. If this is a hospital calling or if you have an emergency
and you need to speak to the doctor on call, please press 0 now. Our office hours are ___ until ___ with a
lunch hour from ___ - _____. If you are calling in reference to a prescription refill, please press 1 now.
Thank you for calling.
Prescription information:
Our office does not refill prescriptions after hours. To help us serve you, please leave the
name of patient, phone #, medication needed, dosage, name and number of pharmacy if
possible; we will call you back as soon as possible.
Sample 2
You have reached the offices of __________________. Our office is closed at this time. If this is an
emergency and you need to speak to the doctor on call, please press 0 at any time during this message.
To leave a message for the office, please press 1. Our office hours are _____ until _____ with a lunch
hour from ______ -______.
Office message:
Please leave your name, the patient’s name, and your daytime phone number after the tone.
We will contact you as soon as possible.
Sample 3
You have reached the office of __________________. The office is closed at this time. If this is an
emergency, please press 0 now. Our office hours are _____. Our lunch hours are _____. If you are
calling in reference to a prescription refill, please press 1. If you are calling in reference to an
appointment, please press 2. If you are calling in reference to billing, please press 3.
Prescription information:
Our office does not refill prescriptions after hours. To help us serve you, please leave the
name of patient, phone #, medication needed, dosage, name and number of pharmacy if
possible; we will call you back as soon as possible.
Appointment information:
If you are calling in reference to an appointment_____
Billing information:
If you are calling in reference to billing, please call our office between_____ and _____ and
ask for _____or leave a message after the tone.
Sample 4
You have reached the office of ____________ Our office is closed at this time. If this is a hospital
calling, or a patient that had surgery recently, or you have an emergency please press 0 now. Our office
hours are_____________ Our lunch hours are__________________ To leave a message for the office
please press 1 now. Thank you.
Some numbers you may call to listen to sample scripts:
337-236-8351 337-236-8393 337-236-8045
337-236-8438 337-236-8076
337-236-8218 337-236-8297
Voicemail Samples - Medical