Fillable Printable Cheddar's Application Form
Fillable Printable Cheddar's Application Form

Cheddar's Application Form

Name: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________ Apt #: _______________________________
Position Desired: ___________________________________________________ Hourly Rate Expected: ___________________
*Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes:__________ No: __________
For employment with Cheddars you must be at least 16 years of age. Are you able to provide proof of age if hired?
Yes:__________ No: __________
For positions serving alcohol beverages: Are you 18 or older? Yes:__________ No: __________
Are you legally eligible for employment in the U.S? Yes:__________ No: __________
Have you previously worked for Cheddar’s? Yes:__________ No: __________
If yes, please complete the following:
Dates from: ______________________ to ____________________
Company: Position: Dates of
Hours Available (Please fill out schedule box.)
Applicant’s Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
First Interview: Date: ____________________ Given By: ________________________________________
Second Interview: Date: ____________________ Given By: ________________________________________
Name of School: Degree:Area of Study:
Reason for Leaving: ________________________________________________________________________________________
If yes, please explain: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Location: _____________________________________
Reason for Leaving:
Total hours available per week:
* Will not necessarily bar one from employment. Factors such as age and time of offense, nature and rehabilitation will be
taken into account.
City: _____________________________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ________________
Supervisor & Phone:
I understand and voluntaril y agree that:
1. Federal laws require that employers hire only individuals who are authorized to be lawfully employed in the United States. In
compliance with such laws, Cheddar’s will verify the status of every individual offered employm ent with the company. In this
connection, all offers of employment are subject to verification of the applicant’s identity and employment authorization, and it will be
necessary for you to submit such documents as are required by law to verify your identification and employment auth ori zation.
2. Any offer of employment I may receive from Cheddar’s is con tingent upon my successful completion of the company’s total pre-
employment screening process, including the company’s receiving references that it considers satisfactory completion of any post-job
offer pre-employment physical examin ation that the company may require.
3. I understand that as a condition of employme nt, I may be required to undergo and successfully pass a screen ing of alcohol and/or
drugs. If permitted by law to be paid by the company. I also understand and agree that, if emplo yed, I may be requir ed to submit an
alcohol or drug screening at a ny time at the discretion of Cheddar’s, if permitted by law.*
4. In processing my application for employment, the company may verify all the information provided by me, or may procure or have
prepared a consumer or an investigative consumer report for this purpose concerning, among other things, my prior employment,
military record, education, character general reputation, personal characteristics, criminal record and mode of living. I understand that
upon written request to the company. I will be informed of whether an inv estigative consumer report was requested and give n full
information as to the nature and scope of this investigation.
5. I authorize and request that all of my present and former em ployers and those individuals I have listed as personal references furnish
information about my employment record, including a statement of the reason for the termination of my employment, work performance,
abilities, and other qualiti es pertinent to my qualifications for employment, hereby releasing them from an y and all liability for damages
arising from furnishing the requested informa tion.
6. In consideration of my employment, I agree to comply with the policies, rules, regulations and procedures of the company and
understand that my employme nt and compensation can be terminated with or without cause or notice, and any time, at the option of
either the company or myself. I further understand that no manager or representative of the company, other than the President, has
any authority to enter into an y agreement with me for employment for any specified period of time or to make any agreement with me
from or contrary to any company policy. I further understand that any such agreement, if made, shall not be enforceable unless it is in
writing and signed by me and by the President.
7. I declare that I am qualified to perform all the duties of the position I am applying for.
8. Should I become involved in worker’s injury claim or any other litigation after employment by the company, I will allow Cheddar’s to
supply my employment records to all opposing parties.
9. I understand that under the Internal Revenue Service Code; all tips (both cash and those included on credi t card slips) received by an
employee in the course of employm ent must be reported to the employer. Employer must collect both income tax and employee’s
social security tax on tips reported from any wages due by the employee.
10. I understand (and agree) that Cheddar’s Inc. participates in the practice of tip allocation based upon h ours worked if the restaurant does
not meet the “minimum of 8% of sales” guideline established by the IRS. And, I further understand (and agree) that Cheddar’s I
approves of the practice of sharing tips among tipped employees. I also understand that tips will be used as a credit against the
minimum wage as permitted by federal and/or state law.
11. IN CONSIDERATION FOR MY EMPLOYMENT, I agree to keep confidential all information and material (training and o perational),
furnished by my employer. I will return any such material at the employer’s request, or at the termination of my employment.
12. If employed, I will receive Cheddar’s, Inc. policy regarding the responsible sale of alco hol. I will understand the policy, and agree to
abide by it.
13. If employed I will read and understand Ch eddar’s Safety Policy and agree to follow all policies relating to how I can contribute to
eliminating accidents. I will cooperate with any investigation of a claim, and get a second medical opinio n when requested by
Cheddar’s in the event I am involved in a n accident.
14. I agree to conform to all existing and future company rules and regulations and I understand that the company reserves the right to
change wages, hours, and working conditions as deemed necessary. I will familiarize myself with such rules, regulations, policies and
procedures now or hereafter in effect.
15. Finally, I understand that this is only an application for employment and neither an offer of or a contract of employment. No part of this
application shall be construed as an offer of employment or an employment contract.
Signature of Applicant ___________________________ ______________ ____________________ Date ______________________ _________
Thank you for your interest in Cheddar’s!
*Employees should note that state and local laws vary with request to the right on an emplo yer to conduct random drug test on employees. In
this connection, check with emplo yment law counsel before engaging in such testing.