Fillable Printable Educator CV Template
Fillable Printable Educator CV Template

Educator CV Template

Curriculum Vitae
7669 Chesterfield Road • Baltimore, MD 21201
Home: 410-224-6649 • Cell: 410-224-6647
Accomplished career demonstrating consistent success as an Administrator and Educator at the secondary and
higher education levels. Outstanding track record in assuring student success.
Seasoned in conceiving and building programs from the ground up through proven competencies in grant writing
and administration, project and program management, and staff development and empowerment.
Extensive background of developing and implementing special programs for at-risk and special needs students,
racially and ethnically diverse populations, and second-language learners.
Effective communicator with excellent planning, organizational, and negotiation strengths as well as the ability to
lead, reach consensus, establish goals, and attain results.
Ed.D., Educational Finance and Policy, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, 1988
: An Analysis of the Program Cost and Intensity of Service of Public and Nonpublic Special Education in
M.Ed., Educational Management and Supervision,
Loyola College, School of Management and
Administration, Baltimore, MD, 1978
B.S., Elementary and Special Education, Towson State University, Towson, MD, 1976
Recipient, Graduate Assistantship Award, Loyola College, 1977 to 1978
Graduated Magna Cum Laude, Towson State University, 1976
Adjunct Associate Professor, Goucher College, Baltimore, MD, 1997 to Present
Teach Educational Psychology, Foundations of American Education, and Classroom Management to classes
averaging 20 students. Supervise Student Teachers at Gettysburg Area High School.
Adjunct Instructor, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 1997 to Present
Teach Current Trends in Education, Students with Special Needs and Diverse Learning Styles, and Learning
Theory and Human Development to graduate students in class sizes averaging 20 students.
Senior Lecturer, Coppin State University, Baltimore, MD, 1991 to 1996
Taught course on the Nature and Needs of Exceptional Children to classes of 25 to 30 undergraduate students.
Lecturer, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1984 to 1996
Taught course on Adapting the Secondary Curriculum for Special Education Students to graduate students in
class sizes averaging 15 students.

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Undergraduate Graduate
Nature and Needs of Exceptional Children
Educational Psychology
Adapting the Secondary Curriculum for Special
Education Students
Foundations of American Education •
Students with Special Needs/Diverse Learning Styles
Classroom Management
Learning Theory and Human Development
Current Trends in Education
Principal, Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, Montgomery County Public Schools, Bethesda, MD, 1995 to Present
Principal for 1,200-student high school serving grades 9-12. Direct all aspects of school operations, including
instructional leadership, grant writing and management, program planning and implementation, staff selection and
evaluation, student placement and discipline, school finance, and plant supervision.
Administer a $500,000 annual operating budget and supervise 130 professional and classified staff members.
Chair Gettysburg Area High School Diversity Committee; built strong ties with the minority community to create
a climate of acceptance for minorities where all students feel accepted.
Procured and administered $300,000 grant for Classrooms for the Future, and $400,000 grant for Project 720
(high school reform initiative) over a 4-year period through the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Achieved measurable success with at-risk students through the development of an alternative education program
and ninth grade teams for at-risk freshman as well as implementation of Project 720.
Developed, proposed, and implemented block scheduling, JROTC, and student advisory programs.
Consistently meet/exceed Annual Yearly Progress goals set forth by the No Child Left Behind Act.
Involved in all aspects of $40 million high school construction project as well as relocation of students and staff
members into the new facility.
Principal, Montgomery Blair High School; Montgomery County Public Schools, Silver Spring, MD, 1991 to 1995
Principal for 1,000-student high school serving grades 9-12. Managed program development and evaluation,
curriculum and instruction, teacher training, and district responsibilities. Served as Special Education Coordinator.
Administered a $100,000 annual operating budget and supervised 100 professional and classified staff members.
Implemented an alternative education program; created a climate conducive to academic achievement by reducing
class sizes. Program resulted in a 70% success rate among at-risk youth.
Served on a task force that was instrumental in defining the relationship between Washington County Public
Schools and local law enforcement agencies.
Organized and directed annual Teacher Expectations and Student Achievement (TESA) workshop for faculty.
Achieved numerous citations from Washington County for improved school attendance.
Assistant Principal, Walt Whitman High School; Baltimore County Public Schools, Baltimore, MD, 1988 to 1991
Assistant Principal for 2,000-student high school serving grades 9-12. Primary responsibilities included student
discipline, attendance, instructional supervision, and staff evaluation.
Administered a $300,000 annual operating budget and supervised 150 professional and classified staff members.
Instrumental in the development and implementation of the Saturday School for Disruptive Students program.
Received accolades from teachers for enhancing the success of ninth grade students through the creation of
alternative education program and coordination of ninth grade teams.

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Principal/Assistant Principal, Calvert School, Baltimore, MD, 1980 to 1988
Assisted in successfully transformed private education institution on the brink of closing its doors into a major
provider of special education services for emotionally disturbed and learning disabled students.
Hired staff, developed and administered budget, coordinated educational and clinical services, supervised students
and activities, selected and assigned staff in-service programs, and astutely observed staff performance.
Garnered support from Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities on dissertation that
confirmed it was less expensive to pursue quality special education services in the private sector.
Learning Problems Resource Teacher, Chesapeake High School, Baltimore, MD, 1976 to 1980
Fourth Grade Teacher, General Wolfe Elementary School, Baltimore, MD, 1976
Special Education Teacher, John Eager Howard, Baltimore, MD, 1976
Woods, Daniel, A. (1990), “Staff Development for Mid-Career Faculty.” Presented at the Maryland Association
of Secondary School Principals and Assistant Principals annual conference, Columbia, MD.
Woods, Daniel, A. (1989), “Youth Suicide Prevention.” Presented to Carroll County Public School Special
Education Teachers in Inservice Day, New Windsor, MD.
Woods, Daniel, A. (1984), “Creating Effective Schools,” seminar at the Maryland Association of Nonpublic
Special Education Facilities Inservice Conference, Columbia, MD.
Advisory Board Member, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Task Force, The Maryland Association of Elementary
and Secondary School Principals (MAESSP), 2007
Member, Nominations Committee, The Maryland Association of Elementary and Secondary School Principals
(MAESSP), 2005 to 2008
Chairman, Diversity Committee, Baltimore Area School District, 2005 to 2008
Executive Board Member, Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals (MASSP), 1991 to 1995
Executive Board Member, Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association (MPSSAA), 1991 to 1995
Chairman, Legislative Committee, Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals, (MASSP), 1991 to 1995
President, Association of Public School Administrators and Supervisors of Carroll County (APSASCCO), 1995
Chairman, Spring Conference Committee, Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals, (MASSP), 1994
Member, Visiting Committee, Middle States Evaluation of Northeastern High School, 1989
Chairperson, Conference Committee, Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities
(MANSEF), 1988
Chairperson, Department of Special Services, Carroll County Public Schools, 1980

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Maryland Letter of Eligibility for Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Director, Assistant Director,
Principal, Assistant Principal, 1987
Trained Assessor, Assessment Center Program, National Association of Secondary School Principals, 1995
National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Annual Conference, Atlanta GA; Orlando, FL; San
Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; Reno NV; Las Vegas, NV; 2002 to 2007
Maryland Department of Education Seminars: Project 720, Baltimore, MD 2004; Classrooms for the Future,
Baltimore, MD, 2007
Institute for Instructional Leadership and Human Relations, Maryland Professional Development Academy, 1989
and 1990
Student Assistance Program Training, Maryland State Department of Education, 1988
Institute for Teacher Effectiveness, Maryland Professional Development Academy, 1987 and 1988
Board Member, Communities that Care, Baltimore, MD, 2005 to 2007
Member, Baltimore County Task Force, Baltimore, MD, 2005 to 2006
Board Member, Baltimore Community Athletic League, Baltimore, MD, 1991 to 1995