Fillable Printable AMC Theatres Application Form
Fillable Printable AMC Theatres Application Form

AMC Theatres Application Form

Application for Employment
An Equal Opportunity Employer
AMC Theatres is an equal opportunity company. We are dedicated to a policy of non-discrimination in employment on any basis
including race, colour, age, sex, religion, national origin, disability, or other classes protected by applicable federal, provincial, or local
Please Print Clearly
Name (Last, First, Middle):
Street Address:
City: Province: Postal Code:
Phone #: Other Phone #:
Position Desired: (check one) Usher
Box Office Cashier Concessionist
Wage Desired: Date you can start:
(please consider school, extra-curricular activities, and other obligations when filling out this section)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Can you work weekends and holidays?
Yes No If no, explain: _______________________________________
Are you at least 18 years of age?
Yes No If hired, can you show proof of age? Yes No
Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation? (You need not respond as to record of
convictions ordered expunged, sealed, or impounded.)
Yes No
Note: A conviction will not necessarily disqualify you from employment.
If yes, give dates of each conviction and explain complete details as to each: ____________________________________
Are you currently attending school?
Yes No If yes, where? ________________________________________
Days / Hours Attending: _______________________________________________________________________________
Have you ever applied to AMC before?
Yes No
If yes, where and when? ______________________________________________________________________________
Have you ever worked for AMC before?
Yes No
If yes, where and when? ______________________________________________________________________________
List any relatives that work for AMC: _____________________________________________________________________
Form #HR-0002 9.18.03

List All Previous Employment
Rate of
Place of Employment
& Supervisor
Reason for Leaving – Include whether you
were terminated or left voluntarily.
Explain any gaps in employment: _______________________________________________________________________
Are you currently employed?
Yes No May we contact your current employer? Yes No
I hereby authorize and request any and all of my former employers and any other person, firm, or corporation to furnish any
and all information concerning any credit-worthiness and personal background, and I hereby release each such employer or
other person, firm, or corporation from any and all liability by reasons of furnishing the requested information.
I understand that if employed any misrepresentation or omission of facts requested is cause for dismissal.
Applicant Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
I understand that if hired, I will be an employee at will and that both I and this Company will have the right to terminate my
employment at any time, with or without advance notice and with or without cause. This is called “employment at will” and no
one other than this Company’s president (and only if in writing, signed by the president and me) has the authority to alter this
agreement, to enter into any written agreement for employment for a specified time, or to make any written or oral agreement
contrary to this policy.
Applicant Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________