Fillable Printable Sample Trailer Rental Agreement
Fillable Printable Sample Trailer Rental Agreement

Sample Trailer Rental Agreement

This Trailer Rental Agreement is made by and between ___________________________, hereby known
as “Renter,” and Taos Climate Controlled Self Storage, hereby known as “Owner.”
I , ______________________________, Renter, hereby agree to rent Owner’s Cargo or Flatbed trailer
(circle one) on ______________________ for $1.00 and other valuable consideration. It will be used
only to move property to TAOS CLIMATE CONTROLLED SELF STORAGE and only within Taos
County, New Mexico. Trailer shall be returned by 5:pm at the end of the day of rental.
I agree that I am responsible for any & all bodily injury or property damage that may occur while it is in
my possession. Further, I agree to hold the owner absolutely harmless from any responsibility for any
claim whatsoever during the time of my use.
The value of the Cargo trailer is hereby agreed to be $7,500.00 The value of the Flatbed trailer is hereby
agreed to be $3,500.00. I agree to pay the owner up to the $7,500.00 for any damage to the Cargo trailer,
or up to the $3,500.00 for any damage to the Flatbed trailer, depending on which trailer I use. Repair
costs will be determined solely by ________________________, of Taos, New Mexico.
I agree that any and all charges for damage to the trailer I use may be deducted from my credit card.
Initials _____
(If not on file, my credit card no. is:_________________________________, Name on
Card_________________________. Card Type:____________, Security Code_____, Expiration
Date:________, Mailing address zip Code:______)
I understand agree that it is my responsibility to make sure trailer is properly and safely connected to
towing vehicle! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Initials _____
The trailers shall be moved only with fully functioning trailer lights, and I agree that it is my
responsibility to confirm lights are functioning.! ! ! ! ! ! Initials _____
Only the person signing below will move the trailer.! ! ! ! ! Initials _____
I have inspected the trailer and noted any pre-existing damage on reverse side of contract. Initials ____
Social Security No: _______________________ Driver’s License No: _______________________
Copy of Vehicle Registration ! _______attached______
Copy of Certificate of Insurance!_______attached______
Copy of Driver’s License ! _______attached______
Name/Driver: ___________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________
Telephone # :___________________ Storage Unit Number ________
Signature of Taos Climate Controlled Self Storage
142 Hwy 522 • El Prado, New Mexico 87529 • 575-758-2785