Fillable Printable Commercial Trailer Rental Agreement
Fillable Printable Commercial Trailer Rental Agreement

Commercial Trailer Rental Agreement

Commercial Trailer Rental Agreement (Primary)
Renter Phone # Cell #
Address City State Zip
License No.
Exp. Date
Birth Date Social Security No.
Employer Address Phone Number
Renter's Insurance Carrier Agent Phone Number
Additional Drivers: Name
Age License Number
Model License Number State Vehicle Number
Time Out Date Date Deposits Received Amount
Time Due In Date Reservation Deposit
Time Actual In Date Damage Deposit $
Mileage Out Mileage In
Total Time Total Mileage
At Time of Check Out At Time of Check In
Milage taken from odometer installed Hours @ $ Actual Hours @ $
by manufacturer Days @ $ Actual Days @ $
Charges for late return of Trailer_________per day or Weeks @ $ Actual Weeks @ $
___________per hour whichever is highter
Est. Miles @ $ Actual Miles @ $
We provide physcial damage insurance covering Package Rental $ Package Rental $
damage to the Trailer with a Dealers Deductible of Sub-Total $ Sub-Total $
$________ . If the Trailer is damaged, you are Tax % $ Tax % $
responsible for the Dealers Deductible amount. Cleaning Charge $ Cleaning Charge $
MBA 2008 - Commercial Trailer
Generator Charge $ Generator Charge $
( ) RD Reflectors ( ) ( )
( ) $
( ) Flares ( ) ( )
( ) $
Total Charge $
( ) Fire Extinguisher ( ) ( )
( ) $
Less Deposit $
( ) Spare Tire ( ) ( )
( ) $
Due at
( ) Electric Cord ( ) ( )
( ) $
Check In
( ) Gas Bottle & Reg. ( ) ( )
( ) $
( ) Keys ( ) ( )
( ) $
Estimated Damage $
( ) Jacks ( ) ( )
( ) $
Total Additional
( ) Safety Chains ( ) ( )
( )
Total Advance Charges $
( ) Hitch ( ) ( )
( )
( ) Brake Connection ( ) ( )
( )
Less Advance
( ) Resistor ( ) ( )
( )
Payment Deposit
( ) Ball ( ) ( )
( )
( ) El Plug ( ) ( )
( )
Payment Due
( ) License Plate ( ) ( )
( )
Received By:
At Checkout
( ) H-Springs ( ) ( )
( )
You have notified your insurance agent of your intention to
You have carefully examined the Trailer wheels and hitch and
haul the Trailer. You have been advised by your agent
found them both satisfactory.
that your liability and property damage insurance covers your
risk of liability for injury or damage to others or their propert
and your insurance policy have been endorsed accordingly.
ou acknowled
e that
ou have been
iven an o
to read the Term and Conditions
of this Agreement before being asked to sign. Your signature authorizes us to process a credit card voucher for
all charges due us under this agreement, including later payment of any traffic,toll or parking violations assessed
ainst the Trailer.
Additional Renter
MBA 2008 - Commercial Trailer
1. Definitions. "Agreement" means all terms and conditions found on this form page and any other documents you sign
or that we give you at the time of rental. "You" or "your" means the person identified as the renter or additional renter on
this form, all Author ized Drivers, and any person or organization to whom charges are billed by us at its or the renters’
direction. All persons referred to as "you" or "your" are jointly and severally bound by this Agreement. "We", "our" or "us"
means the business renting the Trailer to you. "Authorized Driver" means you and any additional driver listed by us on this
Agreement. "Trailer" means the non-motorized trailer identified in this Agreement and any trailer we substitute for it.
"Loss of Use" means the loss of our right to use the Trailer for an y reason because of damage to it or loss of it during this
rental. Loss of Use is calculated by multiplying the number of days from the date of loss or damage to the Trailer until it is
replaced or repaired times the daily rental rate. “Diminished Value” means the difference between the actual cash value of
the Trailer just prior to damage or loss less the value of the Trailer after its repair. If we elect not to repair the Trailer
“Diminished Value” means the difference between the actual cash value of the Trailer just prior to damage or loss less the
salvage or sale va lue of the Trailer. Initial Here__________
2. Rental, Indemnity and Warranties. This is a contract for rental of the Trailer. We may repossess the Trailer at your
expense without notice to yo u, if the Trailer is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement. You agree to
indemnify us, defend us and hold us harmless from all claims, liability, costs and attorney fees we incur resulting from, or
arising out of, this rental and your use of the Trailer. We make no warranties, express, implied or apparent,
regarding th e Trailer, no warranty of m erchantability and no warran ty that th e Trailer is fit for a particular
purpose. Ini tial Here__________
3. Condition and Return of Trailer. You must return the Trailer to the place and on the date and time specified in this
Agreement, and in the same condition that you received it, except for ordinary wear. If the Trailer is returned after closing
hours, you remain responsible for the safety of, and any damage to, the Trailer until we inspect it upon our next opening for
business. Service to the Trailer or replacement of parts or accessories during the rental must have our prior approval.
Initial Here__________
4. Responsibility for Damage or Loss; Reporting to Police. You are responsible all damage to, or loss or theft of, the
Trailer, including damage caused by weather, road conditions and acts of nature, whether or not you are at fault. You are
responsible for the cost of repair or the actual retail cash value of the Trailer if it is not repairable or if we elect not to repair
it. You are also responsible for Loss of Use, Diminished Value, missing equipment, and a reasonable charge to cover our
administrative expenses connected with any damage claim, You must report all accidents involving the Trailer to us and the
police within 24 hours of occurrence. Ini ti a l Here_______
5. Prohibited Uses. The following uses of Trailer are prohibited: (a) transporting dangerous or hazardous items or
illegal materiel; (b) transporting living persons; (c) towing the Trailer by anyone under the influence of drugs
or alcohol; (d) allowing the Trailer to be towed by anyone who is not a renter or an Authorized Driver; (e) any
use of the Trailer by anyone who obtained the Trailer or extended the rental period by giving us false,
fraudulent or misleading information; (f) use of the Trailer in furtherance of any illegal purpose or under any
circumstance that would constitute a violation of law other than a minor traffic citation; (g) use of the Trailer
outside the United States or Canada; (h) use of the Trailer when loaded beyond its capacity, as determined by
the manufacturer of the Trailer; (i) towing the Trailer through or under any structure without sufficient
overhead or side clearance; (j) use of the Trailer when it is reasonable to expect you to know that further
operation would damage the Trailer; (k) using the Trailer in a manner that causes damage to it due to
inadequately secured cargo; (l) damaging the Trailer by your intentional, wanton, willful or reckless conduct;
and, (m) damaging the Trai ler by placing si gns, lettering or painting on the Trailer. Initial H ere__________
6. Insurance. We provide primary collision and comprehensive insurance on the Trailer with a per-occurrence deductible.
Our insurance has a per-occurrence deductible, the amount of which is shown as Dealers’ Deductible on the reverse. You
are responsible for damage to the Trailer up to the deductible amount. The coverage does not extend to the contents of the
Trailer. You must provide liability insurance coverage on the Trailer through the motor vehicle insurance policy covering the
towing vehicle. Initi a l Here__________
7. Charges.
You agree to pay us on demand for all charges due us under this Agreement, including, but not limited to:
(a) time, and mileage (if applicable), for the period you keep the Trailer; (b) applicable taxes; (c) all traffic, toll or parking
violations, fines, penalties, citations, forfeitures, court costs, towing and storage charges and other expenses involving the
Trailer assessed against us or the Trailer; if you fail to pay a traffic or toll charge to the charging authority, you will pay us
all fees owed to the charging authority plus our administrative fee of $100 for each such charge; (d) all costs we incur
recovering the Trailer if you fail to return it as agreed above; (e) all costs, including pre- and post-judgment attorney fees,
we incur collecting payment from you or otherwise enforcing our rights under this Agreement; (f) a 5% late payment fee on
all amounts paid past the due date; (g) $100 or the maximum amount permitted by law, whichever is greater, if you pay
us with a check returned unpaid for any reason; and (h) a reasonable fee not to exceed $500 to clean the Trailer, if
returned substantially less clean than when rented. We will not refund any of the time or mileage charges if you return the
Trailer earlier than the date or time due in. Initial Here__________
8. Deposit. We may use your deposit to pay any monies owed to us under this Agreement, including our estimate of
damages to the Trailer. Initi a l Here__________
9. Modifications. No term of this Agreement can be waived or modified except by a writing that we have signed. This
Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. All prior representations and agreements between you
and us regarding this rental are merged into this Agreement. Initial Here__________
10. Waiver. A waiver by us of any breach of this Agreement is not a waiver of any additional breach or waiver of the
performance of your obligations under this Agreement. Our acceptance of payment from you or our failure, refusal or
neglect to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other provision of this
Agreement. You release us from any liability for consequential, special or punitive damagesin connection with this rental or
the reservation of a trailer. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions
are valid and enforceable. Initial He re_______ MBA NATDA Primary Trailer