Fillable Printable Template For Work Breakdown Structure
Fillable Printable Template For Work Breakdown Structure

Template For Work Breakdown Structure

Template: Work Breakdown Structre v1.1
Template: Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure Outline
1 Activity
1.1 Task
1.1.1 Sub-Task
2 Activity
2.1 Task
2.1.1 Sub_task
2.1.2 Sub-Task
2.2 Task
2.2.1 Sub-Task
2.2.2 Sub-Task
2.2.3 Sub-Task
3 Activity
3.1 Task
3.1.1 Sub-Task
3.1.2 Sub-Task
3.2 Task
3.2.1 Sub-Task
3.2.2 Sub-Task
3.2.3 Sub-Task
(task numbering optional)
The Work Breakdown Structure identifies the project’s tasks and provides a framework for organizing and managing the
work. Two methods for presenting a work breakdown structure (WBS) are the WBS outline and the WBS diagram.
Use a top down approach to identify the major
components of work to be accomplished
Break each major component down to an appropriate
level of detail
Name each activity/task with a verb and a noun to
describe the work and the tangible result
Gather information from:
- other team members
- other project managers who have done similar
- previous project reviews
- other appropriate groups
- expert opinion
- existing Work Breakdown Structure examples

Template: Work Breakdown Structre v1.1
The Work Breakdown Structure identifies the project’s tasks and provides a framework for organizing and managing the
work. Two methods for presenting a work breakdown structure (WBS) are the WBS outline and the WBS diagram.
Use a top down approach to identify the major
components of work to be accomplished
Break each major component down to an appropriate
level of detail
Name each activity/task with a verb and a noun to
describe the work and the tangible result
Gather information from:
- other team members
- other project managers who have done similar
- previous project reviews
- other appropriate groups
- expert opinion
- existing Work Breakdown Structure examples

Template: Work Breakdown Structure v1.1
Template: Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure Diagram
(task numbering optional)
1.1.1 Sub-task 2.1.1 Sub-task 2.1.1 Sub-task 2.1.1 Sub-task 2.1.1 Sub-task 2.1.1 Sub-task
1.1.2 Sub-task 2.1.2 Sub-task 2.1.2 Sub-task 2.1.2 Sub-task 2.1.2 Sub-task 2.1.2 Sub-task
1.1.3 Sub-task 2.1.3 Sub-task 2.1.3 Sub-task 2.1.3 Sub-task
1.1.4 Sub-task 2.1.4 Sub-task
Project Name
1 Activity 2 Activity
2.1 Task 1.2 Task 1.1 Task 2.2 Task
The Work Breakdown Structure identifies the project’s tasks and provides a framework for organizing and
managing the work. Two methods for presenting a work breakdown structure (WBS) are the WBS outline
and the WBS diagram.
3 Activity
3.1 Task 3.2 Task