Fillable Printable Sample Consultancy Agreement
Fillable Printable Sample Consultancy Agreement

Sample Consultancy Agreement

[Appendix A]
Nest time you need an agreement, use this one. It has stood the test of time and
can cover just about any eventuality. How do I know that, I’ve used it for ten
years and it was put together by some very expensive legal experts.
BETWEEN: Name here (Hereinafter referr ed as the Company)
AND: Name here (Hereinafter referred to as the Consultant)
Whereas the Company wishes to obtain advisory and consulting services from
the Consultant as its independent external consultant for business development
and the Consultant agrees to assist the Company with such services as an
independent external consultant under the terms and the conditions set forth in
this Agreement.
Article 1
1. The Company hereby appoints the Consultant as its external consultant and
the Consultant hereby agrees to provide inde pendent advisory and consultin g
services to the Company in the field of (to be completed)
2. The tasks of the Consultant shall consist in the development of new clients
(approved in advance by the Company) in the aforestated field including
discussion of terms and conditions with actual or potential clients but with the
exception of the signing of any contractual undertaking in that respect, unless
specifically authorised by the Company.
3. The Consultant shall carry out its services as specified in the present
Consultancy Agreement.
Article 2
Duration and termination

1. This contract (hereafter the Agreement) shall enter into force for an indefinite
duration on (to be completed)
2. The present Agreement may be terminated by each party with one (1) month
advance written notice per c ommenced peri od of seniority of one (1) year and
without exceeding in total six (6) months sent by registered mail, which takes
effect the third working day following the date of mailing. The end of the
notice coinciding with the end of the calendar month.
3. In the event that the serious misconduct or serious fault is of such a nature
that it renders impossible the definitive continuation of any professional
relationship, the aggrieved party shall have the right to terminate the
Consulting Agreement at once, without notice or indemnity, by sending a
registered letter to the other party in which the termination is effected and by
sending, also by registered mail, within seven (7) days thereof the facts or
reason justifying such termination for cause.
4. The Agreement shall automatically terminate in case of death or disability of
the Consultant without notice or indemnity.
Conditions of performance of services
1. The Consultant shall perform the services in a completely independent
manner and under its sole responsibility. The Consultant cannot commit or
otherwise bind the Company unless specifically authorised by the Company.
The services provided under this contract shall be rendered by the
Consultant, via its President or via any other person designated by the
Consultant subject to the prior express approval of the Company.
2. The Consultant shall perform the services conscientiously and shall devote
his best efforts and abilities thereto, at such time during the term thereof, in
such manner as the Company and the Consultant shall mutually agree.
3. The Consultant shall perform his activities under the present Agreement on
an entirely independent basis and will never act or consider himself as an
employee or agent of the Company. This agreement shall not constitute a
partnership between the parties hereto.
Without prejudice to its general obligation of proper performance of the
services, the Consultant shall be able, with complete freedom and
independence, to organise its activities and shall only have to render account
of the specific duties or services accomplished under the present Agreement,
but shall not be required to account for his working methods. The Company

shall never exert over the Consultant any part of authority, which an em ployer
is normally vested with.
The Consultant is solely responsible for the payment of the social security
contributions and tax obligations, including VAT, with respect to the fees paid
under the present Agreement.
4. This Consultancy Agreement is non-exclusive. The Company is free to
consult other experts in the Consultant’s field of specialisation and the
Consultant retains the right to provide similar services to other parties, unless
those parties carry on any activities in competition with the activities of the
Article 4
Copyright / Confidentiality
1. The Consultant transfers to the Company, the future copyright in or on any
and all written documents prepared by the Consultant for the Company or
upon the Company’s request within the framework of this Agreement.
2. The Consultant acknowledges that during the course of the consulting
activities within the framework of this Agreement confidential information
regarding the Company may be exchanged between the contracting parties.
The Consultant shall keep secret and confidential all such information during
the course of the Agreement and after the termination of this Agreement. The
Consultant shall not use such information other than for this Agreement.
Such information includes but is not limited to:
• All drawings, formulae, specifications, books, software, instruction manuals,
daily reports, minutes of meetings, journals and accounts, business and trade
secrets, oral or written data, whether concerning the existing or future
business, methods, processes, techniques or equipment of the Company, its
parent Company, subsidiaries or branch offices;
• The identity of the clients Company, its parent company, subsidiaries or
branch offices and any other information relating to such clients.
3. Any violation of the secrecy obligation during the course of the present
Agreement may be considered by the Company as a cause justifying
immediate termination of the present Agreement, without notice and without
prejudice to the right of the Company to claim damages.
4. Upon termination of this Agreement or upon the Company’s request, the
Consultant shall return to the Company all documents of whatever nature,

notes, reports, letters and faxes relating to the Company and which he has
received for the execution of the present Agreement.
Article 5
Non-competition and unfair competition
The Consultant will refrain from actively soliciting the clients for which he has
actively worked during the last 2 years under this Agreement for a period of one
(1) year after termination of this Agreement, in areas associated with this
Article 6
1. [The time period and percent age amounts can be modified as required] In the
event that the Consultant brings in an assignment, the Company shall pay
(after receiving payment from the client) a fee equal to xx% (xx p ercent) in t he
first year, xx% (xx percent) in the second year and xx% (xx percent) in the
third year of the monthly net sum billed to the clients brought by the
Consultant, during a period of three years following the first invoice sent to the
client by the Company. The consultant shall be paid in (state curren cy)
When the Consultant is working for the Company, on their request, on
projects gained by the Company, the Company shall pay to the Consultant a
fixed daily fee in (state currency plus VAT). This fee shall be determined in
advance by the Company and paid agains t submiss ion of a monthly invoice.
2. The Consultant has the right to ask documents relating to the amounts billed
to the clients and the payments made by clients in order to verify the amount
due to him.
3. In addition to the compensation fixed in the first paragraph of this article,
subject to the remittance of invoices, notes or any mutually acceptable
evidence, the Company shall also reimburse expenses, subject to prior
approval by the Company.
In case their exists already contacts with the c lient and the Company, no fees
will be due to the Consultant, unless the development of that relationship with
the client is approved in advance in writing by the Company.
4. Upon termination of this Agreem ent, for whatever reason, the Consultant shall
be entitled to receive the contractual compensation for all business brought
until the date of actual termination of the agreement.
Except in case of termination for cause, the Consultant shall also be entitled
to the contractual compensation for any business brought by him or

attributable to him, which the Company can invoice to such clients within six
(6) months following the date of actual termination of the Agreement.
Article 7
No party to this Agreement may assign or delegate any of its/his right, duties,
powers or responsibilities thereunder without prior consent of the other party,
given in writing.
Article 8
All notices to be given under this Agreement, except in case of termination, shall
be made by registered mail or by courier to the address of each party.
Article 9
Severance and public restrictions
If any provision of this Agreement is declared void or unenforceable by any
judicial or administrative authority, this shall not nullify the remaining provisions of
this Agreement, provided that the cancellation of such provision does not
substantially alter the economic interest of either party in the continued
performance of this Agreement.
Article 10
Governing law and Jurisdiction
This Agreement is governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of (state
country or state) Any dispute arising in connection with this Agreement and which
cannot be settled on an amicable basis shall be submitted to the exclusive
jurisdiction of Courts of such State.
Article 11
Prior agreements
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relative to
the matters referred to herein and supersedes any other agreement, whether oral
or writing, which may have existed between the Company and the Consultant.
Any modification or amendments of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall
become effective if and when signed by both parties.
Executed in two (2) original copies, each party acknowledging having receipt of
one original copy,
By : ______________ ______ _________ ___ _