Fillable Printable YMCA Application Form
Fillable Printable YMCA Application Form

YMCA Application Form

The YMCA of Greater Providence is committed to providing equal employment opportunity in all employment
practices. We prohibit unlawful discrimination based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age,
national origin, physical or mental disability, ancestry, gender identity or expression, or anyother class protected by
federal, state, or local laws. The questions on this application are notintended to elicit information regarding
membership in any protected class. The YMCA will make reasonable accommodations to enable a qualified
individual with a disability to perform the essential functions of his or her job.
Please circle how you learned about the position for which you are applying:
YMCA Employee:
Walk in Newspaper ad Internet posting
YMCA Member/Volunteer Job Fair College Recruiting
Have you ever submitted an employment application to any branch of the YMCA of Greater Providence?
О yes О no If yes, when? _____________________________________________
Have you previously been employed by any branch of the YMCA of Greater Providence? О yes О no
Have you previously been employed by any YMCA? О yes О no
Do you have any relatives who are employed by any branch of the YMCA of Greater Providence?
О yes О no If yes, name? _________________________________________________
Will you need reasonable accommodations to participate in the selection procedures (i.e. job interview, written testing,
or job demonstration) or to perform the essential functions of the job for which you are applying??
О yes О no О unsure
Today’s Date: _____/_____/_______
First Middle Last
Position for which you are applying:
YMCA Branch Location:
Circle your availability: Part-Time Full-time Temporary Seasonal
Your address:
E-Mail Address:
Home or Cell Phone Number:
Are you at least eighteen (18) years of age? О yes О no
Are you authorized to work in the United States? О yes О no О unsure
***By law, an I-9 form must be completed by you within 72 hours of commencement of employment. ***

Please give accurate and complete information about your employment record. Start with your most recent employment.
Any work performed on a volunteer basis (that can be verified) may also be included.
Present or Last
Employer Address
From: Supervisor Phone: Last Rate of
To: Duties Reason for Leaving
Next Previous
Employer Address
From: Supervisor Phone: Last Rate of
To: Duties Reason for Leaving
Next Previous
Employer Address
From: Supervisor Phone: Last Rate of
To: Duties Reason for Leaving
Name and Location of School Major/Concentration Years completed or degree received
High School
Graduate School
Certification, training, or
skill (including foreign
language proficiency)
Certification/License #
Expiration Date (if

Please provide three references. If you have never been employed or have not had three employers, you may
list personal, non-family references. Examples of personalreferences could be a teacher, neighbor, coach,
clergyman or family friend.
Name Phone Number/Email Relationship
Name Phone Number/Email Relationship
Name Phone Number/Email Relationship
PLEASE BE ADVISED: The YMCA of Greater Providence is authorized to, and will confirm the information
requested below. NOTEfor Massachusetts area applicants: It is unlawful in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to
require or administer lie detector tests as a condition of employment. Please seek clarification with appropriate legal or
court resources if you are unsure about how to answer any of these questions
A conviction record will not necessarily be abar to employment. An applicant for employment with a sealed record on
file with the Commissioner of Probation may answer "no record" with respect to any inquiry above relative to prior
arrests, criminal court appearances or convictions. An applicant for employment may answer “No” if his or her
criminal record consists only ofone or more of the following: (1) an arrest, detention, or disposition regarding any
violation of law in which no conviction resulted; or (2) a case of delinquency or a child in need of services, which does
not result in a complaint transferred to the superior court for criminal prosecution..
1. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? О yes О no О no record
If yes, list nature of offense, dates of conviction, and dates of any incarceration associated therewith:
2. Have you been convicted of a misdemeanor? О yes О no О no record
If yes, please list the nature of the offense, date of conviction, and dates of incarceration associated therewith. You may
answer “No” if your criminal record consists of one or more of the following: (1) Any misdemeanor conviction where
the date of conviction or completion of incarceration occurred 5 or more years before the date of this application, unless
you were convicted of another offense during the past 5 years; or (2) A first conviction for drunkenness, simple assault,
speeding, minor traffic offenses, disturbance of the peace, or affray.
Branch:___________________ Rank at Discharge________________ Discharge Date____________
Describe your training, type of work done, and related skills associated with your military service:

Pre-Employment Background Review
In order to ensure that the YMCA of Greater Providence employs high quality staff, Iunderstand that as part of the
application process, an extensive inquiry will be made concerning my background, prior employment, activities, and
character. Iauthorize the YMCA to request myemployment record fromanyformer employer(s). I waive any right to
claim that such inquiries are an invasion of my privacy, since I amacknowledging that they will be made with my
consent. I understand that pre-employment inquiries will also include an examination of my conviction/criminal history
as well as any information in my background related to child abuse. I fully authorize and consent to such inquiries.
Employee Conduct Expectations
As an applicant, I understand that if I become an employee of the YMCA of Greater Providence, I am obligated to
comply with allpolicies and practices described in the Employee Handbook as wellas other policies and practices
described by my supervisor related to my job. I understand that during my employment, should theYMCA learn that I
have engaged in or am engaging in possible criminal activity, including, but not limited to,concerns regarding child
abuse, the YMCAwill take the concerns very seriously. Illegal or otherwise problematic off-duty conduct on the part
of an employee that unfavorably affects the Association's interests or the employee's ability to
perform his or her job will not be tolerated. I understand and acknowledge that the YMCA may be obligated to
investigate and/or communicate these concerns to certain third parties, including, but not limited tothe proper
authorities, agencies, and other concerned parties. I understand that YMCA employees and volunteers cannot fraternize
with YMCA youth members or participants outside of YMCA programs, including, but not limited to, babysitting or
inviting children off the YMCA premises.
I certify that all statements made by me on this application are true and complete to thebest of my knowledge. I
understand that any misrepresentation or omission of facts will exclude my being considered for employment. I
understand that if the YMCA discovers that I have falsified, omitted, or misrepresented any statements on this
application after I become employed, it may be grounds for immediate termination of employment.
I understand that if hired, employees of the YMCA are employed on an at-will basis. Employment may be terminated at
any time by either the employee or the YMCA for any reason not expressly prohibited by law.
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood, and voluntarily agree to all information described in this
application for employment.
Print Name
_______________________________ ________________________
Signature of Applicant Date