This agreement is entered into as of the dates set forth at the end of this Agreement by
and between KIRK GREINER (hereinafter "Consultant") and attorney _________________
__________________ (hereinafter "Client").
Case name ____________________________________________________________
Court in which filed _____________________________________________________
Case number ___________________________________________________________
1.1 Consultant will be av ailable to commence work for a Client upon receipt of a retainer
specified in paragraph 4.4 below.
1.2 Consultant agrees not to work for any other person or party involved in this case on
matters relating to this case for two weeks after he is verbally retained, or upon acceptance of the
retainer set forth below. Should the two weeks lapse without receipt of the retainer and signed
Consulting Agreement, Consultant is free to accept work from any other party.
2.1 Consultant agrees to perform consulting and/or expert witness services as requested by
Client and in connection with such services agrees to perform such investigation, document
review, studies and research so as to be able to consult with Client and/or advise Client as an
expert witness with respect to Consultant's findings. Consultant agrees to verbally repo rt his facts,
conclusions and findings to Client and, if desired by Client, Consultant will prepare a written
report and cause it to be sent or delivered to client. Consultant also agrees to assist in trial
preparation and to testify as an expert witness in those areas in which he is qualified.
2.2 The full scope of Consultant's work will be determined as the matter proceeds, and
will be subject to the needs and requests of Client. Consultant and Client agree that Consultant
will be performing services to this Agreement as an Independent Contractor.
2.3 Upon request, Consultant will provide an estimate of the time and costs it will take to
perform the work outlined by the Client. If it becomes apparent to Consultant that he will need to
exceed the estimates provided to complete his work, he will provide Client with a rev ised estimate
and shall proceed only after being granted permission by Client.
3.1 Consultant agrees to retain all non-public information obtained from Client as
confidential and agrees not to release or discuss any of such information unless Consultant has
obtained the prior consent of Client or is otherwise forced, compelled, or required to disclose this
information by operation of law or applicable government authority.

4.1 Fees are billed to the Client by the tenth of an hour with a minimum charge of .2 of an
hour as follows:
4.1.1 Travel time at ONE HUNDRED FIFTY dollars ($150.00) per hour when away
from the local area.
4.1.2 Testimony at either trial or depo sition at a THREE HUNDRED dollars ($300) an
hour. This rate applies to office or courtroom waiting time as well as actual time testifying.
4.1.3 All other work including research, report preparation and telephone calls, TWO
HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE dollars ($225) per hour.
4.2 When in the local area away from the Consultant's office, time at the rate set forth
in paragraph 4.1.3 is billed from the time of departure from Consultant's office until the time of
4.3 Each full day away from the local area (Seattle, Washington) on assignment is billed
on the basis of an eight hour day. Where more than eight hours work or travel is performed in one
day, the actual time is billed. Day of departure and day of return are prorated.
4.4 A non-reimbursable retainer of $2000 is charged for each case. Billings for services
performed or expenses incurred will be charged against the retainer until such time as it is
exhausted. Consultant reserves the right to require advances for anticipated work and expenses.
4.5 Permission to use Consultant's name or in any way indicate that he is an expert witness
or Consultant for Client's side of the case, either formally or informally with other parties, is not
granted until the retainer has been paid the signed Consulting Agreement received.
4.6 Notwithstanding the Agreement of Consultant to bill Client at an hourly rate in one
tenth of an hour increments for services performed, the following minimum fees will be due,
whether or not Consultant is required to spend the amount of time necessary to result in these
minimum fees if time was charged on an hourly basis. The minimum fees and types of services
exclusive of travel to which they apply are as follows:
4.6.1 Attendance at court to assist Client, testify as an expert witness, or while waiting at
court for an opportunity to testify or assist Client in court - $700.00.
4.6.2 The above are minimum billings and if actual time spent results in an amount due
which exceeds these minimums, then the actual amount will be due.
4.7 Fees and rates, once established for a job, will not be increased for that job
for a period of one year even though fees or rates may increase for new
jobs. Twelve months after being retained, fees may be raised to those
currently charged other Clients at that time but shall not exceed a 10%
increase per year.

5.1 Travel and miscellaneous expenses, including long distance calls, are charged at cost
plus ten percent. Travel by car is at the rate of forty cents a mile. No mileage expense is charged in
the local Seattle area.
5.2 Travel will be performed by the most economical means compatible with the Client's
time constraints except that first class air travel accommodations may be used for all flights of
more than five hours duration including cumulative time where connecting flights are required.
5.3 Client may avoid the 10% surcharge on expenses by furnishing travel and lodging
which is billed directly to Client by the carrier or hotel.
6.1 Invoices will be tend ered after the end of each month. A detailed breakdown is
furnished itemizing each charge for the month. Billings from the previous month not paid will be
noted as, "Previous Balance". Payment made out to Kirk Greiner is due 28 days after the
invoice date. Late charges at the rate of 1.5% per month will be added to bills not paid within 30
6.2 The payment of all fees and expenses is the responsibility of the attorney Client
notwithstanding Client's relationship with third parties, contingency arrangements, subrogation,
etc. This responsibility cannot be avoided by the attorney Client by signing this Agreement as
“agent” for his client or in any other way so as to shift responsibility for Consultant’s fees to
someone else. As a convenience, Consultant may agree to prepare separate billing to an attorney
takin g Consult ant's discovery deposition, but the responsibility for payment remains that of the
attorney Client. Failure to include a chargeable item in one billing shall not constitu te a waiver of
the right to assess the charges in a subsequent billing.
6.3 Questions concerning specific billings are welcomed and requests for corrections
must be submitted within 30 days after date of billing in ques tion.
7.1 This Agreement ma y be terminated by Client upon 15 days written notice for any
reason. Upon termination of Consultants services by Client, Client shall immediately pay all fees
and expenses incurred by Consultant, subject to receipt of an updated billing.
7.2 Consultant may terminate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) days written notice if
payments are not made within 60 days of the date billing is mailed. This does not relieve Client in
any way from payment for services rendered or expenses incurred.

8.1 The parties agree that any action which is required to be filed to enforce the terms of
this Agreement or any issue arising from this contract or the services performed under it shall be
filed in King County or Snohomish County, State of Washington.
8.2 In the event that either party is required to retain the services of an attorney to enforce
the provisions of this Agreement, then in such case the Client agrees to pay reasonable attorney's
fees and all costs and expenses incurred by Consultant including collection costs, provided that
Consultant is the prevailing party in said matter either by settlement, litigation or otherwise.
9.1 All actions arising out of the performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the
laws of the State of Washington.
The parties do hereby execute this Agreement at the places and dates set forth below.
Date - __________________ Location - Edmonds, Washington
Captain Kirk Greiner, Consultant
Date - Location
Client Signature
Client name typed or printed
704 3/2/07